Monday, July 4, 2022

Storm Before Calm

So, with the Select Committee on vacation and Nancy LousyLollaPelosi in over-drive occupied with the fact that Paul wrecked her pajama party Porsche…OK Corral, a break in the action, just another “Bad Hair Day” for the House “Boss”! And the last time we saw Kevin McCarthy of the “Legitimate Political Discourse” affiliation he was climbing up Donald Trump’s asshole who was climbing up Putin’s asshole, wow talk about a “Turducken”! With a side of “Haggis” a debona “chicken little” a debona “quack” and a debona “turkey”. It is pure “Crazy Psycho Shit” with politics, as when we have such a “Divide”, it is dueling banjoes “Deliverance” and that is when the likes of the Supreme Court will take advantage of the situation. The Robert’s “Goons” are contributing to this “Divide”! Look, the Clarence Clowns don’t even have the wherewithal to understand the 1st Amendment! Without that, we have been taken over by Putin…I hear something coming our way! Hot fun in the summertime and remember “The Revolution will be televised”. But I guess Nancy taught the beau britches the correct way to negotiate a traffic light, as just a suggestion the same way Congress works, I meant behaves these days, divide by constipation. Now as the 4th of July weekend approaches, it is bombs away sea to shining sea which relates to pet dogs shitting every which way stools loose – as with the “tony town” explosives comes explosive diarrhea. Look, it is the “Working Man’s Blues” for most Americans this go around the day we once celebrated in earnest All Americans, as can’t afford thum imported “cherry bombs” as with “the buyin' power of the proletariat's gone down and money's gettin' shallow and weak” must decide on bread or milk for the kids, as gas is guzzling away my Jonny Paycheck! OK, on the 4th it is the one day wherein we relax the cruelty of animal’s act, that doesn’t include the Supreme Court jesters as they want “protection” for being on Putin’s side. But as the “Made in Chyna” fireworks disrupts tranquility, think about what it is like in Ukraine, as “where will the children play” as Russian Rashist Putin warlords are occupied placing “kid maiming land mines” so that another entire generation of “peg-leggers” will live to walk without real legs, or learn to write like Captain Hook with a fake arm. All this pain and suffering for what I ask? So remember that when you hear Jimi sing out “the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there; O say does that star-spangled banner yet…” But now that the Select Committee is on retreat and joining the “Marjorie Soylent Greene Team” that has been in retreat since January 6th, well finally MSNBC decided that that WAR in Ukraine has been haphazardly mistreated with “zero” prime time coverage. So Hear Ye, Hear Ye comes now some “Nicole Special Effects” Drama-mine show scheduled as a catch-up of the “Murder Most Foul” killing fields in Ukraine, when most Americans will be outside enjoying the “Made in Chyna” aerial bombardment on display, poor Fido. But this may be a prelude to something…that bothersome thing I can hear like in “I see dead people”, in a “Sick Sense” reckoning. And now that the Clarence Clown and his bench of boxer-brief bozos in mental mentality has said the EPA is defunct because global warming is a hoax…”what's the rumbling? in the courtyard? Seven thousand faces - are turned to the gate? What's that they're saying? kill the traitor. Kill the traitor. kill the traitor. kill the traitor. la la la la la la la la la la la” like a “Storm before Calm” as no doubt about it there will come a nuclear exchange before Putin retires or dies of Melaniacholy syphilis. Now I have placed the Ukraine thing top and center of attention, not just now but since Putin had a wet-dream, because if I wanted to watch that “Select Committee Hearing” realty show, well just tune into a Vince McMahon WWE “smackdown” special, same thing all “FARSE”. Now the WAR in Ukraine is no ordinary run of the mill conflict – it is the precipice for World War III. For real, get your head away from that “smart Alec” and listen, you can hear it coming, you can feel its presence from on high, you can smell it! Look, there was but for a single thing that grasped my interest away from the agony of kids in Ukraine being blown to “smithereens” in Putin’s “special