Monday, May 16, 2022

Putin’s Trojan Whorse

Wow, has the entire peaceful human race been taken for a well vaselined Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin drive by shoot’n reckless reckoning? Since his “fake” invasion of February 24th, based on the rhetoric of denazification. The main goal, wherein the world watched in horror as the government of Ukraine went surrounded by thousands of Russian tanks manned by Russian troops like in an overnight sensation and no time for Zelenskyy to mobilize a defense, it was Putin’s Trojan Whorse in this “fake”. And it appears the hook, line and sinker caught us all by a Gomer Pyle surprise, surprise, surprise! The “hook” was in an attack that was supposed to end triumphantly 3-days later in victory, after claiming eminent domain over every damn school yard playground swing, well not much in the accomplishment category for the Russian Rashist “bastard” according to scriptures - because it did not matter. And once we were “hooked”, then came the “line” heist, as Putin to this day remains at the helm of a “scorched earth - special military operation” policy targeting the honest working class heroes of a once peaceful Ukraine. The entire country is being mangled to death by “bombs away” from that MAD man across the water, from across border “lines”, and the “world” is watching and trying in vain to STOP the disgrace in what is considered today a “proxy” engagement by us outsiders, but in reality it is WWIII. The outsiders’ involvement - including NATO and the United States and Boris - together again it “proxied” in our own worst nightmare, as the Trojan Whorse was beginning to fulfill Putin’s mission, in a self-inflicted “image” of grandeur as a One World Leader. Get over it, the only reason world leaders refrain from the truth and nothing but for that matter it is WWIII, in fear of panic. And that would cause a run on TP and we are just starting to get over the scarcity of “bum wipe” following Mr. COvid’s surprise visit. And due the fact the “world” had been weakened by the COvid creature, it was the opportune time for Putin to unleash his own monster, and soon it will be the “sinker” that will catapult life as we once knew it to the bottom of the ocean. Kiss your ass goodbye? Not a bad idea. Now even though the war experts continue to voice how ill equipped the Russian military was to carry out such a “mission impossible” in the “hook through line” stage, wherein Russian kids are getting killed left and right and the scorecard points to a Russian defeat, yes kids sent into harm’s way by the “boss”, is Putin this shameless and senseless as a leader? Is Putin, the guy once negatively respected and revered by military strategist around the globe as a knowhow on how to command his war machine and not thinking twice about atrocities in “war crimes” to get himself a victory, from chemical to biological weapons of mass destruction, has he bitten off more then his manhood can swallow? NO as it was, it remains a Putin Trojan Whorse, and the entire world has been taken for a googoo g’joob joy ride by this Semolina Pitchfork Putin. He understood exactly what he was getting into by taking on the “World” in a game of chance chess, he is still of sound mind. Maybe not of sound body due underlying medical issues, but still he understands each and every day of his plan and it is moving along upon its original foundation with success. And that success breeds success, he does not give a rat’s ass about his “killing fields” as that is but for a stage for his ultimate passion, of taking over the “World”. Or for that matter what may be left when his scorched earth reality retreats, when the smoke clears away and we see what is left of civilization. Even by placing his own troops in harm’s way, he sees it as the almighty ransom in dignification for Russian patriotism, his martyrs for the cause. The fact that the military experts that work as consultants for the TV continue to amuse themselves and the audience with the fact it appears to be a disaster for Putin, forget it as “fake” is all part of the plan of attack. As the entire world discounts his strategy, of what appears so far to be in retreat so defeat, the Trojan Whorse has disgraced the wherewithal of…we have been tricked! Look, if such defeats are not part of his “sinker” phase, there has come no Putin lane changing to what the world voice sees as challenges ahead any victory for the MAD man. Bottomline, he has set his sights on MAD annihilation, and all that has happened so far is a precipice for what is to come, as part of his plan. As he would have never engaged upon a mission with failure written all over it like we think is happening before our very own eyes such destruction, as the history books would not be so kind to Putin for such failures as a leader - regardless if his invasion of Ukraine found no merit - it didn’t and was not supposed to find an avenue of acceptance. And of course Putin was aware of what such an attack would yield, and thus provoke in anger a retaliation of world-wide sanctions, and eventually crash the Russian ruble to rubble and the Russian name to rubbish. And if this attack was warranted and Putin anticipated some semblance of victory to save face a way out, other then his MAD mandate, and one day a peace accord with a cease fire came to be, it would be Putin’s sanctioned “ass” forever that would be used to rebuild the destruction - today estimated at $2-trillion. Russia is bankrupt, now and forever Amen, so it means MAD is Putin’s only freedom as was the plan all along! And not to forget many of the “men” had to stay in Ukraine