Monday, May 23, 2022

Putin’s Trojan Whorse - Update#4

Putin is winning! I’ll say it again, “PUTIN is WINNING”. Why so, because just today Ukraine’s Zelenskyy said it was time to rebuild his war-torn country. Entertaining invites to outsiders in “we are offering an historical opportunity, a huge economic opportunity to rebuild entire cities and industries”, while it is still bombs away all through the night! It is that “entire cities” that resounds in caution as the playgrounds in Ukraine have been completely destroyed by the O’Bitch Putin, and upwards 10-million citizens are “homeless”. Challenging? And at the same time the comedian turned renowned leader said “we will destroy our neighbor.” Thum fist fight’n words! At the same time Biden is considering sending in a “Special Operations Force(SOF)” to protect the U.S. Embassy in KYIV when the “Open For Business” illuminates in a few day’s time, once again “thum fist fight’n words” and considered as escalatory threats. To perform such a detail, it takes equipment and troops-n-boots along with turf to surf defensive strike-back systems and U.S. jets ready and willing to engage with the enemy. I guess if the O’Bitch can have it his way with his “special military operation” so can we.  So is this a premature victory speech from Zelenskyy, as just a few days ago Putin warned US again that he has granted himself permission to annihilate that Ukraine neighbor - eye-for-an-eye - or any outsider that gets in the way of the Revanchist “de-nazification”, by using napalm on steroids - aka out of control nuclear radiation fire fallout from the sky! Look, did you ever wonder why Putin did not use his well-qualified Russian Aerospace Force to help out his invasion? Because that would have made it too easy a victory and not part of the O’Bitch’s destination plan as Putin held his sights on a World Order manifestation! See, had Putin not maneuvered in a head fake and was for real he thought he could have, or for that matter wanted, a 3-day victory when he lit the fuse on February 24th, those Su-57 could have proved his point. Look, Ukraine and Russia are neighbors, using air superiority across the border upon a nation with no “Top Gun”, it would have been a piece of cake for Putin. Yet Putin did not plan for a short-lived victory, as Ukraine is but for his “stepping-stone” and so far that plan of attack is working, with “outside” engagement interference. The world has been drawn into his battle plan, and that is exactly what he planned upon, as any semblance of a short-lived victory would have stymied that involvement. Putin’s plan would have been wrecked if there came a victory so soon. The world is playing into his wet-dream, as it is not of military brilliance in thinking wherein we are at today, all this talk about how Putin has failed miserably the task at hand. If our military might continues to believe differently then what is actually of merit Putin’s end game, then it is the “World” that is losing this battle. Said again, we fell for it and now the O’Bitch thinks he has the authority to “end the world” in desperation, which was all part of his plan! Yes, the world is on thinner then then ice the heat is on and the melting cycle weakens our existence and in trending it has nothing to do with “global warming”! To reiterate, Putin is winning! The free World took the hook, line and sinker. And once again, the so-called experts that have retired away from government service, may as well just stay in their retirement dungeons instead of thinking the Putin WAR is resurrecting their wannabe status so think they have something of impotence to say - that 3-minutes claim to fame again. I am talking guys like William Cohen, a former U.S. Defense Secretary that thinks Putin is a “brain surgeon” because he enjoys staying at the Holiday Inn as a qualifier to perform a Henry Murray like lobotomy? OK, this guy Cohen instead of worrying about Putin maybe think to instead have his eyebrows mowed over, thin the cob-webs away for a clearer thinking and reasoning to what is really going on with the Putin. As to think like the others that Putin’s war has been a “strategic mistake”, a “blunder” from downunder, a fromunder-taking that has shown the world Putin demonstrates no military experience, it is totally wrong in approach! So what gives, in all due respect, as this war is different and I have reason to believe it was well thought about in advance and what is happening before our very own eyes and ears is exactly what Putin planned out, which means he is winning because we fail to call off our own bluff charge. Putin’s plan was simple, invade his neighbor then when the heat is on retreat and then use