operation mission” and that was the agony of what happened in Uvalde. Remember that? No you don’t! I started Project Maite, to get an interest in getting the presidents of “higher institutes of learning” to issue “Honorary Degrees” to those Uvalde students, not one institute took the bait in interest, including Texas A&M wherein 10-year-old Matie was already planning to attend, to further her education. No, can’t be bothered appears to be the sentiment. Just like with the Select Committee “Hearings” it looks good from the outside but there is nothing to accomplish, and at the same time the Putin Trojan Horse is taking that into account – a “Divided Nation” with a “Divided Congress”. So best pay attention to something with meaning, in Ukraine. And just the other day fresh off the “Press”, because Joe Biden is a “Commander-in-Chief” so has no interest in what happened days ago – the January 6th “riots and the Select Committee investigation - well Biden ripped Putin a new MAGA asshole, with NATO by our side. “Stand By Your Man”, it was a “smackdown”! So now NATO is about to take the Zelenzkyy v. Putin thing to the next phase, which will basically put Zelenzkyy out to pasture as a nowhere man in the big picture show and tell. See, Biden is about to send a permanent military force to take up border patrol in Poland, which means we are seeing an escalation beyond Ukraine, “mission creep” to provoke Trump’s “creep”. Wow, Trump is in Alaska with Sarah Palin, closer to Russia finds comfort and instead of birds falling out of the sky, Trump’s “bird” just shat on Anchorage, as there is toilet paper falling from on high. Like breaking dinnerware in the Oval Office, it is cheaper to flush when no one is looking, the Donald John Trump legacy. But with Joe, it means sending some 3200 soldiers to be deployed and not “One” but “Two” jet fighter squadrons. See, this change of heart with Biden is a first, as even though Putin is a “thug”, well there was this arm’s length agreement with NATO that the U.S. fighting machine would not be a permanent fixture in Poland, a member of NATO in good standing yet without nuclear warhead capable protection on its own accord. But when Putin invaded Ukraine while Zelenskyy was minding his own damn business and Ukraine kids could still enjoy their youth without “bombs” in the background, well that destroyed the relationship Putin maintained with NATO. So now…just in, Putin launches a “tactical” nuclear warhead strike in western Ukraine in close proximity to the border of Poland. And the threat of radioactive nuclear fallout descending upon Poland is for real, that could make it a waste-land for upwards 5-years, so that means Biden cannot deploy those forces to Poland. Ok, it’s a “what iff” scenario. So let’s “what’s up doc iff it over”. If it becomes a reality that NATO has upset the balance, with Hey Joe’s assistance to the point it provokes Putin with exactly this scenario, how then would NATO respond based on its Article Five wherewithal, that “an attack on one is an attack on us all”? Yes, think about it as the “Storm before Calm”. If NATO decides that the nuclear fallout will destroy the border areas of Poland, does it then try to minimize the unveiling MADness, by calling off the concept of “all in all out” time to bomb the hell out of Russia? And if NATO balks or Biden tries to dismantle any “Mutually Agreed Destruction” with any other kind of action against Putin, conventional over nuclear in an eye-for-an-eye tooth-for-a-tooth adventure…there is no good ending to this Simple Simon provocation. And like I mentioned early on, sit back “now” for just a few seconds when the 4th of July “bombs”…as this menace is on the horizon, as humans have failed the “Utopian” experiment - not because we are stupid, but we allowed greed to take over decency. Yes, best “kiss your ass goodbye” and maybe the human race deserves this destruction because we have failed miserably in the eyes of the beholder! Nauseating scenario, it was only a matter of time when we would hear the younger generation reliving our once-upon-a-time nightmare of 65, and instead of the Star Spangled Banner on this 4th, I hear them listening to “think of all the hate…we’re on the eve of destruction” and you best “believe it” this “Storm before the Calm”!

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