Monday, February 14, 2022

Nancy Pelosi - A Bad Hair Day

Mark your calendar, as February 18th, 2022, is a pivotal date and could be remembered in history as the “Nancy Pelosi Bad Hair Day Extraordinaire”. For real, just 4-days away. Look, did House Speaker Nancy LousyLollaPelosi mess it all up for Democracy? Yes in a “Bad Hair Day” moment, maybe aided and abetted through sustained jet lag and a “Crazy Psycho Shit” House to contend with not to forget a bunch of GOP Turncoats. Surely not a formula for success!

The Scooby-doo Scoop: When “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” was still recovering from the morning after putrid stench left behind from defecating punks of the Moron, that January 6th Marjorie Soylent Greene gazpacho thing that proved one all-important reality that we never should have shut down the “Insane Asylums” - hold that thought! But maybe worse off then that so help me God my “Founding Fathers” Democracy, what appears to be a treacherous abandoning by Pelosi, that which was addressed in the heading of this dissertation. Maybe this jeopardizing of a Democracy wounded, when she was too busy getting a hair-blow-job or private jet gallivanting excursions, even with Mr. COvid keeping most of us in “lockdown” mode. Well praytell we may soon find out a new meaning of “dereliction”, as by next Friday we will see if the Mark Meadows’ not guilty “strategy” holds toilet water. OK, nothing to do with “guilty or not” just the fact that Meadows is giving Pelosi and her “Select Committee” a run for its monarchy. Yes, toilet water, in the sense the same damn water rights Donald Trump claims for his “above the law” cesspool attitude. See, I am not a Mark Meadows fan, neither would I be held accountable to NOT give Donald Trump “Good Samaritan” life support if by chance I was nearby, and he was choking while trying to eat the evidence - talk about the dog ate my homework. OK, if I were around the corner and there was a nearby toilet plunger I may attempt resuscitation - Donald “open wide”! Imagine, the Commander-in-Thief choking on Jim Jordan’s edible panties, I meant Marjorie Soylent Greene’s “gazpacho” flavored jock-strap. But when you read the lawsuit that Mr. Meadows has before the District Court today, it is a good augment - matter in fact it is a solid augment in jurisprudence, to be concise that by next week we may see the dismantling of the “Select Committee investigating the January 6th Domestic Terrorist Attack on the U.S. Capitol.” Or at least a time-out and then a “nothingburger” again, as legal challenges with the intent to stall things finds a ways and means to boredom, then all interest will wane away we are left with another useless like Impeachment #1 not to forget an Impeachment #2 wait there’s more. I am starting to feel sorry for Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff and Zoe Lofgren, as those failures will become part of their resumes! Does 3-strikes make what a difference the day makes? But why so my concern over the wherewithal and survival of this “Select Committee” in this premeditated fact that in a few days we may hear screaming from the Capitol rotunda, when Pelosi looks in the mirror and sees just another “Bad Hair Day”? Because in haste, in waste of the Taxpayers’ hard-earned income burdened by Uncle Sam’s reputation for taxation, it means the menace that some can continue to play games because “accountability” is like a traffic light, just a suggestion to a drunk driver…OK, to begin with we start out with the Mark Meadows v. Nancy Pelosi and the Select Committee Members, it is paramount this discussion of what can cause that “Bad Hair Day”. This case is active before a district judge that once worked for Clarence Thomas and Carl Nichols was given the courtship by none other then, Donald John Trump! And Nichols is one tough gavel hailing justice. Now the Meadows’ suit claims two-things of mighty importance, the precipice for what could end up being a “Bad Hair Day” for Pelosi. First and foremost trying to gain attention and attraction before the “Court”, facts that suggest the “Select Committee” never convened per "the letter of the law”. So if Meadows’ case is convincing enough on this fact alone, it means everything Pelosi’s “Committee” has accomplished so far is moot, basically “null and void” for the time being. A time-out until such time it is officially convened in accordance with the House Resolution 503, that which granted gavel permission for the formation of this “Committee” to investigate the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on Democracy. This “resolution” was authorized by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. It was voted in by the House, in victory for the Democratic side of the aisle. But early on during the preliminary formation of this “Committee” with its membership, wherein it is of record under the “Composition” title that which specifies that there “Shall” be 13-members chosen from the House, wherein 5-members “Shall” to be chosen by the minority leader Kevin McCarthy, well it all fell apart even before the Pelosi signature-of-authority was even beginning to dry. Pelosi was not excited about having members nominated that voted against the resolution in the first place, because some of those named by McCarthy would then be involved in the active investigation into Donald John Trump’s knowledge of that plan, which culminated by a “Domestic Terrorist Attack”. Yes, it meant those in the know and “termites” of Trump conducting their own investigation, well it would be like talking to themselves in the Putin mirror that once assaulted the Oval Office wall - which is now down Mar-a-lago way as Melania the “Russian Spy” cannot live without it. So with that predicament in possibility, with guilty GOP members in the midst of a valid “investigation”, well Pelosi