Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Emotional Distress & Jock Straps


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK” on the U.S. Capitol;

Wow, I hope this helps, consider it a TIP as this American Patriot wants to help! Now to begin with, through the “dribble” provided to the boob-tube news media by members of this “Committee” seen more frequently “Live” then the Pillow Guy, there appears to be a monumental disagreement amongst this “Committee’s” members, with respect to that “subpoena” power and the pre-credence set with the existing Congressional “Inherent Contempt”. Like is demonstrated in a verdict by the Supreme Court under the “Four Horsemen”, in McGRAIN-Deputy Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate v. DAUGHERTY(No.28, argued Dec. 5, 1924, decided Jan.17, 1927). Something this “Committee” should study up on what it means in efforts to protect “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” its remaining Democracy. Matter of fact in the SCOTUS 8 to 1 decision today over Trump claiming “executive privilege” merely a nonsense nuisance, the High Court was basically setting the stage for re-affirming McGrain, in the context that privilege is NOT absolute it can be overcome.

But it was a rough sailing day, so I went surfing and came across this thing called H.Res.503! And that is wherein this “Attack” is stretched out to “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”, so it finds a much better reception. Now this “503”, it furnishes the roadmap to what this “Committee’s” boss, that being House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, what she has authorized this “Committee” can get away with and then some, like who pays for lunch. And it doesn’t say nothing about any preferential treatment for members of Congress, that Jock Straps cannot be served a “subpoena” to compel. Here it is, you guys should study it:

H.Res.503-SEC5. Procedures: (3) Pursuant to clause 2(h) of rule XI, two Members of the Select Committee shall constitute a quorum for taking testimony or receiving evidence and one-third of the Members of the Select Committee shall constitute a quorum for taking any action other than one for which the presence of a majority of the Select Committee is required. (4) The chair of the Select Committee may authorize and issue subpoenas pursuant to clause 2(m) of rule XI in the investigation and study conducted pursuant to sections 3 and 4 of this resolution, including for the purpose of taking depositions. (5) The chair of the Select Committee is authorized to compel by subpoena the furnishing of information by interrogatory. (6)(A) The chair of the Select Committee, upon consultation with the ranking minority member, may order the taking of depositions, including pursuant to subpoena, by a Member or counsel of the Select Committee, in the same manner as a standing committee pursuant to section 3(b)(1) of House Resolution 8, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress. (B) Depositions taken under the authority prescribed in this paragraph shall be governed by the procedures submitted by the chair of the Committee on Rules for printing in the Congressional Record on January 4, 2021. (7) Subpoenas authorized pursuant to this resolution may be signed by the chair of the Select Committee or a designee.

