Monday, February 7, 2022

Select RESPECT Committee

Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol;

Day 52 of the Mark Meadows Indictment Watch.

Thank You Mr. Thompson, for your clarification to whomongstus this “Select Committee” represents in preference and priority. Kind of like throwing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” under…THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST NETWORK: Miss Liberty is now positioned for that under the bus out-of-control joy ride kibosh - under water how long do you think Democracy can tread this punishment? If the cesspool of fools don’t kill it the vroom-vroom bus will run over what righteousness remains! To get my point clear as day the day after, on this past Thursday as “Mr. Chairman” and of free-wheelin’ will of record in “aid and comfort” to the Enemy of the People, that faction that believes that the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” was an obligation in “legitimate political discourse”, you stated: “we must not allow terrorism to diminish the need to respect the institutions…the principles that have formed the cornerstone of our democracy. As we await action from our colleagues in the…I am confident that they will approve an agreement that promotes our common interests.” Soooory, that comment was you way back in 2011. I was trying to focus in on another “respect the institution” gig of yours truly as you seen to value that quote, here it is ink still fresh: "You know, you have to respect this institution(aka Congress). You know, we have to see whether or not it's ever been done before(aka Subpoenas served  on members of Congress including Jim “Jock Strap” Jordan). If it had, on what authorities(It’s called Inherent Contempt for a reason, congress inherits that power, you Sir own it). So, we just want to be right(who’s on first?). And if we are not in good standing with it, then I mean, we probably won't do it(for crying out loud in shame this melodrama in “good standing”, it was a “Crazy Psycho Shit” Domestic Terrorist Attack, just ask Rep. Cicillini)."

So you were not kidding, that “we must not allow terrorism to diminish the need to respect the institutions.” And Mr. Chairman, that “Institution” you were protecting with this RESPECT, it then realized a crack in the dam and took advantage of your charity work:

WHEREAS, Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger have engaged in actions in their positions as members of the January 6th Select Committee not befitting Republican of Congress, which include the Committee's disregard for minority rights, traditional checks and balances, due process, and adherence to other precedent and rules of the U.S. House and which seem intent on advancing a political agenda to buoy the Democrat bleak prospects in the upcoming midterm elections;

WHEREAS, Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse, and they are both utilizing their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power for partisan purposes…

The bozo bus made a direct hit, especially that chastising of this “Committee’s” disregard for minority rights - say it ain’t so! Don’t bother, I know it’s a GOP line-by-line lie. So I ask, “but at the same time, it’s a complicated issue”? - what’s so complicated about standing up against the cowards, unless that latter label is this committee’s preference. Let’s face the facts, there are two faces on the Coward Mobius Strip, a coward there and a coward here, it’s the same damn COWARD separated by a finite nothing, just out of phase by 360-degrees one is inhaling while the other on life-support exhaling. Or is this “RESPECT” you offer, was it for Nancy Pelosi’s IMAGE, maybe her hairdo doesn’t like to be bothered! I am serious, as this “Select Committee’s” mission seems to have become bogged down by now, like let’s engage in selling a bridge to nowhere what do we have to lose it worked before with the American stupidity.

And then, because you caved in, well this is how the other side “Respects” your “institution”. So if this is how you spell RESPECT, well done as Democracy is damned. And just last night, finally and maybe the first time some truth in “Transparency” with your “Committee”, well Mr. Raskin acknowledged what “We the People” have known all along, that it now looks like April or May for the scheduling of the Comic Relief “Public Hearings” - it will be more months before this “Committee” gets stage time on the Vince McMahon WWV stage of fake entertainment, all because of the delays in getting individuals-of-interest to talk? That’s what happens when you open up your mouth thinking they are “Patriotic” and due love of country and kumbaya would…forget it.

Oh, not to forget, on that Meadows Indictment Watch 52-days in the making of that criminal referral? Maybe you forgot, as that is a long-time span when…wow, that boob-tube following Jamie’s dedication to transparency well low and behold a commercial break for “Prevagen” suppositories, in claim it can help put the puzzle pieces together - is not that what this “Committee” is up to? According to Zoe, it is just a game of puzzle me! As it sure puzzles my reality what is in store for whatever this “committee” ends up with, maybe a “black eye” and “We the People” get stuck with the bill! Maybe this “Committee’s” waste in outside counsel should have been used instead to feed and shelter the “Homeless”. At least we would have something to show for such a good deed. Matter of fact, cancel the side-show entertainment and instead maybe the members can volunteer making PB&J sandwiches at the local shelters. Then again, maybe you should take my advice on those “suppositories” and thus rename yourselves the “Prevagen Posse” and along with a consideration to adopt that Guess Who song, titled “No Time”. As if sure fits the mood in this “Committee’s” modus operandi of mud shark mud bogging contagions of thy cesspool of fools runneth over in ruin! Actually, the reason for corresponding with you, my MAGA vibrator is on the blink, can your members fix this thing as I found out that Trump’s guarantee for any repair jobs or replacements is null and void, and in due respect for the “respect of the institution”, I have no one else to turn to for help and…wow, Jamie’s Sunday Night Special was great, but what is going to be your comeback when a Trump lawyer asks for a “mistrial” based on that “pariah” comment? In ending:

No time, no time, no time, no time
No time, no time, no time, no time
I got, got, got, got no time
I got, got, got, got no time
I got, got, got, got no time

Stugots Signing Off. May the Lousy Hat Solidarity Party “Live On”!

(PS. Time to write my book, “My Letters to Bennie and the J, Je, Jesters in Respect for the Institution”, how caving in gave Matt Gaetz a “Get Out of Jail Free” card for his pedophile instincts, in line with the “Crazy Psycho Shit” philosophy of “Legitimate Political Discourse.” Signed copies to be delivered to the “Select Committee” members upon publication.)

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