Saturday, May 28, 2022

Stephen Scalise TURNCOAT

Cease & Desist Order SO ORDERED

To Stephen Scalise, in the capacity as “Minority WHIP” within the U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leadership:

 On May 24th and then again on May 25th, through the law firm of Brand Woodward and under that entity through Stanley Woodward, acting in the authority as “Counsel to the House Minority Leadership” as is stated of record, a “Motion For Leave To File Amicus Brief[75, 77])” was submitted by Kevin McCarthy and Stephen Scalise. This was in concurrence with the ongoing case before Federal District Court Judge Carl John Nichols, under the caption of the United States of America v. Stephen Bannon 21-CR-00670. Such “motion(s)” violates the “Sense of Congress”, due the fact this action is against the United States Government. As a representative of Congress, there is no allowances that allows such frivolous undertakings. This action in motion(s) to intervene was not presented by virtue a “private citizen” and is not acceptable by virtue the oath of office that which governs the behaviors of members of Congress pursuing representative undertakings. That said, this is a request through the power inherent in a “Citizen Zane Cease & Desist” that this motion(s) filed by Kevin McCarthy and Stephen Scalise be immediately withdrawn, as to not take any action or to the contrary to allow such a motion(s) to survive, it is a dereliction in duty the sworn oath of office and unbecoming a representative of the 117th U.S. Congress. Be it acknowledged that frivolous undertakings with no merit finds no value, except the intent to cause un-necessary burden upon the wherewithal of the “Court” in wasted time and in this particular case at the U.S. Taxpayers’ expense, as it requires more involvement by the U.S. Department of Justice. Thus, the concern rests its case in the fact that it bogs down the Government’s reach and that should not be tolerated by the U.S. Citizens that elect representation to not exercise such blatant disregard for the rule of law. Especially when the involvement by the DOJ, without interference by members of Congress, is warranted due crimes committed. With this blinding “Notice”, immediately Stephen Scalise in the capacity as the “Minority WHIP” must “Cease & Desist” any further bothersome tactics that supports Stephen Bannon, who is being tried by the U.S. Department of Justice for criminal activity. And this action by Kevin McCarthy and Stephen Scalise  being used destructively against the United States Government proper, these “motion(s)” of concern “must” be withdraw as well any and all such “motions” filed to date that which violates this “Sense of Congress”. And in warning, it is requested that Stephen Scalise please refrain away from any future interests that which undermines justice, unless in the capacity as a “private citizen” and as so stated in any filings. Members of Congress, acting as “representatives” before courts of competent jurisdictions, should not be using that position of political power to engage in opportunities that which supports NOT the United States in its efforts to hold those responsible accountable for crimes against the U.S. Citizens, but instead to circumvent justice being served. This kind of deliberate and frivolous activity demonstrated by a sitting member of Congress, still under oath and not acting in a capacity as an ordinary private citizen, this amounts to obstruction and violates the “Sense of Congress”. This “AIDING & ABETTING” IS TREASON if not corrected!

This Respectfully on May 27th, 2022 by Concerned U.S. Citizen Zane 1 through 1000000

S. Pam McGee - Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

CC: Chief Counsel Hugh Louis Dewey
Law Firm of Dewey, Cheetham and Howe 

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