Friday, February 4, 2022

Crazy Psycho Shit Committee

Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the United States Capitol;

Dear Chairman Thompson;

It is with all due respect that I challenge your “must respect the institution”, a comment you made on or about February 3rd, 2022. This comeback based on the fact this “Select Committee” has yet to hold accountable “guilty” members of Congress to that sworn duty, those that have circumstantial evidence consistent with that January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack”, your failure to demand such assistance from those members-of-interest towards this “Committee’s” efforts. It is part of the puzzle you are trying to discover. One of the things we have heard since the inception of the “Select Committee”, that which uses my hard-earned income through taxation so I should have a say in the matter else it amounts to “No Representation”, the fact that Donald John Trump seems to be “above the law”. It is the same scenario when you use the verbal “beware” weaponized of “must respect”, to coddle your comrades-in-shame away from any accountability, to be allowed preferential treatment when “guilt” is foaming from their mouths like a distempered dog! And they hear what you say, and laugh you down in secrecy. It is “Amnesty”, it is no different then Donald Trump offering up an after-the-fact “pardon”, no different.

Let me go one step deeper in challenge wherein your action or inaction on this “must respect the institution” rests its case. Those members of Congress that may have been involved in the planning and execution of that January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” that you are afraid to “compel”, no doubt meet the burden guilty of “aid and comfort” to the enemy as in “Terrorists”. We all know what that means, just ask the Founding Fathers else read that thing called the U.S. Constitution. I mean if confused, you could ask Jamie or Adam, but they may be too busy getting made-up for another Madcow Bon voyage. And by your desire to not “compel” these “GOP friends” to testify in inaction to hold those same individuals-of-interest to the same standards “Patriotic Americans” find themselves when that duty for testimony calls, that would indeed benefit “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, well you are doing the same damn thing, providing “aid and comfort” to the enemy. Get it?

Maybe that “Emotional Distress” you claimed and is of record in court filings - so cannot be disputed you do not suffer from such - maybe that is affecting your judgement, wherein you are “afraid” to compel your comrades. To hear your take-out on this “must respect”, it is like bad breath from far away. Better yet, let me focus you’re your attention to what one of your Democratic colleagues has quoted: “Change made us coworkers. Crazy psycho shit made us friends”, and I do believe that Mr. Cicilline may have been pointing a finger at you, as this “must respect the institution” if not a dereliction of your sworn duty to NOT provide “aid and comfort” to the enemy amongst us, it meets the criteria for “crazy psycho shit” - that “Emotional Distress” thing. Do me a favor, next time you pass Ted Lieu’s office, stop in for a breath of that candlelight romance from Cicilline and explain to Ted why you have not used your gavel power to make sure his H.Res.406 went passed, a tool that your “Committee” surely would have benefited by now.

So I ask, why so much “Committee” infighting the merits of “working together” finding instead a detour down a dead-end street? Oh, I almost forgot, it is in efforts to “respect the institution”. History likes to reward also the failures, so that future generations find an understanding of what went wrong to help destroy DEMOCRACY, your “respect” will most likely enjoy an entire “Chapter” on how not to support that Democracy. Respect? Who’s side are you on? So show some “RESPECT” for US, not for those that helped Donald John Trump come very close to dismantling what my father fort for and wherein many others lost their lives. Give up on this Proud Roy crap of “Must Respect the Institution”!

Lousy Hat Solidarity Party 

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