Sunday, March 20, 2022

Vladimir Putin - The Ha-Ha-CZAR

With God on Our Side

Joe Biden said so and I am in total agreement: “I think he is a war criminal, a murderous dictator, a pure thug who is waging an immoral war against the people of Ukraine.” Praytell we all know that “he” identity, the same idiot that Donald Trump considered “sharp” the same bozo that Tucker Carlson said he was rooting for in a WAR of starvation genocide against innocent people, no different then you and me, over yonder in Ukraine! And for real, Mike Pompous Ass likes to get butt-plugged by a Russian double-penetration agent SPY named Melania! Well “I Really Don’t Care DO U” about the Trump assholes that castrate Democracy but still live under the Red, White & Blue - the “pure thug” definition as accomplices in this “Real Nowhere Man’s” WAR! But Vladimir Vladimirobitch Putin’s WAR has not proceeded along that path of least resistance to success upon its original “yellow brick road” goals in what appears to be today a “mission impossible” flop. It was a failure before the first shot wilted away the “peace & tranquility” of Ukraine life in normalcy - where before the boom gloom families enjoyed taking their kids to playgrounds that which are now just dismal Leroy Brown junk yards of carnage and shrapnel. And the Putin foot soldiers are bogged down, as his occupying of the Zelenskyy cities is not going according to plans. But what is working for the Trump wannabe is the lobbing of brutal missile power from far and away, from the Russian NAVY in the Black Sea and from Belarus and from Putin’s muti-million dollar castle-rock fortress back in Russia. So the Russian punk’s strategy seems to be a New WAR, wherein the “war crime” troops will soon be on the retreat the reason the surrounding of key city’s has been almost abandoned. Yes, the tanks and troop transport convoys will escape back to the “Fatherland” and the “Nazi” cleansing ritual will continue, as even when the foot soldiers are gone, the bombs will continue to rain down destruction on the Ukraine nation once upon a time only 24-days ago so “free”. Yes, through air-raid destruction wherein no targets are off the table, until such time the citizens’ “surrender”. No food, no clean water, no heat, no nothing, no shelter and bombs falling from the sky! This is that inhumane “thorn in the side” strategy, only possible because of the close proximity these two neighboring nations - well cannot say “enjoys” the nearby company! It is the nature of the Beast-of-Burden. And the sad thing, there is nothing that could protect a nation from this kind of destructive maneuvering, all in efforts for the Vladimirobitch to save face in embarrassment that he is not a “Commander” by any stretch of the imagination in the military sense - which is a scary thought. Yes, just a playground bully with dummy aspirations. And with war-head rockets that can travel at supersonic like speeds with a 2500-mile range, stop and look around you from Moscow and see the potential this kind of “military vision” can wreck-havoc upon. If this is the Vladimirobitch’s new strategy, he out Foxed the “defense” as he knows that there is no interest in a “No Fly Zone” established over the once friendly skies of Ukraine, as that is the Archilles heal because it is too damn discerning the likelihood it will engage a WWIII invite anybody that comes to the aid of another’s countrymen. Yet, it appears this new strategy is two-fold, as Putin is trying to entice the United States to engage, so yes the “mission creep” is well defined. Well time will tell the significance of this strategy change, as Putin’s New WAR continues to whittle away the “free spirit” of the Ukrainians, they will either have no choice but to surrender or forever live in conditions that at any given time, at any moment another kindergarten will be in the crosshairs of Putin’s filthy “obitch” brigade of unchallenged “bombs away” from afar! But it gets scarier then that threat alone! As just the other day the Vladimirobitch tried to interject a philosophy of “religion” into his reason behind this unprecedented invasion! It was like in a Jimmy Swaggart “I beg your forgiveness” moment, like Putin putting and thinking he is a savoir? Remember, “God is a concept by which we measure our pain” and the fact Putin is loosing his “Almighty WAR”, he feels the pain of "failure is no success at all”. The Vladimirobitch gives not a rat’s ass about the suffering of others, he cares only about himself so much like the Henry Murray “modus operandi” of our very own Donald Trump. Henry who? The Harvard genius that gave us Ted Kaczynski!

No doubt, Vladimir Valdimirovich Putin is wacko-insane deranged and over the edge - which is the scary piece of the puzzle! No medical or psychological help could wrestle away this malignancy of a raging bull lunatic, as like a cancer grows so does his invasion protracts in traction more pain and suffering on the horizon for the innocent. As if he lives on with that “pain & suffering” as a refreshment, said again a genuine guinea pig of a Henry Murray experiment gone “Crazy Psycho Shit” out-of-bounds.