gaveled in her own members of the House from the GOP, namely Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger - the only republicans that had voted AYE for the 503 resolution. And by being so stubborn, well Pelosi fell into the GOP “trap”! As that was a death wish against the resolution the merits of its language - that “letter of the law” jurisdiction! Need to sway, Pelosi’s “Select Committee” found preferential treatment in the “Select” category, against the wishes of the “resolution” itself and thus this must have “investigatory committee” started off with failure written all over it. Now cannot change horses in midstream either, as then Representative Bennie Thompson was awarded the “Chair”, when at the same time he had a personal lawsuit against Donald Trump, for an action asking for $compensatory$ and $punitive damages$ for the harm suffered by “emotional distress” from that January 6th affair. Requesting a “jury award” which can sometimes mean $millions$. Now Thompson did recuse himself away from that court action when he was assigned to the “Select Committee”, but that does not necessarily mean the “emotional distress” was left behind! And when the “Select Committee” started to explore to expose, when Thompson’s gavel was heard that the “Select Committee” had convened, it was not set-up according to the merits of the original House Resolution 503, so it was premature to convene. There were vacancies, still today, and the “resolution” called for No Vacancies, to convene only when there was a full roster of 13-members, NOT 9 and how it stands today in limbo, with guidelines for “Shall” filling those vacancies! It meant 3-times this “Shall” condition the make-up of the “Select Committee”, not could, not a maybe, but…just ask a lawyer the significance of this “shall” doctrine! It was that proverbial 3-strikes you’re out and Meadows being a seasoned member of Congress, well he understood what it meant to then use that verdict to his advantage. So in reality all things considered “Congressional”, there is found no excuse to stray away from the original House Resolution and now the “Court” is involved. And that is the Mark Meadows’ defense, that the “Committee” was not performing within the obligation of the original resolution and there came no “amendments” otherwise - like would be the “norm” when lawmakers through legislation must intervene to change things - that would have then allowed a posse of 9 to fulfill the “mission” and get on with the “investigation”. An “amendment” was required, even though it may have then come under protest by the McCarthy GOP, but there is a mechanism in place with the House that must be used to address such concerns. Pelosi blew it, as she reneged on the deal and did not bother to convene the “House” to amend the 503 Resolution! Instead, it was a premature nothing! Today, the Mark Meadows case is at the stage wherein it requires Pelosi and Thompson to answer in argument the complaint by Friday the 18th, as to why the “Committee’s” roster found vacancies and no attempt to fill such as was required by the language of the resolution - as the latter is the “law of the land” when it comes to the Congress in fulfilling its “Constitutional” obligation. With Pelosi, I think it is called heresy, maybe dereliction in the conviction! What’s at stake for Democracy? How do you convince a judge to rule against the Meadows’ case when the “Committee” was not following its own rules - it wasn’t “case closed”! Yes, due a “Bad Hair Day” as Pelosi knows better so many maybe too many years in the Congress, well in “stubbornness” the Speaker may have ruined the so-far merits of the “Select Committee” as the judge could easily rule that it is not yet a “convened” Committee. Thus, it has no basis to perform any sort of investigatory work. I hear the pound of the gavel, go home until such time those vacancies are filled, in the meantime all the served subpoenas are null and void! Which means the Mark Meadows’ “criminal contempt” referral before the DOJ is also dismissed. Same with the Steve Bannon thing. Same with the John Eastman escapades that is close to a “contempt referral” not to mention all the rest of Trump’s minions that will line up and kissing Meadows’ ass. Yes, crooks and crocks still on the loose! Look, “everybody's talking at me - I don't hear a word they're saying - only the echoes of my mind” that Meadows’ “referral” and so many pundits questioning why Mr. Garland has been so damn quiet, still so silent after some 60-days still not committed to publicly holding Meadows in “criminal contempt” - it is because of the Meadows’ lawsuit don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows! And this is something the “Select Committee” is afraid to be transparent about, as no doubt the members have by now read the Meadows’ lawsuit and right about now Pelosi and Thompson are shitting heart shaped bricks for Valentine’s Day! They may have blown it! And when the “Select Committee” started sending out those subpoenas like red-hots like it was the Valentine’s Day Massacre, well there came the scare and in challenge that individuals-of-interest would just claim the 5th. Which is allowed as a defense against “self-incrimination”, it does not mean “guilt”, but then Mr. Thompson had a fit of explosive diarrhea and called the use of the 5th “part and parcel guilty”. And that is when Mr. Meadows decided to fight fire with fire. A person in the “Chair” position should realize when to keep one’s mouth shut. And here we are, everyone still in wonder that after so many days gone bye-bye since the “Select Committee” made a “criminal contempt” referral to the DOJ about Mr. Meadows’ “NO SHOW” for his subpoena deposition, why Merrick Garland remains so silent - because Meadows was smart and filed the lawsuit before Thompson’s referral hit the doorsteps of