Friday, June 17, 2022

Doubting Bennie Thompson

Dear Select Committee, it appears the “Doubting Thomas” has been replaced by the “Doubting Thompson”, as in Chairman Bennie! As “We the People” find the day after the 3rd “Public Hearing”, wherein the major news media “blitz” – not including the FOX – it is challenging the “Committee” in “Headline News”:

*Hearings struggle to Hold Trump accountable for January 6th*

*January 6 committee wrestles with the same unsolvable question about Trump -- how to hold him to account*

So as a TIP in consideration, when is enough really enough, as in is it time to end the romance of this investigation? Maybe time to just go away, not a lost cause with some semblance of a worth in success in evidence collecting, but with no meaningful outlook in sight? Yes meaningful mind you, as it appears the “must protect the institute” element orchestrated by Chairman Thompson, it has circumcised the “will to refer for criminal prosecution” the “Enemy of the People” to NOT that revenge! Funny how in the beginning that was what at least 3 of the members were out and about selling, now though cold feet. Especially bothersome this “unprecedented decision” when the Taxpayers are at risk of not much of a return on their investment, so please consider finishing up now, get the report of your investigation to Pelosi today by COB and then close up shop in 30-days - as is required under H.Res.503. In all actuality in consideration of others, maybe you can streamline that “Closed for Business” as it should not take that long to go away.

And on another hot subject of debate, Mr. Laurence Tribe is not so happy the way in which this “Select Committee” is so selfish with its evidence. “DOJ’s urgent request today for the J6 committee immediately to turn over all transcripts must be complied with at once.” So I ask for a friend called DEMOCRACY, why is it that you are withholding from the Department of Justice evidence that may lesson this “Committee’s” so-called “struggles” at delivering deserving accountability? It does not make any sense in the “Sense of Congress”. OK, then amend the “Resolution” under SEC.6(a)Sharing. A Simple Simon change that would then accommodate the needs of the DOJ, to HELP you get to the bottom of what went on with Trump and his “coup”. Let the “cops” do the real leg work! And remember, “sharing” was one of those things “We Learned it all in Kindergarten”. Maybe time for the “Select Committee” to enjoy some warm milk and cookies, take a nap, close it up!

And if you feel you still have something to accomplish in the “nothingburger” category, since the “Committee” can waste even more Taxpayer $loot$ by hiring of outside consultants…hold that thought. How can the Committee “share” evidence with these outsiders but not with the DOJ? Anyway, a “special committee” was just formed by the WWE board to investigate Vince McMahon and accordingly: "I have pledged my complete cooperation to the investigation by the special committee, and I will do everything possible to support the investigation" McMahon said in a statement. "I have also pledged to accept the findings and outcome of the investigation, whatever they are." I mean, this is what we need, so consider hiring that “WWE Special Committee” to replace what has so far been a real disappointment, as I am in agreement with the CNNs that after day 3, the damn roof is still on the House. Maybe Raskin can explain why his expectations have not been a 4th of July “Special”! So what in blazing saddles hell has happened, Trump gets the pork chop and we get the whoopy cushion treatment? To reiterate, as a TIP, please file the investigative report even if at loose ends and go home, and then hand off the blunder to the DOJ, as maybe salvage rights are still something of consideration.

Stugots – Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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