Wednesday, April 20, 2022

LousyLollaPelosi - Hair Balls

More then that every hair piece in place lots of luck, as for sure besides a “Bad Hair Day”, the argument is augmented by the Louse Speaker puking hair balls up and down the halls of Congress! OK, with the rabid skunk a “bad hair day” is “normally” but the “hair balls”, when doubt is cast against Congressional insider trading “transparency”. They all do it, so why pick on LousyLollaPeslosi? OK, I am a Proletariat trained Democrat, despise the Trumpism fascination with a New England Patriotic passion that we should have never allowed amnesty for the Confederate “Traitors”, so have an understanding of what is going on both sides of the isle - it’s a pigsty! On one side the “Crazy Psycho Shit” verses the “Legitimate Political Discourse” heading, the result? Putin invades Ukraine! Well enough that out of the way, for a valid reason though these Pelosi “hair balls” are causing trip hazards wherein Congressmen roam, as Steve Bannon - the “squeal like lipstick on a pig” Trump swamp rat - he has filed a motion before Judge Nichols for a “dismissal” upon his “Congressional Contempt” referral. One idiot of the Moron stampede taking on the entire United States Congress. That criminal activity was registered by Pelosi’s “Select Committee investigating the January 6th Domestic Terrorist Attack on the U.S. Capitol”, because Bannon refused to honor a Congressional subpoena to spill the beans on the Trump plan which finds as much failure as that Putin thing in Ukraine so far - peas in a pod Trump and the “Butcher”! Now this Bannon “motion” to dismiss, which is causing the “bad hair & hair ball” episode for LousyLolla, it is based on the fundamentals that the intent of the “Select Committee” violated the law of this land and in evidence exactly what Nancy Pelosi said so was true, that she had made an “unprecedented decision” to…drum roll please,  violate the House of Congress’ “Rules”. Yes admitting to a conscious decision to break the law and now that “violation” is being used to ask a Trump appointed Federal Judge to dismiss the merits of the charge. And most recently, Judge Nichola went against the grain in precedence set, for indictments already “tried” wherein citizens turned turdcoats engaged in the “Resurrection” were found “guilty” and charged, Nichols found that was not the case under his court approved power, that the Government had not exhausted its efforts upon the “burden of proof” and found one of the January 6th perpetrators not guilty of trespass - the guy that shit on Pelosi’s desk - after 7 other cases previous had held individuals responsible for their own action. Wherein Nichols found otherwise, so it appears that the gavel pushing is starting to have a change of heart with those involved and responsible for that “bad hair day”, wherein the Trump party goers urinated on the Statue of Liberty, no “hair balls” required. So in a tizzy fit with Kevin McCarthy, Pelosi blew a fuse and reneged on the “resolution” that the House voted on to form the “Select Committee”, yes changing horses in midstream and violating her office and oath keeping in violating the “Sense of Congress”. So this may be an easy “thrown out” case for Nichols, as when you read the dismissal “motion” and understand what went on, it is a no brainer, Nancy LousyLollaPelosi broke the law! The sad thing, the “Select Committee” has enjoyed this law breaking since its inception, with over $2-million already squandered away from the U.S. taxpayers to fund the shenanigans. An illegal investigation, not based on the merits of what went on during the January 6th massacre, but a baseless investigation based on Pelosi’s “unprecedented bad hair day decision” which means Judge Nichols may dismiss the entire case. Which means all the work the “Select Committee” has done in the past 10-months - a “moot” point. Which means Bannon will be released, so will Mark Meadows so will John Eastman so will…the list goes on and Donald Trump will also be free at last - all due to Pelosi having a “bad hair day”. Your Tax Dollars at Work? Yes, and hair balls included and not subject to a “gift tax” penalty. Enjoy!

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