Monday, April 4, 2022

Stugots on O'Bitch Putin's RUSSIA

Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin, the “Butcher” and the Sad Sack Madman and a Maggot fiend of the Fuck’n Moron Trump, the O’Bitch can disregard this message as it is directed to the citizens of Russia. Because you have coddled the O’Bitch, have protected the O’Bitch, have continued to provide a sanctuary for your O’Bitch and thus have allowed this genocide atrocity upon humans in Ukraine, wherein rape and castration has become your military’s “special military operation” upon retreat because of total failure in the O'Bitch's chain-of-command, it is you as a citizen of Russia “guilty” of WAR CRIMES. So suit yourselves, stay in vouge with your O’Bitch’s genocide and then you will be secluded away to your Russian “bunker”, as never again will the “World” welcome you abroad, never again with open arms to your kind, unless you immediately take matters onto your own hands the destiny of Russia - by drafting the citizens to overthrow the O-Bitch - a “Coup”! Wherein history will then be allowed to celebrate yet another February Revolution - it is time the Russian citizens castrate the Vladimir-O’Bitch Putin!

In ending, what I would like to celebrate upon as found in the words of Bob Dylan:

In you, my friend, I find no blame
Wanna look in my eyes, please do
No one can ever claim
That I took up arms against you

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