Friday, March 4, 2022

Brace for IMPACT!

Seems strange, that the 117th House of Representatives and its Congressional Select Committee investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol issued a WARNING shot across the bow, just yesterday. It found more news media “umph” then Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, as “We the People” may be on the attack radar in our very own Homeland, by our very own “Congress”! That “committee”, which was commissioned by Nanny Nancy LousyLollaPelosi, well it may be running scarred that is will be “Banned” from continuing on to pressure “individuals-of-interest” to “so help me God, tell the truth and nothing but the truth.” Now this comes on the coattails of Pelosi and the “Committee” members in answer to the Court the legitimacy of this “Select Committee” - in consideration the Mark Meadows v. Pelosi and the Select Committee complaint, that the “Committee” is not following its own charter in “composition” under House Resolution 503. Basically speaking, it never officially “convened” according to its own rules and regulations, so everything to date accomplished by this ”Committee” could be found NULL & VOID. It means starting over, and “We the People” have not the wherewithal to provoke more pain and suffering upon ourselves - so it means the END of getting to the bottom of “who to blame” in that dreaded January 6th attack - said again it is classified as a “Domestic Terrorist Attack”. And today, March 4th, Pelosi and the Committee must answer to Judge Nichols. So just yesterday, the “Select Committee” issued a “Good Faith” decree that surrounds Donald John Trump an involvement in “Criminal” activity with respect to the “Insurgency”. Now it is understood that the “Select Committee” has no authority to prosecute, so can only make vague like recommendations in hopes someone out there is listening - “can you hear me now” like maybe DOJ Chief Merrick Garland. Now this answer due today before the District Court where Meadows is claiming the “non-legitimacy” of the “Select Committee” in violation its own fundamental rules, it comes after Pelosi and Bennie Thompson and the committee members, all named as defendants, had to file a motion for a 2-week extension in time to answer to that “legitimacy” question. Which I find rather strange, as it should have been a slam-dunk answer not in allowance any unnecessary delays. Well there is a reason that the DOJ referral against Mark Meadows for not cooperating with the Pelosi ”Select Committee” has been so silent and everybody keeps asking WHY? As to date the DOJ has refused to comment whether or not is would accept the referral from Pelosi, as the Nation’s chief law enforcer has its hands tied until such time a competent court makes a determination upon the question of that legal “legitimacy”. And Meadows has a strong suit, as does the “Select Committee”, so it could go either way in the court of popular dystopia. But I place my wager on Meadows, not that I am a supporter of what went on that January 6th, just the fact that Pelosi had a hissy-fit and here we are - some many months into the game and we still don’t know if what was paid for by the U.S. Taxpayers is “legitimate”. Sad, but when “some people never worked a day in their life, don’t know what work even means”, it is the Bob Dylan “Workingman’s Blues #2” still some more - Congress plays we pay and we suffer and I always thought double-jeopardy was something that was a trait only of a dictatorship! So by COB today in the Meadows complaint(1:21-cv-03217), we should have a reading on whether or not the “Select Committee” can continue on. Will it have to regroup? And the sad thing, if the Judge finds in favor of Meadows upon the question of legal “legitimacy” fails with the “Select Committee”, what it means for the other “Crazy Psycho Shit(Democrats) v. Legitimate Political Discourse(Republicans) lawsuits before the “Select Committee”, like with Eastman and Donald John Trump and Rudy…it’s an easy answer as the trickle down theory has its precedence set already - it means FREE at LAST! Now that is how Vladimir Putin gets away with “Murder Most Foul”!

Stugots - Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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