So glad I came across this “critical document” for the “Select Committee”, like maybe it has been hidden away in “privilege”! And in the above “Text” that (5) in “authorized to compel by subpoena the furnishing of information by interrogatory.”, it speaks for itself how the McGrain verdict should have already been utilized “in force” by this “Committee”, so it appears the infighting is not producing what needs to be reported through “compelling” individuals-of-interest, including Donald John Trump.  And what to do if an individual-of-interest defies service to answer to this “Select Committee”, considering the fact that in the beginning that the “subpoena” did not work and then that failure morphed into the “Friendly Invite”, which merely amounted to a “Pardon”? You are dealing with “DOMESTIC TERRORIST”, there is no room for a Mr. Nice Guy Tie attitude! So I ask myself why so, why is not this “Committee” using the opportunity to use its own “Rules” as stated above in “503” along with what we learned in McGrain, to use this “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK” to resurrect that SCOTUS “verdict” as one could not ask for a better set of circumstances, and with the then Supreme Court much like the existing Supreme Court, McGrain finds a safe haven! And why so “Hesitant” to exercise the existing Congressional “Inherent Contempt” allowances? As in the beginning of all this, Mr. Thompson had promoted that he nor the “Committee” would “Hesitate” to use all “allowances” to compel individuals-of-interest, but now it seems this “Committee” has succumbed to kumbaya, which means the “DOMESTIC TERRORIST” are wining still. Just look at what the Freak’n Moron did this past weekend! So there must be a reason that Mr. Thompson refuses to designate the subpoena signing authority over to another qualified “Select Committee” member, as is allowed in “503”. As by now Ted Lieu with such authority would have the answers to finish the puzzle. So it bothers this New England Patriot, the lackadaisical attitude fostering this kumbaya relationship with the “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS”, including members of Congress that helped Trump out during the January 6th “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK” on the U.S. Capitol, as if there exists something “We the People” don’t understand. Then again, maybe there exists an underlying condition that can explain this “don’t understand” verdict, maybe the fact that Mr. Thompson is of record in court documents suffering from “emotional distress” from that January 6th “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK”. There is the possibility that adverse lingering side effects from that dreaded day persists, as it is of record that it has affected 11-other members of the House, some claiming “severe emotional distress”, such side effects still in effect. It could be posing a mental anguish resistance as in inaction, on how to handle the subpoena thing with members of Congress, or resistance to take “inherent” action upon those “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACKERS” that defy that motion to compel testimony. To be blunt, being afraid due what effect a “subpoena denied and finding in challenge an attachment”, without any “writ of habeas corpus” challenge as satisfied by the McGrain verdict, what it could mean to annoy Trump’s “DOMESTIC TERRORIST” fans to compel them to take action against the “Select Committee”, for doing its job. The bastards that continue to defy any motion to compel, they deserve to be arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms. And with the Supreme Court’s verdict just today, that which nullifies the blatant disregard for the so far “subpoenas” issued by this “Committee” that proved “nothing” in return in claim some non-existent privilege, it is time to re-issue those motions and at the same time it is time to serve subpoenas upon members of Congress of interest. And when those same individuals deny again, when members of Congress try to claim some “privilege, then it is time for that McGrain style “Arrest Warrant”! But if the above mentioned concern be the case, that this “Select Committee” is afraid of fallout if it started acting with some toughness as is allowed…look we don’t want a “puzzle” in the end, we want justice and if this “Select Committee” has the power but not the Patriotic wherewithal to place Donald John Trump under “House Arrest” for laughing at a “subpoena”, to see that “LIVE” instead of the “dribble” reality show, it would speak well for DEMOCRACY!  This “Select Committee” is afraid to do its job, it is not protecting DEMOCRACY the way the Founding Fathers back in 1927 would have done so already. But I am sure that what this “Committee” digs up, for most of us it will always remain a “puzzle” and so sad what history in the future will teach our next generation, it will be well worth the U.S. Taxpayers waste so that those 10 other House members that have joined that “emotional distress” lawsuit asking for a jury to award “punitive damages”…it is sucking the remaining life out of DEMOCRACY as this is not the time for “gold-diggers” to be looking for a handout! Yes, that “DEMOCRACY” which my dad found himself in military fatigues to fight for, so that this type of conquering by any “TERRORIST”, foreign or Domestic, that this type of helplessness we see today with this “Select Committee” would be oppressed. Sad day, when individuals are afraid and place that persona before “Country”. And let us not forget, the other side showed US they are not afraid! Do America a favor, enough of the kumbaya, “SUBPONEA & ATTACH” should be this “Select Committee’s” motto and mission forward. That said, it may mean the time with all due respect to remove those members of this “Committee” that may be suffering from “emotional distress”, and afraid to stand up for “DEMOCRACY” so it can be proved to US this “Committee” means business. Said again, I don’t want a puzzle that tells a “story”, I want to see Donald John Trump “subpoenaed” and if he is defiant and refuses, have Nancy Pelosi sign an “Arrest/Attachment Warrant” and let him rot in confinement, as that is the power this “Committee” yields and can keep the Boss of this “Domestic Terrorist Attack” behind bars until he tells you all about what he knows and what you want to know and what we deserve to know, else what is the “mission”? The bottom line, if the Bannons and the Clarks and the Flynns and the Stones and the Meadows and all the other Trump turncoat-of-arms are dealt a blow and find sentencing for their “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK” activities, if Donald John Trump skates away he will find an entirely new posse but with the same intent. Remember, when bitten by a snake, one is scared all his life at the mere sight of a rope. But if you want to kill a snake, chop off its head! And IMAGINE, having Donald John Trump incarcerated at the Capitol - that would be justice served and then we could identify the “Congressional Turncoats”, as they would come to his aid and comfort, and we know what that means.

Sail on, surfs up, Snoop John B - New England Patriot

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