Thursday, June 9, 2022

Preadolescent Wet Dreams

Look, I cannot stand any Ginni Thompson asswipe that feels Donald Trump is a legitimate American. Let alone human without attaching the scum label – about the only thing he qualifies for is in fascination a wizard with a MAGA dildo that keeps on giving. At the same time, I despise that the “Crazy Psycho Shit” party that is using the Donald in efforts to create a cover-up, well it is a circle-jerk and just yesterday mind you right before the “grand finale” of jerking off in public – Select Committee “Pubic Hearings” - we saw another preadolescent cum stain, aka premature ejaculation on the annals of the U.S. Constitution. May as well call it out what it is today, the U.S. Constipated Constitution! See, it is in that  preadolescence that will soon shed the “pre”, when Adam Schiff-for-brains gets his stage time in prime time with the “Select Committee” circle jerk, as all the goons from MSNBC are lining up in fascination that being part of a circle-jerk is cool hand-job Luke fun times. Yes, Rachel comes out of depression retirement for the occasion and it won’t be over until the fat lady sings. See, Lawrence Tribe Oldonnell had to try and get the “Last Word” in before the 11th hour cleavage lady, by claiming he is merely a spoke in the Nancy LousyLollaPelosi circus penny farting high wheeler. Yes, raving on how a Judge Carter just yesterday instructed John Eastman to turn over more e-mail documents to the Select Committee, like this was it the end of the world for Trump as what may be found in those attorney-client privileged communications – even though there is zero evidence that Eastman was ever acting in the capacity of counsel for Trump and his Dysentery Dynasty. OK, great for fodder for the underling “Select Committee”, that has been involved in a “Heist”, as they started off on the wrong foot not due stupidity, but this plan of Pelosi was better then Trump’s plan to topple the government by surrounding the Capitol in a “coup d’scare”, as both Trump and Pelosi have helped each-other destroy Democracy some more. Yes, Pelosi shares as much blame in the erosion of our Founding Fathers’ Democracy, as the plan all along to hold Trump and his MAGA dildo goons accountable, there was never such an ideology to deliver, as the way in which the “Select Committee” got off on the wrong foot, well it was not through share ignorance it was planned as a failure, aka the “Heist”. More or less a mandate to make it look good upon its “investigation” but in reality just a ways and means to pass the buck. The latter in its “Heist” will be documented soon, so stay tuned but there is overwhelming evidence that there was a plan by Pelosi to “protect her own interests”. Now this over excitement about Eastman the day before the “Pubic Hearings” like it meant something, the judge in Eastman’s case told the confederate attorney to turn over some e-mail documents that have been a boner of contention since January, some 599 sealed documents that may “invite a crime” in evidence. But what is there to celebrate over, as Judge Carter would only demand the release of 159 juicy e-mails that could be used against Trump in a court of law, and allowing Eastman the “client privilege” of 440 e-mail correspondences, so I ask “Who Won”? It means Trump did! And wait there is more, the judge gave Eastman until next week to turn over the pittance to the “Select Committee”. So anybody that views this as a win, best go ejaculate with the Pelosi circle-jerk aficionados. And low and behold, Eastman being a seasoned lawyer, not to forget that Trump is an expert at one other thing that does not rely on a fully charged MAGA dildo, using the inherent delay tactics of the courts to keep their freedoms alive. But back in January Eastman was told to turn over these documents to the “Select Committee”. Yet by using court motions in “privilege” through the “dog ate my homework(medical emergency)”, temporary restraining orders against Bennie Thompson, more “dog ate my homework(birth of his counsel’s child)”, well Mr. Eastman has been very successful in keeping the damaging stuff away from the “Heist Committee”. I will elaborate on this “Heist” in a future broadcast, as I might be wrong! So let’s see what happens with the upcoming “soap opera specials”, if indeed it sheds some light as too why it was a “Legitimate Political Discourse” investigation. But with this preadolescence wet dream and or premature ejaculation by the “Select Committee” getting the MSNBC gang excited over nothing, the March 28th Judge Carter condemnation of Donald Trump continues to show its face. Even the “Select Committee” started using that “condemnation” as if it means something, so it is restated herein as to what the Judge actually said about that as words without action is meaningless:


Dr. Eastman and President Trump launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history. Their campaign was not confined to the ivory tower—it was a coup in search of a legal theory. The plan spurred violent attacks on the seat of our nation’s government, led to the deaths of several law enforcement officers, and deepened public distrust in our political process. More than a year after the attack on our Capitol, the public is still searching for accountability. This case cannot provide it. The Court is tasked only with deciding a dispute over a handful of emails. This is not a criminal prosecution; this is not even a civil liability suit. At most, this case is a warning about the dangers of “legal theories” gone wrong, the powerful abusing public platforms, and desperation to win at all costs. If Dr. Eastman and President Trump’s plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution. If the country does not commit to investigating and pursuing accountability for those responsible, the Court fears January 6 will repeat itself.

What is so challenging about this statement, that the “Select Committee” decided to use it and continues to use it, merely in efforts to prove the “Committee’s” worth as it had been stonewalled up until the time the Judge spoke up. Yes “stonewalled”, because of the “Heist” that was going on behind the scenes, wherein Pelosi demanded that accountability be few and far between. And read it, as I find it embarrassing that Congress doesn’t realize this statement in frustration by Judge Carter, it was a shot across the bow, that the Congress is doing nothing! Why so? Simple Simon reckoning, the ”Pelosi Heist”!

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