Sunday, May 22, 2022

No Option - Trump Acquitted?

I hate to say it, that after months upon months of hearing Jamie Raskin consumed within a Constitutional Erection, in speculation that the “Select Committee” will “blow the roof off of Congress” with evidence in blame those individuals-of-interest behind the U.S. Capitol “coup d’scar”, please don’t get excited. It is but for a “false flag” advertisement - aka Constipational Erection. I am talking what is expected soon, through Pelosi’s “unprecedented decision” committee’s final “January 6th Domestic Terrorist Attack” investigative report, well “We the People” may be in for a rude awakening. Case in point, it may never happen any “hot off the press” report or any general knowledge relayed to the public for which it stands, as any release may soon find an injunction-in-relief pending. There is today a 50/50 chance that could happen and thus delay that report going public, until such time the Appeals Court to the Supreme Jesters Court gets to become involved in that action. The courts are stacked, Mitch McConnell was behind this consistency with his Confederacy, he just used Donald Trump as a puppet, to resurrect the Robert E. Lee 21st century “Raping of America”. Yes, all indications are that there could occur a “roadblock” to make public the “investigation” before the scheduled June 9th “Show & Tell” commences, wherein Zoe will reveal what true “Lipstick on a Pig” relates to in Congressional comedy. But in the remaining time wherein the “Select Committee” operates above the law and thinks it is a better posse of lawman then the Merrick Garland DOJ yet fumbles with hand-cuffs, well a “cease & desist” edict from a court of competent jurisdiction and under the gavel of Carl John Nichols - a Trump appointed Federal Judge - is in the works. The arguments filed in motions, just yesterday by Steven Bannon and Mark Meadows, such commotion is trying to circumcise justice ever being served. By entering very good arguments in favor of such retreats away from jurisprudence, read it for yourself don’t bother wasting your time. But somewhat convincing arguments are now of record and on the same page the merits - that there should be a dismissal of both cases, in favor of Trump’s mental minions. Due the fact that Nancy Pelosi had a “Bad Hair Day” and made a “sworn to oath” judgment unbecoming a “House Speaker” when she convened the “Select Committee”. It is not a complicated argument, it is not far reaching and as an Independent-Democrat who has been following the Bannon and Meadows case, “We the People” could be told to bite that tongue and hold our patience some more, wherein Judge Nichols makes that rude awakening lullaby for Trump. Not in total favor of a summary judgement and or dismissal, but issues an administrative injunction that places a “time out” with restrictions that which seals all evidence collected to date, until such time the arguments upon the “illegality” of the “Committee” can be addressed. That is the main reason the “Select Committee” for now balks at turning evidence over to the DOJ, as with these pending lawsuits such a move could be a premature manipulation upon the “rights” of individuals and open up punitive lawsuit litigation against the members of the “Committee” and also placing Pelosi in the legal arena “hotseat”. And if Bannon and Meadows are triumphant, then the “Select Committee” would have to have a huddle, to see if what the judge rules upon is then worth the time and effort, to basically start over. Such a ruling expected soon by Judge Nichols, it could also place all the subpoenas issued by Beenie Thompson and Pelosi as moot, for the time being.  Look, there is a reason why the DOJ has said “zero” about the Mark Meadows referral from Congress for “contempt” for failing to honor a subpoena. The same silence with the other referrals, silence is golden. The DOJ employs career lawyers, that may have sensed something is bozo wrong with the way the “Select Committee” has convened, or at least taking the safe route to be silent until such time a court issues a competent ruling. Yes, a judge may recommend a recess and this is what happens when “chaos” enters the equation, because Nancy LousyLollaPelosi had that “Bad Hair Day” when she made an “unprecedented decision” upon the merits in composition of the “Select Committee”. Two all-important cases dealing with the “legitimacy” of the “Select Committee”, not in any essence questions upon its legality with respect to what Congress can involve itself with upon matters of national importance, through investigative committees assigned special details, but when “House Rules” go by the wayside because of bad investments that which finds one waking up facing off with a “Bad Hair Day”. So hold your breath, cross your fingers and if Judge Carl John Nichols rules in favor of some semblance of a break, some leniency for Meadows and Bannon, then we owe a salute to Pelosi, the middle finger only will suffice. But from sea to shining sea, Trump’s minions have stoked the stacked courts with frivolous complaints based on the “illegitimacy” of how the “Select Committee” is composed and the latter a bone of contention by the cowards. From Meadows to Bannon to Budowich to Linden to John Doe Putin 1 through 1000, in hopes that one judge will rule in favor the fact the “Select Committee” violated the “Sense of Congress” in the ways and means that “Committee” was operated under Nancy Pelosi’s “unprecedented decision” making mandate, just because a few hairs were out of place and then came an erectile dysfunction tizzy fit. And once any of the many judges involved in similar suits makes a final determination, it could cause Pelosi a retirement’s worth of “Bad Hair Days” to come. And we must remember, a cautionary that Judge Nichols has already conceded to “precedence set” in a case before him under prosecution by the DOJ. For an “insurrectionist” that thought that January 6th was a “Girl Scout Cookie Sale” and was so addicted to little girls that he lost his cool mint and vandalized Pelosi’s crapper. When already seven other judges hearing similar cases threw the book at the rioters, well Nichols gaveled in some leniency and that opens up the flood gates for mistrials. But we must all realize that Baby Brett Kavanaugh also had a Pelosi “tissy fit” when he soiled his diaper and the only one around the Supreme Court chamber to change the “poo” was Ginni Thomas, and she made fun of Brett’s something. Regardless, Brett issued an opinion by the “High Way Robbery Court” that basically threw the wherewithal of well-known and respected and accepted “precedence-set” out to pasture. Gone also was the glue for “binding” the merits in “precedence” as the latter was in seeking justice through jurisprudence, like perfectly cooked spaghetti it sticks, well like I mentioned already we are into the “Raping of America” even by the “cloak and dagger” justices! It is all coming down to the wire with everything considered in decency once upon a time with Democracy. But just to get my point across, here is another way that your Taxpayer $loot$ is wasted. The Robert’s Supreme Jesters Court made that “precedence-set” decision so that could set the stage to overturn Roe. And so be it, that change of heart with respect to “precedence-set” as the law of the land, it had endured the rigors of many Supremes, well it was unfavorable to Donald John Trump! In the Fuck’n MAGA Morons efforts to say he held “executive peeing privileges” over everyone else, even if it meant using a women’s latrine on the scene and cutting the line. That verdict was 4-months ago, and one would think that by now due the “High Court” making it clear it was throwing Trump under the bus so that it could rule against Roe and thus disenfranchise every female in America, as it takes two to tangle, well of course they carved in an itch for Trump. See, that case is still “open” and just the other day Pelosi’s “Bad hair Day” legal staff for the “House of Representative”, well they are still allowing Donald Trump a fascination he can execute “executive privilege”, or at least giving Trump some breathing room. Give an inch they take a mile, which could circumcise any efforts to get to the bottom of that January 6th “coup d’scar” that continues to look for a “legal theory” that grants permission to attack Democracy without recourse, to engage in Treason against the United States. And remember, even though Baby Brett ruled against Trump, well after that spanking from Ginni he also made it clear and convincing that a president should enjoy the “privilege” of getting away with “Murder Most Foul” - the reason the “precedence-set and binding” was a “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” decision. Yes, even though the “High Court” ruled against Trump here is the latest in what Pelosi is allowing:

The parties(Pelosi and the”Select Committee” for the “Crazy Psycho Shit” party and Donald John Trump and all the rest of the Turncoats for the other party) to this matter jointly request a further sixty-day extension of time for Defendants to respond to the current Complaint. In the absence of an extension, Defendants’ response is due May 6, 2022. The Court has granted four prior extensions of the response time. The parties’ motion is supported by good cause. The Supreme Court denied Plaintiff’s Application for a Stay of Mandate and Injunction Pending Review(Order No. 21A272, 595 U.S., Jan. 19, 2022), and on February 22, 2022, the Court denied Plaintiff’s petition for certiorari. The parties have again conferred with respect to Defendants’ forthcoming response to the Complaint and the future of the litigation. The parties agreed that the best course was to maintain the status quo and further defer the Defendants’ response for sixty days so that Plaintiff can determine his next steps. Accordingly, the parties request that the Court grant this unopposed motion for a further sixty-day extension of time, until July 5, 2022, in which to respond to the Complaint.

“So that Plaintiff(Trump) can determine his next steps”? WHAT THE FUCK is what every Patriot should be asking! The bottom line, Pelosi and the “Select Committee” are running scared, as this case should have been “Closed” and Pelosi’s legal staff infection should not be entertaining giving Donald John Trump any more time. The only reason…there is none as Pelosi’s legal staff should have said NO to any more time extensions, the Supreme Court made a ruling! And it is that Brett Kavanaugh “itch” that will be used by Trump, as it appears justice served is like a Mobius Strip merry-go-round, and he can have it both ways with precedence-set for “executive privilege” and precedence unseated for overturning Roe. So I ask, whose side is Pelosi really on? So watchtower to see how Judge Nichols rules in the days leading up to the Adam Schiff “Extravaganza”.

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