Friday, April 15, 2022

CIA Humiliation 1, 2, 3…

Just how much in the category of “Humiliation” can a Madman deal with? I am talking that MADMAN across the water and this “MAD” besieged by the theory of “Mutually Assured Destruction”. If this Vladimir ValdimirO’bitch Putin “Moskva” expedition in Ukraine is NOT the rebirth of the MKUltra “Regime Change” experiment…what else would it be as Putin was totally unprepared for what has placed his leadership in detonation freefall. Yes, today Putin the rough-tough bully dictator isolated away in “Humiliation”! He shows up at a Moscow McDonald’s for a “Big Mac”, they laugh at him and plaster him with ketchup and mustard! So no wonder CIA director Burns is warning us about Putin resorting to the use of “Tactical Nuclear Weapons” as a means of WMD against Ukraine, as a last resort as that scenario was well established in the MKUltra planning. MK what? We knew the silence of the lamb would be silenced away but for a short nap, as the CIA always wanted a “regime change” in Russia. So yes, this experiment had to wait until Donald John Trump was arrested away to Mar-a-lago with his SPY “I Don’t Care DO U”, as the “regime change” was not possible with a “Traitor” in the Oval Office. Remember, according to the Trump the Putin is a “nice guy, a genius”, and that kind of cover does not fall under the “regime change” requirements for the CIA. So the time had come, and here we are in Day-50 of the “Russian Regine Change WAR”. It was a gamble, it would always be a gamble, but there was no way of getting away from the CIA experiment that would one day sneak in when the time was ripe and that was found just on the coattails of the COvid in retreat, and now this “regime change” is pushing Putin to the “brink” as it was intended through design. And is exactly what CIA Burns is warning US about, just yesterday as it is “humiliation” that will cause Putin to explode, blow a fuse which will ignite the fuse to promote and orchestrate a “regime change” in Russia. All the conditions required for such a regime change “Green Light” are here today and on track, that it is justified. The reason for the cry for “WAR CRIMES and “GENOCIDE” against Putin and Russia, as that dots the “i” and crosses the “t” for “regime change” necessary. And what is playing out before our very own eyes and ears, it is the Henry Murray formula for success in this “regime change” through humiliation, wherein the “individual of interest” under the microscope is “teased” to that “brink” wherein in action of retaliation it gives the United States the OK to perform its duty and a blessing in disguise by NATO, to initiate this “regime change” at any cost to society. Unfortunately, there will come a limited “tactical nuclear” response, then our embedded CIA will do its thing, as assassination will be the end of Putin. It is all planned out, has been planned out for a long time, years ago but suspended in dormancy for years in the making but time is on the side of the CIA today to fulfill that “dream”, the reason that Putin thought it was the opportune time to invade Ukraine, and not in realization that it was a set-up by the CIA its long-standing mandate under the “MKUltra” doctrine. Now with the MAGA’s O’Bitch and in reason in evidence why it is very easy to see this plan of attack for “regime change” justified, first came the invasion that was supposed to last 3-days at the most and Putin had already penned his victory speech. Ha, ha it didn’t happen count that as “Humiliation #1” a success for the CIA in its “regime change” plan. See, the CIA “hoodwinking” is in the advance stages and the plan actually came to be a reality under Donald Trump, as his incompetency to understand the “legitimacy” of leadership, well the CIA could not pass up what appears to be a ways and means to direct this “regime change” and with Trump losing the election, the CIA instructed its “regime change” plan to action under Joe Biden - as there may have never come another opportunity following Trump’s reign wherein he befriended Moscow. So that first “humiliation” was paramount the continuance of the “regime change” plan. Then with support from Uncle Sam, Ukraine saw an opportunity to arrest the Putin invasion at the same time the CIA saw it as a success, the “humiliation” as part of the MKUltra criteria for “regime change” and then that was followed by further success stories and that culminated in a retreat away from KVIV, because after some of the Rashist Russian soldiers realized the plan for the invasion was unreachable and had no idea what this invasion was all about - because it was about nothing as it was a premediated part of the CIA “Regime Change” plan and was working accordingly cannot now change horses in midstream. Look, no doubt about it there comes the horrors of a “regime change” when WAR is escalated for that reason, but the CIA looks at global future and the way Putin was behaving and the way that behavior was being accepted by Trump and his GOP cohorts in shame, well Thank God for the MKUltra doctrine now engaged to perform a required “regime change”. And when it is all said and done, let’s hope that the Trump spirit in dictatorship is also destroyed. Because of how this dictatorship frenzy was consuming Trump and worrying the wherewithal of DEMOCRACY, of course the CIA had to go after the snake’s head…namely Vladimir VladimirO’bitch Putin. So early into this Putin “jam”, the scorecard was “Two-Strikes” against Putin in the category of “Leadership Humiliation”. I will reiterate, the sad fact of the Ukraine WAR, the destruction and deaths, when “regime change” is the calling, those atrocities are the side effects of this kind of plan, the fallout and the baggage in hopes that one day it can all be forgiven not forgotten, that a better World exists due the sacrifices. The overall intent is to do what is necessary in hopes that in the end it will be a more peaceful world - those that suffer as martyrs for the “Good” of the “Human Race”. So Putin is loosing, and with that “regime change” was becoming a reality. Then when the pride and joy Russian “Flagship” was destroyed, the Moskva, well that was “Humiliation #3”. And do you really think that by now the O’Bitch is interested in more “humiliation”? NO, so he is no longer interested in anything accept to get even with the WORLD, as he is by now in realization that the WORLD hates him, and that can only lead to a “regime change” as if it is not successful from outside Russia, it could be a double edge sword as his own could take it upon themselves to do the same from the inside. Putin is vulnerable every which way but loose…and the fuse has been ignited for that scenario, his life expectancy is counted now by days! So Putin will resort to a scorched earth policy in retreat away from Ukraine, through the use of “Nuclear” Armageddon. He has nothing to loose, as it would suit his Trumpism to destroy the Ukraine land, and thus he would get his ultimate “buffer zone” between NATO and his rat kingdom but with no future and condemnation his daily bread - what’s there to live for NOTHING! And if the O’Bitch does unleash a “nuclear warhead” nightmare on Ukraine, there is not much NATO can do, as the intent of the “regime change” is not an exercise in MAD, just a justification to have Putin taken out of the picture - and most likely by now the CIA has the plans well rehearsed on how that will be accomplished and the world will never understand the difference in sentiment that Putin deserved it. With the “Regime Change” a success, then the rebuilding begins, and one day Russia and Ukraine will be neighbors, and Russia will no longer be a supper-power to contend with through a brutal dictatorship. That will then end Trumpism and most likely we will never hear a whisper from Kim Jong, as when we see how Putin kissed his ass good-bye…it speaks for itself and we have no idea what the next phase of the MKUltra bears witness to and may never reach an understanding as to why, but it worked and it will be up to future generations to argue the merits of “regime change” - if it ever again a necessity!

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