Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Pelosi - Another Bad Hair Day!

Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol, along with the missing-in-action members in vacancy status;

A 14-day extension for the “Committee Members” to answer to the Meadows v. Pelosi complaint? In excuse “in light of their schedules and official travel”? For real, then may I suggest less time on the Rachal Madcow hour! What are you trying to hide, as is not time of the essence in this “investigation”? Beginning to believe this additional time, as so with the Trump v. Thompson time extension, it is due the fact this “Committee” is floundering. Just an honest assessment of what it looks like from the outside, when trying to stay on the side of Democracy and would like to continue support for this Committee’s “investigation”, but what is going on? If there is nothing to hide by the “Committee” and or Pelosi in the Meadows’ case, then STOP this harassing of “We the People”, just answer the complaint timely so we can then see how Judge Nichols views the “merits” of the case. Then again if Pelosi had a “bad hair day” and allowed the violation of the “composition” of H.Res.503, and the “Committee Chair” went along with it, then maybe it best time to cut the losses. Yes, abandon the efforts. It is wonderful all the evidence the “Committee” has so far collected and it appears bragging rights every night makes us confident the “investigation” is still meaningful, but what good is it if Meadows’ case is not dismissed? Why are there still “vacancies” in the “Select Committee” roster, when the language of 503 is specific in that “Shall”? It appears Mr. Meadows has a very strong case, and if he prevails, well maybe that DOJ “referral” is moot - is that why the “Committee” wants to extend things? And could it be that Merrick Garland’s DOJ cannot, will not rule on the Mark Meadows’ “Criminal Contempt” referral from House Speaker Pelosi until such time this “Select Committee” and Nancy Pelosi with “respect to the institution” find the time to prioritize what is, well a priority? It appears this “Committee” is now stalling to buy time, not what “We the People” would have expected from a Democratic sponsored “Committee” with a mission to get to the bottom of how Donald John Trump was responsible for the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol.  So why the “water-boarding”? So let me answer the court for Pelosi and this “Committee” in a 1,2, 3 strikes you’re out!

According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House Resolution 503, that which was the foundation for the “Select Committee”, it SHALL:


(a) Appointment Of Members.—The Speaker shall appoint 13 Members to the Select Committee, 5 of whom shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.

(b) Designation Of Chair.—The Speaker shall designate one Member to serve as chair of the Select Committee.

(c) Vacancies.—Any vacancy in the Select Committee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

Yes your honor, we never convened a full posse! Nancy had a bad hair day and Bennie suffers from “emotional distress”, so we have engaged in a disregard of minority rights. Case Closed. Why cannot this “Committee” begin to come honest with “We the People” that due stubbornness, that this “Committee” may be in serious jeopardy to continue on, as Judge Nichols will not find any amusement in a Congress that does not follow its own “rules”. So just give it up, be honest with the Court and admit that this “Committee” is not a “Committee” and then “We the People” will find an understanding how with Pelosi it was IMAGE before Country!

Stugots, Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

-and for reference:

On the motion filed February 15th, 2021, in Meadows v. Pelosi:

CONSENT MOTION FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT Pursuant to Local Rule 7 and the Court’s Standing Order for Civil Cases (ECF No. 4), Defendants the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, the Honorable Bennie G. Thompson, the Honorable Elizabeth L. Cheney, the Honorable Adam B. Schiff, the Honorable Jamie B. Raskin, the Honorable Susan E. Lofgren, the Honorable Elaine G. Luria, the Honorable Peter R. Aguilar, the Honorable Stephanie Murphy, the Honorable Adam D. Kinzinger, and the United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol move for an extension of time to respond to Plaintiff’s Complaint. Plaintiff Mark Meadows filed his Complaint (ECF No. 1) on December 8, 2021. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(a)(3), the response to Plaintiff’s Complaint is currently due on February 18, 2022, 60 days after service of the summons and original complaint on the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. See ECF No. 7; see also Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(a)(3). Defendants seek a 14-day extension of the deadline to respond to the Complaint, until March 4, 2022.

Defendants, all Members of Congress, are actively engaged in studying the various alternatives in the litigation and need more time, in light of their schedules and official travel, prior to responding.

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