Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Sergey Labrat & O’Bitch Putin

Hot Off the Russian Rashist FAKE Rubbled-Ruble Printing Press: 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Labrat said Wednesday that Ukraine’s demands to the West regarding the supply of advanced rocket launchers go beyond “all limits and decency" and is a "direct provocation.”


So way to go Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden to call Russia’s bluff and “directly incite a provocation” attacking this Putin trash talk!

Dear Mr. Labrat and your VladimirO’Bitch Putin, with this “direct provocation” what are you willing and able to do about it? Nothing, and remember “This Machine Kills Fascists”!

Now back to my letter demanding January 6th Select Committee Chair Beenie Thompson to “voluntarily” resign, for being a Putin like COWARD!

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