Monday, April 18, 2022

Southern Hospitality

So the Confederation of Mitch McConnell - aka the “Southern States of the Union” - well these states that like Donald Trump never got over the “agony of defeat” of a Civil War, we see today legislation that doesn’t want to wait until the High Court Jesters over-rule Roe v. Wade. In line with “Southern Hospitality”, these states runamuck by the Lindsey Graham “Putin Pushers”, it is now a crime for medical practitioners to perform an abortion - unless such is required for medical reasons. So here is how that “Southern Hospitality” can help out Ukraine. The Confederacy of Mitch should offer deportee status to the girls of Ukraine that have been raped by the Russian Rashist “pigsty” soldiers, and are now impregnated with the O’Bitch Putin genes - aka Addiction of Gaetz. Then these illegitimate kids - yielding as much legitimacy as the Kavanaugh-Gorsuch-Barrett “Impostor” Court - born without dads because genocide in Ukraine means grave-stone “filtering” the “boys & men”, well when these kids grow up under the protection of “Mitch” and the Marjorie Soylent Greene “Adopt a Jockstrap” program, they will be readily available replacements for the GOP Cotton mouth rattlers. Teach your fatherless children well, like father, like son the “circle be unbroken” and the O’Bitch Putin influence will live on in America, and Trump wins. As the Russian connection with the GOP through 4-years of Trump, it is incest courtesy the U.S. Taxpayers - Happy Tax Day and may the spirit of Jack Marler live on! Do you think Trump owes any Federal taxes today? How about JaRED and his 2-billion dollar love affair with the Saudi killer? OK, that is how the Moron Dysentery Dynasty avoids paying taxes, as they have most likely used the Jack Marler strategy of “No Taxation without Representation” and it is what the Revenue cops are afraid to admit - as like in “incest”, we could all do the same damn thing and never pay a damn “red cent” in funding…Trump’s WAR in Ukraine as the “Marler” indictment of “Not Guilty” to tax evasion finds today the “legitimacy” of “No Representation”, as “Black Lives Matter Shattered”. One last thing, how can Trump’s “oligarch” Mark Meadows get to slide on a “no crime” for intentionally casting an illegal vote for Trump when at the same time a black woman who held no intent, a simple mistake, she was gaveled to 5-years in the “pen”? Simple Simon answer, as the Jack Marler strategy works wonders for the crooks in ways unimaginable! Foe real, the 117th Congress held a “special investment strategy” seminar for members right before the 2-week Easter break, with emphasis on how to diversify one’s investment portfolio to take advantage of “stock” in “military equipment manufacturing”?

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