Monday, May 2, 2022

Olga was a Whore!

Amazing chase, as Nancy LousyLollaPelosi makes an unscheduled & unannounced trip to Ukraine, just another “Bad Hair Day” for “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in its shrinking liberty. OK be nice it’s Sunday the 1st day of May, and like new flowers uprising, things are starting to find some semblance of “normalcy” in war torn Ukraine in victory against Rashist Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin’s flagellation infatuation, learned from Donald Trump’s forecast of January 6th, 2021. Sure there is a “sexual bondage” conduit connection, but “I Really Don’t Care DO U”? Now with that said, many with military notoriety and clout have already made a showing “in theater” as a means of portraying Commander-in-Chief Biden’s support for Ukraine, when bombs were still flying overhead! Yes, to bravely go where no American had gone before to bring Zelenskyy’s home the message from our Oval Office, that “We the People” cared. Well with some calm in the skies over Kyiv, now we will see those with political clout and Putin pennis envy enlisting so as to enjoy that “open arms” stage presence, that must have 5-minutes claim to fame in Ukraine. It gets broadcast, so they get the fame no one to blame this shame. From past experiences, when D.C. politicians take secret trips, it means they are trying to get away from some “heats on” thing. And the fact that a Judge Carl Nichols may soon decide that House Speaker LousyLollaPelosi, during one of her “bad hair days”, made an “unprecedented decision” to castrate the Constitution by allowing a “Select Committee” to go on a “witch-hunt” without insurance, the gavel may fall and call off the hounds. And IMAGINE if soon the “Select Committee” is disbanded, due to…wait there’s more as Pelosi wanted so bad to be the honorary recipient of the “Order of Olga the Princess” award her reason for this secret romance with Ukraine. And she showed up to the ceremony in Kyiv wearing Ben-Hur balls around her neck? See, Zelenskyy still brings laughter to the stage, in this case the World War stage as “Olga” was also a “Whore”. For real, the mistress of Grand Dick Alexandrobitch of Russia and gave birth to a "Royal Bastard" named Vladimir. And Pelosi a Princess? Order in the court, gag Marjorie Soylent Greene with a MAGA dildo! First and foremost, I despise with hatred beyond anything in the reprehensible GOP cesspool of filth category with any individual affiliated with the Donald Trump-Mitch McConnell-Kevin McCarthy-MAttGAetz circle-jerk fascination. As my Founding Father fought so hard to make sure we would not be taken for a ride by a fraudster in bed with a confederate in bred with a turncoat pivoted by a treasonous bimbo all during the same menstrual cramp cycle. Look, Matt Gaetz wears Jim Jordan panties as Greene is the jock-strap fanatic - the reason she gets along with the Moron. But when Pelosi showed up in Ukraine, with this “Foreign Affairs” delegation, it was just another “Bad Hair Day” with the Nancy LousyLollaPelosi and her cowhorts in shame. See, they leave behind our “Domestic Affairs” for a taxpayer wasted pilgrimage, because they really don’t give a rat’s ass about what is happening back here at home, which is why Democracy is doomed. Not because of what the retarded “Legitimate Political Discourse” party is getting away with in snake-oil, but blame it on this LousyLollaPelosi and her “Crazy Psycho Shit” party, aka the “Left” as today if finds itself all to blame in the course of Democracy’s “worst enemy” in discourse. Look, we are beyond the MAGA stench, that bowel movement turned into a Marjorie Soylent Greene laissezsleaze-faire, as Democracy is still ours but so wounded and if we do not get off our rat’s ass to protect it…c’est lavie or better known as “Luca sleeps with the fishes” which will be the future of liberty she wrote. Sad, that Ukraine may end up with more freedom when Putin’s MAGA dildo runs out of juice! But when “Domestic Affairs” turns topsy-turvy over “Foreign Affairs” because we have a Congress that is stool stuck, we are not being represented! See, back home here “We the People” have been waiting almost a year for Pelosi’s “Select Committee” to hold responsible those Treasonous-Turncoats that planned and orchestrated the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. That failure to apprehend individual of interest #1 on through the Meadows, it finds merit of failure entirely on the fact that there is this Beenie Thompson character - Reject Committee Chairman - that insists the “Select Committee” must “protect the institute” which is a dereliction upon the conviction that which formed the “Committee” to begin with. Basically speaking, protecting their own the reason we will never see a subpoena for the REAL Turncoats that are getting away with “Treason”, because some Deliverance judge believes Confederates are free to butt-fuck frogs when vacationing in the Dismal Swamp. It is sickening, that we have the House of Pelosi “afraid” to do its job, like the oath to hold the enemy accountable means nothing. OK, even though the “Select Committee” is afraid to make the choices required to get individuals to “spill the beans” under oath, it is all due to preferential treatment ordinary law-abiding Americans would never get away with. Case in point. Why did Madison Cawthorn get away with just a “warning” from the TSA for bringing