Monday, July 4, 2022

Sky High Hemorrhoid Pie

A Happy Trump “Sky High” 4th of July Special

More like a “Donald in the sky with hemorrhoids” as Trump’s jet setting mobility motorcade just did a fly by over my house, I guess on his highway the only way robbery score to Alaska! As for the MAGA Moron and his Sarah Palin fascination factor “I can see Russia from my Alaskan tour house of ill refute…” It ‘s a comfort thing for Trump and Palin, closer to the “boss” and the marching orders to abandon Democracy some more. “Boss”? Vladimir Valdimirobitch Putin and of course his double-penetration SPY “I Really Don’t Care DO U”! IMAGINE, Trump shitting on US some more, as campaigning for Sarah Palin to take the coveted vagrant seat of gone-for-good riddance Alaska’s Congressman Don Young, it means more fodder for the Marjorie Soylent Greene machine party, and that color as in Trump’s dysentery dynasty. OK, when Young was the boss of the “Daniel Boone & Crock of Shit” Congress, he did designate Nancy Pelosi as a “rabid skunk”. But the sad thing, just like with Trump and his wrecking-ball in disregard the U.S. Taxpayers’ funded Oval Office dinnerware and climaxed by ketchup-cum stains on the walls of the White House, that the low-life “valet” had to clean, Trump just flushed his toilet on high, talk about a throne! Of course Trump finds totalitarian regard for anything worthwhile in “Taxation” with ultimate disregarded, as that is what one learns when never paying out a fair share of the burden to build roads and schools. But Trump also “trumps” the vagrants, by getting back an Uncle Sam rebate on nothing earned everything gained? Crook, needs no further definition! And with his flyover makeover,  “it’s raining, it’s pouring, the Putin whore is…” for real there is toilet paper hanging from the tree in my yard and there was only one way for the “business waste” to get so high, because Trump is high on “from Russia with Love” and this “forever stamp” of shat on Miss liberty is Trump’s forever modus operandi and binding, as it is about the only virtue of precedence set in practice remining with stick & stench, as the Scumbag Court of the Unfit States – that SCOTUS – has aligned itself with “CRAP”!

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