and fight for the life of KYIV, which means the nation will be missing a lot of father figures - which means there will never ever be the possibility of peace between these neighboring countries. It is done, as the outcome beckons the realization of Putin’s MAD MAN syndrome. MAD, for “Mutually Assured Destruction” as his only option, known about going into his invasion. It was never an "option", it was here to stay from when the first tank rolled into Ukraine. It was not a miscalculation by Putin, as if he was mad to the point his actions were insane like, surely the “oligarchs” would have taken him out. They live a life of luxury and leisure and would be taken back by such an “attack” that supports a MAD Man’s curiosity. Yes curiosity which use to “kill the cat”, I will get to that later on in this broadcast. But Putin was prepared for that “oligarch” tyranny possibility, as his planning of this “special military operation” was well thought of by a single individual that had the power to be a one-man ARMY. No checks and balance allowed! Want to understand the “mindset” of Putin, look no further then the ADX Florence prison, wherein Ted Kaczynski once found retirement behind bars for trying to be his own “one man”. So Putin’s plan is to not let history instill to future generations his failures, by eliminating “history”, it is that simple like in “book burning” get rid of the evidence. Maybe not all together in global elimination, as his “curiosity” plays out Russian roulette in the “sinker” phase of his MAD Man drill. When Putin sent in the first roller coaster of outdated Russian tanks with kids ill equipped for even a training mission, well the MAD “Dead Man” was activated, which means the “High Alert” allows Putin unrestricted control of his “nuclear” arsenal. He cannot be taken out, by anyone, else it is all over with. Even if he dies of a heart attack through poor health, the bombs will be let loose, through the fascination of this “Dead Man” paranoia. What came first the chicken or the egg effect, he had already made up his mind that his final straw will be to finger fuck mankind by unleashing his meltdown without a countdown. Putin’s 3-day “special military operation” was merely a joy ride trick, that which would provoke the anger of NATO and the United States, the former and the latter being Putin’s real enemy. We fell for it, we engaged, exactly what Putin had planned upon, so that he could then sit back and cause a whole lot of pain and suffering, then when he gets tired of…I can hear the “MAD” dash already. Look, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was sure to anger the non-NATO countries like Finland and Sweden, to the brink those nations would then be prone to join NATO. And all the experts are crying-out-loud that what Putin did, through this invasion of a neighboring somewhat friendly border nation, it came to be to have the exact opposite effect, instead of decreasing NATO breathing down his back it will be exactly that. It was NOT failure by Putin, it was another Putin Trojan Whorse plan, part of his masturbation plan, to destroy based on the fact he is a looser, always been a loser. What has happened in retrospect, he has reverted back to his childhood, which was a nightmare and then when he finally made it to the KGB, well in the end he was reduced in rank to a librarian for the well known spy outfit. He was a nothing, and through some insanity made friends in high places and rose to the highest ranks, then made “protective” friends through buying their friendship and here we are today, as his power and money never amounted to his desires to be a likable person, he had no friends from his personality only, he could only buy that friendship. The reason he has people killed, get rid of the adversary not because they threatened Putin’s existence, it was the fact he could not make friends and buy their allegiance - something that haunted Putin since his childhood. It was through a fluke that Putin rose to such power, and it was not enough as it could not “fix” that childhood, it could not “fix” the sad fact of the matter he was truly a nobody, and that brings us to wherein we are at today - on the brink of a MAD MAN drill down. And one would think that his people would see through his failures, there are none and they love him, no different then how Donald Trump continues to have his ass kissed by Treasonous bedfellows, because they are all losers. So Putin has already warned about the use of “nukes” if this “special military operation” enters the stage of an existential threat, we are there, in the “sinker” stage. But of course the interference by other nations, that was his plan in the first place as anybody with a grain of sense would have realized that outcome, and thus he now thinks it grants him permission to drop the big one - for a “Murder Most Foul” exit. And his “MAD MAN” plan is Russian roulette a game of chance, as he is mad enough to think that his ”1st Strike” will not follow the “MAD” mandate of an eye-for-an-eye and a “tooth-for-a-tooth” follow-up, by our “nukes” being launched in line with that “Mutually Assured Destruction”, that maybe the U.S. and other nations will hold off, and then Putin wins and will never have to worry about threats ever again from his “scorched earth” sinker. Solution? Enjoy what is left of your life as Nuclear Armageddon was Putin’s plan all along. Who will survive and how many, it doesn’t matter as Putin will still have NO FRIENDS no matter what the outcome finds when the heat of nuclear fusion and fission cools off!

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