Wednesday, July 6, 2022

McConnell's July 4th Message


It's Mitch McConnell's "Bitch Slap" response on the 4th of July "Murder Most Foul" parade, as the Confederacy came to life in earnest on January 6th, an insurrection breeding new life into a resurrection and DEMOCRACY is in the cross-hairs of a Robert E. Lee mass murdering spree!

"I think yesterday's shooting is another example of what the problem is. The problem is mental health and these young men who seem to be inspired to commit these atrocities. So, I think the bill that we passed targeted the problem." the Kentucky Republican said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell indicated on Tuesday that the prospects of new gun control legislation any time soon are dim.

DIM? Only from a dim-wit as the only thing targeted by that “bill” are more innocent Americans, gunned down in the streets in cold-blood, including children! And this 4th of July "Special Addition of the Confederate Grand Old PrimoCrimo(GOP)" is testament to that recital!

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