a loaded firearm into an airport? His second offence! If that be you or I, forget about going to church as we would be behind bars and receiving communion from Bubba! But this Pelosi “Bad Hair Day” again, wherein it is better to prioritize things that benefit the position of a House Speaker over what is good for America, it sucks the wind out of the sail of our Democracy. Take for instance, like playing truancy in efforts to get attention with “Foreign Affairs” over “Domestic Affairs” and thus receive the “Olga” award, when there is a resolution passed in the House of Nancy that is like the Cawthorn thing and Pelosi is afraid to act on it. Yes, another one of those “preferential privilege” sins they are better then US! And not once but twice that the “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” has been held in limbo by Pelosi, a “resolution” from her own side of the isle, so no one else to blame, stuck for well over 2-years now hidden away - under H.Res.1029 with the 116th and then under H.Res.406 with the current 117th. It was “must have” legislation, that which allowed for Congress to subpoena “any person” including the President on down in efforts for Congress to do its duty! And that “Resolution” would have helped considerably this notion that members of Congress are exempt from a Congressional “subpoena”, a concept that is today stalling getting to the bottom of who, what, where and why with the January 6th “coup”. That resolution was authored by Representative Ted Lieu and found upwards 16 co-sponsors. But for some reason, it is Jim McGovern as the House Rules Committee “chair” that is holding up “public law” that would allow unabated subpoena power to the U.S. Congress. And he was Pelosi’s sidekick in Ukraine, the reason I fear this “Foreign Affairs” is sticking it to “Domestic Affairs”. And that Ted Lieu “Resolution” which I will title out once again to get the point across, it is called the “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution”, it allowed “enhancing” the already of record Congressional “subpoena” powers, and for the first time it melts away any foolishness that the President, or x-conman and or current members of Congress are immune from the hot seat - compelled to “Tell the Truth” or else! And that “resolution” was a “civil unrest penalty”, wherein any person of interest that was issued a valid subpoena to compel testimony and thus refused, including members of Congress, then it meant a $100000 fine. But this resolution is still “stool stuck in limbo”, it can only be because of Olga and Adam Schiff for brains “afraid” that they could be subpoenaed if there comes a “flip” in the House. Preferential treatment, and in the meantime trying to get Mark Meadows and Steve Bannon to testify…fine the bastards but LousyLollaPelosi has not the guts to…she wants to be “Olga”. So I ask, what are they really “afraid” of to allow this much needed legislation, already passed by the Democrats in control, that bill sitting on Jim McGovern’s desk, when the “Select Committee” has been stonewalled by individuals of interest that were involved in that “coup d’scar” - it is a failure through its very own incest! So yes, legislation that allows Congress, including the House and Senate, to use the power of a subpoena to get to the bottom of relevant issues of national importance, like a “coup”, well this is what happens when a “Bad Hair Day” gets in the way of Democracy as it is but for a continuation of that “coup”. As Donald Trump must be in competition with Lousy in the category of “I Really Don’t Care DO U”, and I am sure that Trump would claim that “Olga” award for Melania, if he was still the president. So, had Ted Lieu’s “resolution” been placed on the books, authorized by Pelosi in the “House Rules”, there would be criminals from both the Trump administration and members of Congress, totaling at least 13 from the GOP side, picking flowers today for Bubba and keeping Ted Kaczynski company! The bottom-line, there was a bill introduced into the House of LousyLollaPelosi, before the January 6th attack, before the “Select Committee” was authorized to investigate that deadly event, yet that bill was hidden away by the House Speaker through Jim McGovern and I am sure that Adam Schiff had his fingers in the “coup stew”. As if we see failures by the ”Select Committee” and the real Turncoats not held accountable because they had no reason to answer to their Treason, then there is but for a single person to blame. Remember, Olga was a whore and NOT a Princess Worrier. And if we don’t get to the bottom of that “Trump” January 6th attack, then in earnest we earn it our own worst enemy of the people. A “Sad Sack Badge of Courage”, all because LousyLollaPelosi was “afraid” to do what was right and placed a hairdo before country and if the ransack party takes over because of that democratic patheticism…look, Putin is one person that is causing one hell of a problem, Olga Pelosi is no different in the “problem category” when it comes to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee Democracy”. Had Ted Lieu’s resolution been made available for the “Select Committee”, Donald Trump would be behind bars, meaning the end of his reign of terror instead of sliding by and today a good chance at allowing his January 6th “coup” to continue on, due to Olga’s fascination as a Princess!

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