Sunday, June 5, 2022

Bennie Thompson Must Resign

To: Bennie Thompson, Chairman

Subject: Request for Your Resignation

According to a just released “press release” by Select Committee Chair Bennie Thompson and side-kick Liz Cheney, in dissatisfaction the DOJ call to not hold Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino in “Congressional Contempt” - accordingly “we find the decision to reward Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino for their continued attack on the rule of law puzzling.” If you truly believe that the DOJ “rewarded Meadows and Scavino and at the same time you find reason to believe the decision “puzzling”, then as a “TIP” please resign, that goes for Cheney also! As what has been puzzling for a long time with your “Select Committee”, it is your persistence in “must protect the institute” infatuation, in fascination that members of Congress are above the law, and that would also include the “executive branch” as well in the trickle-down domain of things in preferential treatment. Talk about a “reward”! That said, here it is just what you bargained for coming to fruition! Sounds like the DOJ had serious reservations holding Meadows and Scavino in “contempt”, due to that “must protect the institute”, your stand all along. And for sure Navarro will use the plea bargain chip when push comes to shove, that when you went on record that pleading the 5th meant “part and parcel guilty”, that it was a premeditated “guilty before being proven guilty” condemnation and scared individuals from showing up to answer under a subpoena. Yes, loose lips sinks ships. And now it looks as though the DOJ just beat you to that “blow the roof off of the House” even before Adam and Raskin and Zoe made their debut in the “Public Hearings”, which appears to now be starting off as merely a “Soap Opera”. I am all for bringing to justice those involved in the January 6th “coup d’scare” orchestrated by Donald John Trump. Yet, you are allowing that MAGA day of glory live on, by not taking to task members of the Congress that were involved. For instance, like what are you going to do about Kevin McCarthy ignoring your “Committee’s” subpoena, especially now that you are “puzzled” on how the DOJ looks at things? How will you reward him? Do something constructive instead of a show & tell nothing-burger, as Kevin McCarthy just the other day as a sitting member of the 117th Congress filed an “amicus brief” in favor of the District Court dismissing the case the DOJ has before it, for one of your referrals. Yes, a sitting member of Congress filing a motion against the U.S. Government, and you people let it slide by just another day in the Crazy Psycho Shit paradise of Nancy Pelosi’s House, all at the U.S. Taxpayers expense. Do “We the People” a favor, if you are puzzled still, then send the Sergeant-at-Arms to “Arrest” McCarthy, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yields the gavel and power to do exactly that until McCarthy answers your questions, and the only reason you fail to use that “tool”, the “Select Committee” rests its case in cowardice “must protect the institute”. And another reason at this juncture you should seriously consider to RESIGN, to this day your “Committee” has refused to get Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” through the “House Rules”, which is under the Democrats control. Of course you know what I am talking about the failure of Nancy Pelosi getting this resolution into the hands of the “Select Committee”! Had you in the beginning made sure that Ted’s resolution became the ”law of the land” before you went gallivanting off into “subpoena la-la land” without a plan, all of your “puzzlement” would have ceased to exist. So if anyone is to blame for what is happening at the DOJ, with treasonous criminals getting off the hook, blame yourself. Again, do America a favor, RESIGN!

Sam McGee – Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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