History being made today is what brings to the forefront the past, all the pieces in place to paint a picture we find an understanding upon things of general interest - like in survival and a future. It tells us the “Truth” of Who, What, Where, When and Why - as a roundup roadmap to understand the “human civilization” of past in hopes it helps for that survival of our children’s future. It is the “scripture” that brings along the bad with the good, in hopes we learn from our mistakes the “bad” we must forfeit and embrace even more the “good”, in efforts to make it a better “society” worldwide. We are all brothers & sisters, may we live in PEACE, yet we don’t always get it right the first go-around, so through time gone bye is wherein we find the invitation for change - towards the better in efforts to exterminate the “Big Bad Wolf”. That will no doubt be the outcome herein, when the smoke clears away and the stench of rotting kids warns us we must do better in eradicating that “Bad” actor - in this case the Putin is a Monster. We have done a pretty good job over time with lessons learned so that “History” can survive another bout, but there is always room for improvement as bad actors like an infiltrating “Traitor” killer bee can spoil the mead. One bee, one monster is all it takes to wreck tranquility.

But the fact that “History” is that singularity a rarity in significance in tradition to document events of the past for our own goodwill, well we also have come to an understanding that some do not take too lightly to what we learn or will learn, what future generations will be taught as an acknowledgment to things that went against the grain of human dignity. Yet, for a long time it was almost impossibly tough to erase away that “History” lesson. I guess when things were cast in stone, that made it tough to squander the existence of what transpired along the way and with modern day hi-tech communications, nothing is secret.  There exists a backup for everything important, which means Putin’s story will be told and classified under “nightmares”. And one day, the Russian citizens that were kept in the dark this “invasion” by their lunatic leader, they will repent in “forgive us we know not what Putin did” and hopefully that will be the torch bearer for their very own future, that such an actor out-of-control is not acceptable and thus not repeated. So even though there is usually a trail, even if of betrayal, it gets documented in “History” and passed on down to the next generation to the next generation it should never end it is part of the human aspect continuum. But today we live in a changed “world” with respect to transparency and responsibility and accountability the only reason this Vladimirobitch thing is happening, as Donald John Trump was well known for not keeping anything that could paint his terms of endangerment as deranged or immoral for “sleeping with the enemy”. It goes beyond “Treason” with Trump! In a somewhat “illegal” ways and means to “scuttle the ship” - a Russian sailor’s term - to erase the evidence that should one day be part of “History” and readily reproduced, so each and every living soul can then form his or her own opinion of fact. Wherein new laws can be legislated upon to make sure a Putin monster is never condoned again - that is what “History” teaches and demands. Unfortunately, it is well known that Trump used “sticky notes” for all things considered “confidential”, not in efforts to hide things but in realization he was an imposter president and “smart” enough to understand “History” would not be kind to his Dysentery Marjorie Soylent Greene Dynasty - especially when someday in the future we learn that Putin sabotaged the 2016 election so the Russian monster could seat Trump in the Oval Office. It is called a mole, better yet a “Moron” the term Rex Tillerson used soon after Trump held a gang bang in the Oval Office with Putin’s Sergey Labrat. So those Trump notes were torn up and thrown into the Oval Office “SCIF” latrine, flush twice then no record of his phone-sex chats with Vladimir Putin. Look, Trump had erections and ejaculation orgasms over Putin, today’s “Madman” with a finger on the “Nuclear Option”! So everything that “History” will deliver with respect to the “Moron”, it will be through speculation take it not as gospel but questionable. But there will exist that “History” in credibility from what we have learned, so Trump’s trickery at deceiving the wherewithal of “History” fails the reality test - thank God. And now that Vladimir Putin has called out Trump and his Bannon and Meadows cohorts in shame as “scum bags and traitors”, and the fact that “History” will not be kind to Putin either, well pinch yourself, Putin will not allow that “History” to survive to then be a thing from the past for the passing of time to the future. Book burning ring a bell as a recipe for disaster? In the Madman Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the way the “World” has united to chastise this seemingly useless WAR with no strategy, no military mission, no nothing, well Putin wanted “History” to tell a story how he was like a great Russian CZAR and invaded Ukraine to protect the “Fatherland”. Yes, gone is the defense for the “Motherland” with Putin, and it is now down to the “Fatherland” as his “non-strategy” invasion has backfired miserably - to the point this atrocity will go down in the history books as an abortion. It will be front and center of attention under the chapter on “How Not to Plan & Execute a WAR”. Putin today, after 24-days in his WAR that was supposed to last only 24-hours, it is a complete failure and as the King of Russia, he will never regain strength in popularity, he is despised by the World and that is wherein we may be in dire straits the outcome of this senseless WAR. Putin is desperate, maybe the side effects of power and afraid of his own shadow as he has been secluded away for the duration of the COvid crisis and thought his efforts at trying to get Donald Trump re-elected, well something went terribly wrong in that regard. Look, when the final numbers started to tell the “Truth”, that the American’s had enough pigsty melodrama with Trump and that Biden was the clear winner of the White House back before the January 6th riots were enjoyed by Trump and Putin having phone sex some more, of course Trump told the Vladimirobitch not to worry, as Trump thought he had Mike Pence in his back pocket to resurrect Trump’s loss towards an unprecedented “win” - but this is America and still a Democracy. See Putin had hoped that his invasion of Ukraine would have been a seamless over-night sensation, as had Trump been reunited with Putin, the “Moron” in a 2nd term was ready to release the United States away from NATO. Had that been the case, when the Russian troops set foot in Ukraine, without the U.S. the strongarm of NATO wherein an “invasion on one is an invasion on all”, it would have meant but for one scenario, Ukraine would have found no support from the outside world and that would have meant case closed, WAR is over in “surrender”. But instead, Putin went ahead and here we are, the “History” books will reward Putin with nothing but “failure” and that is one thing this today’s ha-ha-czar cannot stand - so like with Trump it means destroy all the evidence that supports that “failure”. Putin will not allow the “History” books to call it out like it is, that he was a complete failure, let down his own country and that means the ultimate release of the bad news, through a “Nuclear Armageddon”. Way back when Bob Dylan sang out that “I’ve learned to hate the Russians all through my whole life”, there was a reason for such a chilling statement and it is so right-on today. Look, Trump supporters are no different then Putin’s Jim Jordan’s jock-strap support base. They lost, and both are sore losers the only problem, at least we got the nuke codes away from the Moron, not so the same case with Putin. He is itching to push mankind to the brink of devastation so that he has an excuse for total destruction wherein he can blame someone else, by pushing that button that warns of a tactical nuke strike. Say on the border of Poland, wherein fallout will rain down yet another horror on the Ukrainians and the Polish. And then it will escalate out-of-control and the “MAD” syndrome evolves as destiny’s child, “Mutually Assured Destruction” will smolder all the books to ashes Putin’s fantasy of nothing bad said about him finds his religious victory. That is the reason Putin is preaching out his saving the world order - it is an imposter like dream. Want to understand the Vladimirobitch, look no further then what we came to understand about Donald Trump. So look for the Vladimirobitch to provoke when opportunity knocks, not to find some “retreat” away from the Ukraine theater of his WAR through peace talks, but a way to expand his mental illness to the masses. So best enjoy life “today” and “don’t care about today until tomorrow” and let’s hope that when the mass destruction detonation commences, that we will go quick and easy as I believe in that life after, that there is a Heaven above wherein God spends his love and that is wherein “God has stopped the next WAR!

