Sunday, February 13, 2022

Is Putin’s Time Up?

So, T-minus very little, and it sounds like “bombs away” and Ukraine is under attack. But not so fast, as we must also realize that this is an opportune time for a Russian “coup d’etat” against Vladismear Vladimirobitch Putin.  Yes, the time for the “Workingman’s Blues” to take over, the party of the working men and women of Russia, those that believe the old ways and means are not what the Russian people want or deserve, as Putin is a phobic hoe foe! I can hear the workers singing to Dylan:

Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind
Bring me my boots and shoes
You can hang back or fight your best on the front line
Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues

Well, I'm sailin' on back, ready for the long haul
Tossed by the winds and the seas
I'll drag 'em all down to hell and I'll stand 'em at the wall
I'll sell 'em to their enemies

Look, blood and guts and dead-burned babies and a ruined economy a war that could last forever, what good is it what does it prove if but for stupidity to redraw the Russian Federation map some more. And if that be the intent, well the aftermath of a bloody insurrection has to be dealt with by the conqueror! Else, well outside interests like NATO mobilize to feed and cloth the down and out, and the cycle begins all over again. Look Putin, you attack it you own it! And even if Putin did survive to get away with it, it would be but a short-lived victory as Ukrainians will find a path to get back to wherein they were before today, with some semblance of freedom. And the Russian people must be thinking the same thing, as it is well known that the Russian election system is rigged, and even though there was at one time a 2-term limit for a Russian dickhead, well Putin did a Trump and changed the laws so he can serve as America’s foe and Melania’s hoe until 2036. WTF? Look, Putin was supposed to be this super-duper “I Spy” intelligence guy. But he was taken for a ride during the Trump administration as I am convinced that Melania was acting as a “Double Agent” and our intelligence community had four years to feed crap to Putin’s mistress and the rest is Greek tragedy irony. Yes Putin saw a vulnerability as a direct hit to the White House and an Oval Office under Trump. But also remember “I Really Don’t Care Do U” was Melania’s motif operandi. And Putin knows it, that he was had bad by our CIA and if that information gets out to the citizens, well good luck at the voting booths. But it's rigged, so the only way Russians can take back their own “Mother Land” is for a coup. And when ARMY’s are mobilized, that is when the opportunity exists, for a New Russia in this February Revolution!

The old world must be destroyed,
Tear it down all the way to its root!
We do not need the golden idol,
We detest the royal palace!
We will help our suffering brothers,
We will feed the hungry!
We curse our enemies for their wicked deeds,
We will fight them together!

Arise, awake working people!
Charge the enemy hungry brother!
Cry out the vengeance of the people,
Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward!

The rich fists of the greedy pack
They steal your hard work.
Gluttons grow fat with yours,
They're tearing your last piece.
Starve so they feast
Starve so that in the stock market game
They sold conscience and honor,
So that they scoff at you.
Rest for you is only a grave.
Prepare arrears all your life.
The vampire king pulls the veins out of you,
The vampire king drinks the people's blood.
He needs soldiers for the army -
Give him sons.
He needs feasts and chambers -
Give him your blood.
Do you still want to be oppressed?
Arise, all brothers across the country at once!
From the Dnieper to the White Sea,
And the Volga, to the Caucasus!
The thieves, the dogs of the rich,
And the evil Tsar!
Bring them all down!
Light up the dawn of a better life!
The rise of the red dawn,
The sun of truth and brotherly love!
Although we pay a terrible price,
With our blood for the happiness of the land!
And for our rightful freedoms,
The evil will vanish forever!
We will unite as one,
In the realm of sacred labor!

Hail to our working brothers & sisters in Russia - We Are With You this February Revolution!

From America with Love, just ask Melania!

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