Sunday, January 9, 2022



BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair” and JAMIE RASKIN as “Member” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol”;

Conflict of Interest - TIP

Dear Mr. Raskin, I believe you have a “Conflict of Interest” unbecoming and unthinkable a Representative of “We the People” of these United States, especially during such troubling times wherein the Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY is recovering from that January 6th “ATTCK” on the U.S. Capitol.

First and foremost, I had always respected you as a “True American Patriot”, but in changing times my assessment of that virtue has been undermined. I am a writer, but I do not receive the preferential treatment that members of Congress, like yourself, enjoy to hawk a “book” in a give-it-all-away free-for-all scenario. What is especially troubling, are you using this opportunity to cut-throat the “Select Committee’s” legal responsibility, to engage in complacency that could jeopardize the merits of the “Committee’s” investigation - as silence is golden when there is an investigation going on. And I thought enough was enough when Zoe went out of her way to tell the world that what went on during January 6th was “merely mischief”, or words to that effect, but still in prime time it speaks out loud. Maybe Mr. Thompson does not care, what the members do with free media time. But as an American Citizen, I should not have to rely on the “media or a “book tour” through interviews with members of this “Select Committee” to be kept abreast of what is going on with the “investigation” being performed by this “Select Committee”. The web-site maintained by Mr. Thompson’s “Committee” is by far “sad”, pathetically unaccommodating as it lacks transparency, and that is wherein ALL updates should be maintained. One should not have to stay in touch, NOT through the “media” in reliance to understand what this “Committee” is up to. And maybe not my business, but as a citizen looking for transparency and commitment and accountability, I ask, did you use any work time to write this book? As a writer myself, when in the writing and editing mode, it usually finds one in an all-consuming mood, and one’s other interests are sidetracked.  So I find it insincere, I find it no different then what “We the People” had to put up with for 4-years under a Donald John Trump “truancy”, to use the MSNBC time wherein you are trying to wear two-hats, author and litigator - as there is just too much at stake to do anything that could jeopardize the merits of the “Select Committee’s” investigation. To state it again, if what you spoke about this day with Jonathan Capehart, if such cannot be found on the “Committee’s” web-site in some form of a “minutes update” approved by the Chairman, then let me be perfectly clear, you should shut your trap as to violate such a responsibility, you are opening up a trap-door that the Trump losers will abuse, just like how they enjoy subpoena pardons. Are not you jeopardizing the “Select Committee’s” legal responsibility, by going on MSNBC and talking up a storm all about things that may or may not be in the public domain, like how you described how Trump wanted to use VP Pence? In realization that there exists “speculation” surrounding this “Committee’s” work-product by those “not-in-the-know”, when we hear members speak out, one must come to the conclusion it is the Real McCoy evidence - as it would be a crying shame if members also gambled in “speculation”. And where can all that pertinent information be found on the “Select Committee’s web-site, that which finds the members an audience with this media? I cannot find it! I am appalled that as an “attorney” that you…No I won’t read your book, as it is UNTHINKABLE that you have showed us what a dereliction in duty is all about. I know Laurence Tribe may feel the same way as I do, but due the fact he was your mentor, his silence will remain. You owe “We the People” an apology for this insincerity any seriousness upon the “Select Committee’s” wherewithal and should immediately resign away from the “Committee”, as it is truly un-American if your selfishness as a “wannabee” author allows the Trump Turncoats some means of skating away from owning up any responsibility for that “Attack”. And that take on “course of leverage”, seems you are doing the same damn thing and the Founding Fathers are turning in their graves. I just saw you choking, I wonder why? Instead of using time to spill the beans to sell a book, why not concentrate on getting Ted Lieu’s H.Res.406 pushed through the “House Rules”. Now that is a “THINKABLE” thing to do. Why not for once talk about that on MSNBC or the other media outlets, as the fact that “bill” is stalled not once but twice, it is a dereliction of duty some more, as you were a cosponsor on that much needed “law of this land” x2 that could be used to stand-down the Trump grandstanders. Happy Sunday

Sail On Respectfully, Snoop John B

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