the DOJ. So now time is on the Meadow’s camp side, and depending on the outcome, it could find a trickle-down theory that wipes clean the slate any so far evidence gathering by the “Committee”. And even when Mr. Meadows was dragging his feet but still entertaining the “Select Committee’s” investigation, so was acting in some semblance of “faith” the jury still out whether in good or bad, Thompson secretly subpoenaed Meadows’ phone records. Which was not an act in “Good Faith” participation, and that is another argument before the court in this Meadows’ complaint. This is what will anger a judge more then anything else! And we now know all about that questionable gap in Trump’s phone logs on that January 6th, well the Moron was using Meadows’ phone and with this lawsuit, it may dismiss that must have evidence that may then be placed off limits forever amen. So we had the goods on the pricks, we had more then enough evidence the ham sandwich is going to Sing-Sing for life X 10. But because of “bad hair days” along with “emotional distress”, the “Select Committee” may have been too damn antsy, as this was Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskins one last clear chance to prove themselves after two failed “Impeachments”. That guilt, it may have condoned an over-zealous calling with involvement in this “Select Committee”, and that may be what fails Democracy even more then that January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol. And wait there’s more in the bone of contention category, that which could further derail the “Select Committee” as “bad hair days” seem to have taken over the House like in vogue, yes in that “I Really Don’t Care Do U” sentiment now from Pelosi, as Mr. Meadows is still in argument that he must abide by the “Executive Privilege” set forth by his ex-boss. Now everybody thinks that the 1-0 8-0 convincing yet deceiving “opine” most recently issued from the Supreme Court put that concern to rest. It did not, matter of fact Jester Brett Kavanaugh made it clear and convincing that the only reason Trump was not allowed a “stay” wherein his presidential records should find some semblance of “confidentiality”, even as a former boss, it was based on the fact the appeals court eared in its judgement and based its “no executive privilege” decision on “dicta”. Another way of “Big Brother” calling out a laziness in the lower court’s ruling. Which means that it was not ruled upon within the merits of the case, it was too far reaching and that a President, a former “shall” enjoy the privilege. Accordingly, this shot across the bow by the Supreme Court speaks for itself, that a former president has the legitimacy upon the ability to continue to exercise that right of “Executive Privilege” regardless of what Joe Biden thinks. The ruling from the High Court was basically a warning, that next time any lower court gets to hear a case in appeal the legal consideration of “Executive Privilege”, that it must base its decision on the “merits” of the case - even if it is in the best interest for national security to give breathing room for this “dicta” reasoning. That it will not stand and look out if another similar case makes its way back to Kavanaugh, which we could see with the Meadows’ case. So that is what Mark Meadows is up to. He has the majority of the High Court on his side, especially Clarence Thomas. And the district judge that is hearing the Meadows case, to reiterate, he was a confident clerk for Thomas - and Thomas was the 1-0 in that landmark “Executive Privilege” decision that the court said was neither “binding” or would “set precedence”, even though it ruled against Donald Trump for this particular case. To reiterate, it was neither “binding” or “set precedence” for the lower courts, wherein Thomas was all for that Trump “privilege” still. That said, it was one of the few times the “High Court” has challenged its own merits on “precedence set” litigation. So when you put these things together before a judge that was a Trump appointee…good luck Nancy best schedule a hairdo! And it was stubbornness between Pelosi and McCarthy that has got us into this bind. Look McCarthy is too stupid to have planned this “trap”, it appears the democrats shot themselves in the foot! We know how baby Kevin works and in this case Pelosi should have taken the high road, she should have given in to the 5-candadites that McCarthy voted on as minority members of the “Select Committee”, as it did not amount to any concern as the composition of the “Committee” would then have still maintained a majority by members of the House that were Democrats in an 8 to 5 victory for Democracy. The “Select Committee” didn’t need the involvement of McCarthy’s trash in efforts to perform any valid investigation, but those named needed to be included in the roster before convening! So maybe Pelosi was having a “bad hair day”, and here we are at the cross-roads and it don’t look so good for those that thought we had Patriots on our side to get to the bottom of that “Domestic Terrorist Attack”. But rest assured, they are all selling book tours! And if we see that the lower courts give in and grant Mark Meadows a victory his day in court, that Donald Trump maintains “Executive Privilege” and that the ”Select Committee” has not yet legally convened, well rest assured that the lawyers have so far made a “killing” for nothing in return and it shows me that maybe, just maybe “emotional distress” has taken over “My Country ‘Tis of Thee’s DEMOCRACY” and when a “Bad Hair Day” confronts…blame it all on Nancy Pelosi and her pigsty IMAGE above Country, she gaveled away Democracy because that IMAGE was more important then “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”!

Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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