Thursday, February 10, 2022

Toilet Plunger Select Committee

Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol;

TIP: Subpoena Members of Congress - Else this Committee should be abandoned due lack of COURAGE!!

In yesterday’s “subpoena” served on Peter Navarro, in the letter from the “Select Committee” it states with words to the effect; “more then 100 members of Congress, including Paul Gosar and Senator Ted Cruz were on board with the Green Bay Sweep strategy, as part of the Domestic Terrorist Attack to change the outcome of the November 2020 election, as the last best chance to snatch a stolen election from the Democrats’ jaws of deceit.”

Mr. Thompson, it is time to STOP playing their game, time for your “Select Committee” to get tough instead of acting like a bunch of COWARDS! You would not have made that quantifying statement of “more then 100 members of Congress” involved in that “Domestic Terrorist Attack” if it were from rumors. That amount of “on board” members of Congress that were bound under oath of “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”, so engaged in the efforts to “snatch back a stolen election”, it equates to 1/3rd the GOP posse. And these turncoats are still roaming the Hall of Congress, because this is what defines a death wish for Democracy. Maybe if you had the decency to report what this Committee is really supposed to be investigating, that it was a “Domestic Terrorist Attack” instead of just an everyday ordinary “Attack”, maybe it would then sink in the seriousness as words have meaning. It was a “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK” and 503 states that without hesitation. To refresh this “Committee’s” mission, “hereafter referred to as the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol”. So get with the program. And mind you, members of Congress were behind this “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”, get it! “We the People” would be proud of this “Committee” if turncoats like Ted Cruz or Jim Jordan were called before your bench and then had to do the 5th tight-wire walk, as they are already under oath so if any involvement while acting as a member of Congress, that would be their only lullaby. And IMAGINE that in this day and age, a member of the U.S. Congress pleading for a hideaway. Why is this “Committee” so afraid of its own? It is like you are giving away amnesty in a preferential treatment. This pathetic bull-crap we keep hearing over and over again like explosive diarrhea from the “Committee’s” mouthpiece in “must respect the institution”, please! And remember what you are of record back in 2011, “we must not allow terrorism to diminish the need to respect the institutions….” That is exactly what you are allowing to happen in the diminish category, by your steadfast obligation to this “institution” and this thing called “respect”! I guess Democracy is a second-rate citizen to this “institute” let it diminish away to Trumpanzeeism. It was a “Domestic Terrorist Attack”, members of Congress were involved and it has diminished any further need to respect that institution. Get it, there is no need for that “respect”, not until such time those members of Congress that found an interest in involvement are held accountable for their actions in Treason. That is what you are afraid of, as it could get very ugly when “We the People” get the names of the Turncoats amongst us. And does Zoe still believe that January 6th was mischief? Remember what John Lennon preached, “I don’t believe in Hitler” need I say more, as along with Gazpacho on that January 6th “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”, your colleagues embraced that Nazi awakening.  It is time this Select Committee does away with the nice guy kumbaya kool-aid pacifist test, time for Mr. Thompson to give it up or get out of the way with this notion of protection this “must respect the institution” - as it appears when being nice they shit all over you. Wow, Laurence Tribe just posted a science thing, that a prehistoric fish brain was found filled with feces, and like he is quoted “shit for brains”. That is my take on this notion that your GOP colleagues are above the law and thus you are afraid to compel any members of Congress that may have been involved before, during and after that January 6th event, because maybe deep down inside “You can’t handle the Truth”. I say it again, “You can’t handle the Truth”!! Matter of fact, all roads lead to the royal crapper it appears, as that is wherein Mr. Trump has taken this “Committee”, searching for pieces of this puzzle struggle in the latrine. Maybe you should plan on serving a subpoena on the Oval Office toilet, bring it to the “Hearings” and maybe when it is flushed it will also take the 5th, talk about what the political lens finds when looking up, is that the sky falling? And I don’t see anything in H.Res.503 that says you cannot subpoena a toilet, let alone a member of Congress! And better yet, instead of the wooden gavel you yield as the “Chairman”, maybe a “plunger” replacement suits the “mission” today, just a TP TIP.

Stugots - Lousy Hat Solidarity Party 

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