Saturday, May 28, 2022

“Bad Hair Day” for Taxpayers?

Do you Mr. and Mrs. American have any idea how much Nancy LousyLollaPelosi and her “Select Committee Mob” is costing the U.S. Taxpayers in legal fees, because of a “Bad Hair Day”? Look, no foolishness herein my check-mate in alarming you to some funny stuff going down and around, and I’m not one of those MAtt GAetz Morons and instead side with Americans that would not have given the Confederates any leniency which in its latency stage the latter is allowing Trumpism to expand the Treason Season of the Mitch McConnell Turncoats. Yes a genuine New England Patriot I am, “Don’t Splat GOP Red on Me” which means I have no regard for what the “Legitimate Political Discourse” party is up to with their Ginni Doll MAGA dildoes. No not a “typo”, just a Mr. Potatoe head bowel movement. Henry Kissinger, I thought he was sharing a cell with Ted Kaczynski and when that Kevin Nunes party must resort to a thug like Henry, they have not a “party”! So I am bringing up things of interest in concern surrounding the “Crazy Psycho Shit” party, Representative David Cicilline’s chat-calling name for the “Liberal Left” the shoe fits wear it don’t forget the cannoli! Now in a recent court filing by Pelosi’s legal “gang” defending her “Select Committee Mob”, there is listed 9 to 10 separate licensed “Bars” engaged in the litigation. Listed below, the law firms and associated lawyers that are participating in the legal arena…and this is just in the Mark Meadows case! Hey maybe they are working for “free”, as to see that many names listed for Simple Simon “litigation” that kind of head-count at a $cost$ would be “highway robbery” if “We the People” were footing the bill. Yes, Simple Simon court stuff, as Meadows failed to appear for a “subpoena” case should have been a closed shutout by now why not must be a Trump nominated judge with gavelitis. Sad day for Democracy if Meadows is a NEVER SHOW at Alcatraz. But it is not over until the “Fat Ginni Sings”, so the legal counsel by outsiders, it must be on the “Freebee” scale, as it is all about the January 6th Domestic Terrorist Attack of the U.S. Capitol, and that would be very “PATRIOTIC” to have lawyers dedicated to the cause other then just making a $buck$ courtesy of Uncle Sam’s generosity. And since Bennie Thompson’s Chair has yet to take my advise, for reasons consistent in “Transparency” to without delay publish the cost-to-date expenditures for outside legal counsel for the “Select Mob”, then that reason must be in the fact these outside lawyers have responded to the challenge. To get to the bottom of that Donald Trump “coup d’scar” and this is what we would expect through “Patriotism”, working “free” for the cause! So I have listed the lawyers and law firms that are working so hard on their own dime in prime time to facilitate bringing to justice Donald John Trump and his dysentery dynasty minion pissant gang of thugs, so that you can e-mail these legal gavel hijacking lawyers in gesture an appreciation, that working for free finds its merits as it is very Patriotic. A “Letter of Appreciation” can be found below, please take the time to copy and re-send to these “Patriots” that have come to the defense of Miss Liberty and Democracy, all on their own time and dime!

ARNOLD & PORTER KAYE SCHOLER LLP John A. Freedman (D.C. Bar 453075) Paul J. Fishman (D.C. Bar 449014) Amy Jeffress (D.C Bar 449258) David J. Weiner (D.C. Bar 499806) John M. Hindley (D.C. Bar 1720648) 601 Massachusetts Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 942-5000

SHER TREMONTE LLP Justin M. Sher (Bar ID NY0320) Michael Tremonte* Noam Biale* Maya Brodziak* Kathryn E. Ghotbi* 90 Broad Street, 23rd Floor New York, New York 10004 (212) 202-2600


Dear Patriots of Counsel;

“Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country” and with that said, this is a heartfelt appreciation for your “brave-heart” kindness in heeding the call of Patriotism to help out, by lending a helping hand “free of charge” to support Democracy’s challenges. Your efforts to help “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” for free against those that thought it OK to assist in the design and deployment of that January 6th “coup d’scar”, like Mark Meadows, well thanks for coming to the “aid of your country” as should all good countrymen. The fact you are providing legal counsel assistance for free to Nancy Pelosi and Bennie Thompson, wow way to go! And I had it all wrong, as since the “composition” of the Select Committee under H.Res.503, I have tried in vain for that “Committee” in “Transparency” to publish its cost-to-date expenditures, all things considered including outside counsel. In request that such be posted it on its website on a regular updated basis, so “We the People” have a “Sense of Congress” in what it is costing for the investigation through its legal case fallouts, which will soon be followed up with 8-days of “public hearings”. See, mind you had you not been working for free, as this special edition of “All in the Family” may have gone down as the most-costly soap-opera ever broadcast during “prime-time”. So the fact you guys are doing it for “free”, no need for Mr. Thompson to publish much to do about nothing and thus I hate to admit it I owe Nancy and Beenie an apology. Thanks again, and rest assured our “Founding Fathers” would be very appreciative of your legal expertise efforts during these trying times in matters, and doing it all for FREEdom's sake! It is GREAT to be an AMERICAN!

S. Pam McGee - Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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