Friday, July 8, 2022

B-B-B-Bennie and the STUPID

Dear Select Committee:

It appears that through your decisive “Dereliction of duty”, that demonstration is setting the stage of relief for Mr. Stephen Bannon. In convincing “legal” efforts he cannot, I repeat “Cannot” receive a “fair trial” with his “Congressional Contempt” charge, that which originated from the “Select Committee”. If boils down to the fact that in that “dereliction” in conviction, the fact that no contempt referrals have been issued for the 5-members of Congress that were issued subpoenas to compel testimony, but instead showed their middle finger to Chairman Thompson and to the Vice Chair Liz. Still cannot find anything about the latter leadership position in H.Res.503? But my point, this is a remarkable exercise in “preferential treatment” unbecoming the true “sense of Congress” in consideration “By the People and For the People”, especially if this reneging dictates any possibility of a “hung jury” or a court awarded “dismissal” for Mr. Bannon. In recent filings, it appears the court is finding some sympathy for Bannon! This “Select Committee” under Mr. Thompson’s malignant mismanagement, well all things considered should have been ironed out well in advance – especially with respect to compelled testimony as it was known going into this mess that many, I repeat “MANY” sitting members of the GOP in the House and Senate had participated in that January 6th “coup d’scare”. It appears the “Committee” was and is well aware of the burden to hold “members” to answer under a subpoena, yet engaged in the falsehood reckoning to excite the “Public”, for drama pushing! And I have no sympathy for that MAGA Moron imbecile or any of the Trump following “cowards”, that which contributed to that cowardly show of force in an attack on the U.S. Constitution via the Capitol. I want to be on the “Committee’s” side, but in good conscious I cannot due what may be going on and is hidden from the public. I applaud getting justice served and holding those accountable to the highest degree of penance allowed under the Red, White & Blue, yet it appears the “Committee” is engaging in preferential tactics. Wherein the optics appear sound, but with the former it surmounts to a legal mess – and that is wherein a competent judge can make unpopular decisions because of things like this, that could deny an individual the decency of a “fair trial”. OK, what is more important I ask then of Mr. Thompson: Is it Democracy or that BS that you serve US and cannot sever ties upon this “must protect the institute” philosophy, that appears to be the catalyst that may set Bannon free? As praytell Mr. Bannon gets off the hook, then maybe for “We the People” change your Committee’s” namesake to “Stupidity Committee”. With this protectionism that could sink the ship, and if so a ship-of-fools, else do your “sworn to oath” job and send off those “Congressional Contempt” referrals today, even if it means you have to work during the 4th of July vacation week, as if this investigation gets thrown to the den of thieves, there is nothing to celebrate! For real, the “Hearings” seem exciting from the outside, but I would have to speculate that behind closed doors that the “Select Committee” is no doubt lurking in that sentiment that “our house was like “Night at the Museum” at night:

“The Government complains that defense counsel have gray hair. They seek a blanket restriction on any statements by counsel reflecting their life experience. Simply put, it would be antithetical to the Sixth Amendment to allow the Government to use the subpoenaed Select-Committee witnesses’ invocation of legislative immunity as both a sword and a shield…the district court dismissed an obstruction of Congress charge against a Deepwater Horizon executive because, having found that the subpoenaed Members of Congress had a valid Speech or Debate privilege immunizing them from compelled testimony, the court found that dismissing the charges was the only way to preserve Mr. Rainey’s right to a fair trial.”

There is NO difference herein with McCarthy and Perry and Jordan and Biggs and Brooks and this “Committee” has not been honest with “We the People” on this matter of utmost importance. The Committee is trying to pull the wool. No, I don’t waste my time watching the “Special Effects “Hearings” that has about the same popularity as a WWE RAW smackdown, as it is better to see what is happening in the courts upon these same matters for a better fit the wherewithal of the “Committee” and wherein this stinking mess is heading, like the gutter! With all the legal knowledge found amongst the members of this “Committee”, it is a crying out loud shame that what is happening in the district courts and gaining traction could demonstrate degrees from Harvard’s Tribe are worthless! That said, the “Committee” remains too silent on these “behind the scenes” matters, as if someone where to understand through coaching the ramifications that are front and center of attention from a legal perspective, it is nothing in the category of a “significant breakthrough” so please stop shoe-shining reality just because you got Pasquale to come over for lunch. So anybody with a sense of stability, I ask Mr. Thompson again, will we soon read the same in verdict, that the district court dismissed an obstruction of Congress charge against a Stephen Bannon? Because he was just following his lawyer’s advice and advise and was indeed cooperating with the “Committee” through his counsel so was a bonafide no-show with a “dog ate my homework” lullaby. And because of fairness and having found that the subpoenaed Members of Congress had a valid Speech or Debate privilege immunizing them from compelled testimony(McCarthy to Perry to Biggs to Jordan to Brooks), thus the court found that dismissing the charges was the only way to preserve Mr. Bannon’s right to a fair trial! Look, you cannot run and hide from what is really happening. So as a suggestion, please finalize the report as required under 503 and then disband and let the DOJ professionals due diligence their job. I am sick and tired of watching useless “Committees” try to impeach and impeach with no meaningful sustenance in accountability and it is no different with your investigation, when all we get so far is more of the same, a glorified stage presence with no guts to do anything in that category of “accountability”. Another reason that even though accomplishments not in vain, enough is enough time to finish your work and wrap things up. And to make my point even clearer that the “Committee” is treading on thin ice, a District Judge that was a Trump nominee that is hearing cases involving individuals-of-interest and your “Committee”, we now see that same judge that is purposedly trying to engage interference between your OLC legal counsel and the DOJ, because of this “Contempt” and the way it was haphazardly administered by this “Committee”. It places the U.S. v. U.S in a doubtful pattern of success, hope the point is getting across some frustration. Some may like the appearance of success from the “Hearings”, but let’s be real let’s be serious, things are not going well for Mr. Thompson. He should consider RESIGNING, if the “Committee” thinks it should remain in business – but it shouldn’t! So with a final report delivered to Pelosi ASAP, then the entire cast of this committee in essence does formally RESIGN. Then maybe we can see the criminal professionals deliver on what we have been waiting for, now some way too long in the waiting because of Pelosi getting in the way of justice being served!

And on another tactic that seems to be this “Committee’s” only saving grace, the “Public Hearings” but pinch yourselves the ratings! The June 9th revival, 25-million viewers. And the last “Hearing”, down to 5-million! And as soon as a Fani Willis steals away the “Select Committee’s” stage presence, because this lone star District Attorney is not afraid to subpoena a sitting U.S. Senator, well time for another unscheduled “Select Committee Hearing”, a tactic to get back the lost momentum because someone else was on the move and stealing away your thunder. It is NOT WORKING!

TIP: “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”. African Proverb – Martha Goedert

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