Saturday, April 2, 2022

Fuch’n Pelosi Stool Fools

Look, Nanny Nancy Pelosi is concerned about only two things, her Botox pucker tucks and a bad hairdo day! When you look at how many times the “Clerk” must cancel scheduled Congressional dealings, it can only mean a “bad hair-day” so the hell with DEMOCRACY it can wait until every hair is in place! Don’t know why the LousyLollaPelosi is trying to compete with Stephanie Ruhle, as in any day the 11th-Hour winner takes home the hairdo prom queen trophy and a lot less midriff bulge in the fromunder biceps! I am serious, as if the 117th Horse Speaker and her cohorts in Haggis…See, I have been exercising my 1st Amendment Right through the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th Domestic Terrorist Attack on the United States Capitol” through its easily accessible online “TIP-Line”, as a TIP is a two way street. Just performing my due diligence as a senior citizen, basically when the fishing is bad and weather sad, may as well bait Congress! And when the entire cast of the “Select Committee” decided just last week to “test run” the “public hearing” venue that was originally scheduled for last January, well it was like a bunch of crying out loud babies in soiled diapers - and have not we had enough in the “Soylent Greene” category already from the “Legitimate Political Discourse” party, when now we have to contend with the same mess from the “Crazy Psycho Shit” other side of the isle? I guess if it works for the McCarthy Turdcoat gang and the McConnell Confederates, may as well join them in this “crybaby” gig. But I was “kicked off” the “Select Committee’s” propaganda site, yes banned away from “TIPPING” the “Select Committee” because I was just being honest that this “Committee” is pathetically unpatriotic as “crying” points to a weakness. And not because of what Donald Trump and Mark Meadows are using to castrate the wherewithal of a “Committee” trying to seek the truth whether or not Vladimir Putin requested a White House visit under the Fuck’n Moron to have three-some sex with a Cotton Ginni Doll, but whether or not this Pelosi “hand-hen-pecked” Committee is genuine! As if that were so then why in hell has not Representative Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” been passed into legislation, still stalled in the Pelosi owned “House Rules” - because the entire cast of the “Crazy Psycho Shit” party is afraid to engage in legislation that would no doubt get to the bottom of WHO, WHAT, WHERE and WHY was behind that “insurgency”, as to have such a “resolution” it would mean an invasion upon the “institution” that which allows members of Congress to act out a passion not as law abiding citizens, but privileged maggots and which reminds me, this is about “Bipartisan”! My last accepted “TIP” correspondence with the “Reject Committee” can be found in this “blog” under the title “Pelosi’s Selective Insurgency” and then came the reject from the “TIP” titled “SCOTUS Cover-Up”. YES, they “CAN’T STAND THE TRUTH”!

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