missiles from afar to scorch-earth” Ukraine. Yes, destroy the schools and destroy the hospitals and destroy the communal living experiences and while he was at it destroy the bridges and the roads and the railway system - not much left that would entertain the possibility that a civilization could once again survive! Hell NO, because it was meant to be a “scorched earth” philosophy all the time, so Putin can destroy it some more and it thus becomes his ultimate “buffer zone”. Look, all indications pave the way that Putin understood that Zelenskyy would never bend over, so that show and tell that lasted 3-days with Russian tank advancements surrounding KYIV, it was met with a fighting back determination bravado. Exactly what Putin realized would happen once NATO, through neighboring countries and the United States, started pushing defensive armament to help Ukraine fight back, and that involvement would then pave the way for Putin’s bigger and bolder strategy. It gave him permission to use “nuclear weapons” when and if push comes to shove, and we are very close to that exchange. Putin is merely playing mind games now, with his retreats and then he continues to enjoy bombs away from the “Motherland” to scorch Zelenskyy’s land even more. That said, it is WWIII. It is a different strategy therein a different WAR, so when I hear the military mindset of the retirees that spent a career eating soggy peas, well please just shut-up. As calling out that Putin is weak, it is like “aiding and abetting the enemy”, as Putin will take just so much shitty feedback in humiliation before he says enough is enough and starts the Armageddon v. Apocalypse Now race. Even the Doomsday Clock went confused this time around, as it is an unconventional approach we see with Putin, as to what he sees in the crosshairs of destruction from NATO’s so far retaliation and to what he wants to achieve. Look, the World hates his ass, through sanctions he is even banned from Sodom and Gomorrah. But not a worry, as Putin thinks he can destroy the world, and then be the remaining SOB and stuck forever in a land that is uninhabitable and scorched with the forever stench of singed humans. So even though he takes for granted that he lives in a hardened bunker and can challenge any future hardship destructive mechanisms unleashed upon the earth, Putin will do an about face such protection under a mountain. As he cares not about life any more, even his own which is the chilling consequence of wherein this mess may be taking us - especially if there exists some health issues with the puss head. See, even though his so far efforts warm of “strategic failures” unbecoming a Commander-in-Chief, that is what “History” will retain in efforts to teach future generations the sorrows of War. Putin will not let that humiliation happen, which means he will destroy mankind, or make a valid attempt to torch it all away. And now that he feels he has been granted the permission to end it all, because “We the World” are engaged in his planned “proxy war”, the human civilization is indeed in dire straits times. And it does not look too promising, the outcome in any mutually accepted diplomatic solution, as even if Putin went tripped up and decided to call it quits, well Russia would be in hock to rebuild Ukraine. Don’t need a Zelenskyy invite for us “outsiders” to pay-up for the Putin carnage, which means Putin would be broke and “homeless” for his participation. So the O’Bitch has no willingness to survive in the long run, the reason he placed his “Nuclear Dead Man” on “High Security Alert”. Not because of any threats from outsiders, but as a protective moat that surrounds him from any retaliation - he has the nuclear switch and is ready and willing to use it and he will! Time is on Putin’s side, as to have nothing to live for, what matters time? In the meantime, he enjoys a passion for delivering “pain & suffering”, even upon his own citizens and military kids and when that interest runs out, so will his patience at having to keep his finger on that all out nuclear option switch, as the man is MAD and in control of a powder keg! Now in ending, I give Joe Biden credit for not allowing panic to rule our everyday lives. Best acknowledge that a seasoned Patriot, as we find with Joe, is the fact he surrounds himself with military men of brilliance, they all know what this Putin is all about and Joe just wants you to enjoy life as we know it today. Yes, forget about tomorrow until after today as we may not have many summer days left, as “hot town summer in the city” may be due to a Putin finger fucking us all to a "scorched earth" reality!

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