Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Select Committee Cease & Desist

To: Mr. Bennie Thompson, Chairman of the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Constitution(Capitol)

Subject: Public Hearing(s) Cease & Desist

CC: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Douglas Letter House Legal Counsel, Rep. Liz Cheney

This is a “Cease & Desist” in efforts to delay the “Public Hearing(s)” scheduled to commence on or about June 9th, this year, by the House of Representatives Select Committee investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack on the U.S. Constitution(Capitol). This Cease & Desist is paramount upon the decency of maintaining jurisprudence and should not be denied. This request serves to merely “delay” such “Public Hearing(s)”, as to not do so could cause severe interference upon the merits of justice being served elsewhere. These public hearings, if allowed to commence, if not managed properly and without proper input by the Department of Justice with respect to proper screening of evidentiary materials that could be used during any public broadcast, such could prove to be disastrous to justice being served. If haphazardly released through such primetime stage presence for purposes of glory seeking supporting Jamie Raskin’s “I have a dream” to “blow the roof off of the House”, it could be in malfeasance and then that element of surprise used as a mechanism to support the demands of a mistrial in future criminal referrals. These “Public Hearing(s)” are premature, could “pollute” the evidence, thus acting as a legal ramification forfeiture upon those individuals and or entities responsible for that attack on the Capitol, and thus until the Department of Justice has completed its oversight of that serious matter, there must not be allowed any televised spectacle that could reveal information and or evidence in such a premature action. It appears that the “Select Committee” exists through its own “House” rules and regulations that which are subject to many legal actions today in the District and Appellate Courts, due inconsistencies with the rule of law between  the “Congress” and mainstream jurisprudence as is found in the venues of our courts, both Federal and state, an inconsistency in the ways and means it goes about its due diligence to investigate the January 6th event referred to as a “coup”. Such bothersome inconsistencies exist, whether with or without merit, but wherein the courts have been called upon to make decisions on legal matters that are challenging due the inconsistencies between the House of Congress and that mainstream jurisdiction. It sets the stage for the courts to then be forced into a position that warrants no other option then to consider the verdict negatively, by an over-turn through the long-standing application of reasonable doubt and beyond  notwithstanding, culminating in a mistrial attempt. Please take this under serious consideration, this request for a “Cease & Desist”, as the upcoming stage time in prime time may not be worth the efforts. Especially if it will prove to be a denial of justice being served when those found guilty, by other means outside the purview of the “Congress”, through courts of confident jurisdiction but then can claim a “mistrial of justice”. To clarify, Bennie Thompson as Chairman of the “Select Committee” is of record that any individual that exercises the 5th in the course of the “Committee’s” investigation, is “part and parcel guilty”, which goes against the grain of “innocent until proven guilty”, so the “Select Committee” is known to engage in prejudice of justice. No doubt, there exists an “at odds” realization between the “Select Committee” and the Department of Justice, as in “interference” as it is not the wherewithal of the “Select Committee” that acts as the prosecutor, so any “Select Committee” misgivings that are made “public” with the “hearings” that can be used will be used against justice being served in a court of law. This concern is also founded under other obligations that voice inconsistencies with the ways and means that the “House” through it investigative reach is at odds with the legal community that its citizens rely upon, which proves the inconsistency or wherewithal of the “Select Committee” was founded and composed under H.Res.503 which may have been haphazardly regulated. In a recent court filing, the “Minority Leadership” – namely  Kevin McCarthy acting in the capacity of the House Minority Leader and Stephen Scalise acting as the House Minority WHIP, together the “Minority Leadership” – in support of Stephen Bannon in the United States v. Stephen Bannon, the GOP “House” in effect in its entirety requested the court accept an “amicus brief” in favor of defendant Bannon’s motion for a dismissal upon a “Contempt of Congress” referral to the DOJ. This kind of “chaos” could become even more apparent when the “Select Committee” takes to the airwaves and publishes what it has found to date upon its investigation. And even though it is far from finishing any semblance of a reliable report as on May 12th, 5-members of the House of Congress were issued “subpoenas” and have so far demonstrated in action of words that which promotes they will not honor such, but as of yet have not been subject to the same recommendation for “Contempt” – more in the category of the “inconsistencies”. The “Select Committee” is treading on thin ice, with respect to jurisprudence and it is through a continuous abuse in inconsistencies that the ice is getting thinner. It is of the best interest to the rule of law to disallow the “Select Committee” to further its existence in interest through “public hearings”, until such time it has completed its investigation and handed over a “Final Report Assessment” to the “House”, as is required under the 503 Resolution, and then and only then should the show go on. It is premature and pound foolish to act otherwise and may be justified for no other reason then but for in action as a political self-satisfaction interest, over any legal ramifications that could be diminished and or thus challenged with any such premature undertakings, via a “mistrial”. This Cease & Desist must be approved, to deny the “Select Committee” from moving forward in action any “Public Hearing(s)” that serves no useful “legal” purpose upon the jurisprudence and merits of justice being served. There is always a time in the future to tell the story, but now is not the time while the DOJ and other legal entities are involved in what occurred on January 6th, the lead up and planning. In ending, the efforts of the “Select Committee” to investigate that January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol will prove to be beneficial, but not by means of a “Public Hearing” as “We the People” want justice, and the “Select Committee” is not in the position to offer any semblance of gavel promoting accountability those responsible will be held accountable. The “Select Committee” should not, to be perfectly clear, cannot involve itself in any way shape or form in a venue that could offer a “mistrial of justice” in the legal sense moving forward, just for story telling credit. This “Cease & Desist”, to prevent the “Select Committee” from engaging in “Public Hearings” when the Department of Justice is involved in the legal aspects of the January 6th event, and until such time the DOJ has completed any and all of its own investigations, this “Cease & Desist” should be so honored to protect the decency of jurisprudence, else those responsible may never be held accountable if “mistrial” enters the legal arena because the “Select Committee” was more interested in its selfishness as a political undertaking over that of justice being served.

Subjectively Submitted by S. Pam McGee of the Lousy Hat Solidarity Party on June 7th, 2022.

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