Oh my name it ain't nothin'
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest
I was taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And that land that I live in
Has God on its side

Oh, the history books tell it
They tell it so well
The cavalries charged
The Indians fell
The cavalries charged
The Indians died
Oh, the country was young
With God on its side

The Spanish-American
War had its day
And the Civil War, too
Was soon laid away
And the names of the heroes
I was made to memorize
With guns in their hands
And God on their side

The First World War, boys
It came and it went
The reason for fighting
I never did get
But I learned to accept it
Accept it with pride
For you don't count the dead
When God's on your side

The Second World War
Came to an end
We forgave the Germans
And then we were friends
Though they murdered six million
In the ovens they fried
The Germans now, too
Have God on their side

I've learned to hate the Russians
All through my whole life
If another war comes
It's them we must fight
To hate them and fear them
To run and to hide
And accept it all bravely
With God on my side

But now we got weapons
Of chemical dust
If fire them, we're forced to
Then fire, them we must
One push of the button
And a shot the world wide
And you never ask questions
When God's on your side

Through many a dark hour
I've been thinkin' about this
That Jesus Christ was
Betrayed by a kiss
But I can't think for you
You'll have to decide
Whether Judas Iscariot
Had God on his side.

So now as I'm leavin'
I'm weary as Hell
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
That if God's on our side
He'll stop the next war

Songwriters: Bob Dylan

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