Saturday, January 1, 2022


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & Feeble-Minded Members” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol”;

I hope the “Committee” members enjoyed the Christmas and soon to be New Year’s celebration. Sad, that in between those once-upon-a-time days in celebration my holiday spirit was cut short, but I am not the only one that found that “spirit” deceased for a reason. See, just yesterday as I was surfing the news, because the only way this Patriotic American can stay current with this “Committee’s” activities is through a 3rd party mouth-piece(your last Press Release was on December 22nd and surely a dereliction in any conviction to keep US informed), well there came an interview with one of the survivors of that January 6th “Attack”. Yes, so sad as this Capitol police officer talked not about what happened almost a year ago, not interested in reliving a nightmare, but what he faces everyday going back to work, to protect members of Congress including this “Select Committee”. Like he said through a challenging gut-choking gesture, because of a Sad Sack state-of-affairs, everyday in passing he gets to look into the eyes of the members of this “Committee” and everyday he gets to look into the many eyes of Congress, those that fend for Democracy and those Turncoats that side with Donald John Trump. And the sadness confronting this Patriotic American that protected Congress on January 6th and performs that same duty today, he stresses the sad fact of the matter that with almost a year gone bye by now, not a damn thing has been done to hold those responsible or accountable for that “Attack” in confinement, there has been “zero” punishment for the “boss” and his “hoggs”. It haunts him and he seemed very bothered by the fact that he placed himself in harm’s way for members of this “Committee” and others similarly situated on that day, and everyday since January 6th he does the same without dereliction as it is his duty to protect, yet there is a double standard as you scratch my back appears to be addicted to a one-way street in defeat. It nauseates, that this Patriotic Police Officer must endure such bothersome bewilderment, that the same people he protects today may have been involved in inciting those riots, when the U.S. Capitol was “Attacked”. I am also “bewildered” that nothing, I repeat, nothing has been done to hold Donald John Trump responsible. Big Talk and No Action is not how this “Committee” should be governing its conviction. When Liz Cheney most recently spoke up about “action or inaction”, the latter is consuming any efforts this “Committee” brags about. I know this “Committee” knows better, so it appears something or someone is getting in the way of progress. From this outside observer, even with a dreadful lack of “transparency”, it sounds good from what we hear about this “Committee” in its investigation efforts, but for real, look in that mirror and ask yourselves why no one in Trump’s orbit has yet to be held accountable? And even though we hear all this concern from outside experts about the time constraints this “Committee” is under with respect to producing a “Report” before the midterms, the real time constraints of justice rests itself in the fact that those that endured that day of horror to protect DEMOCRACY, with this lackadaisical attitude from Congress they cannot find closure, because nothing has been accomplished to satisfy the grieving process. And maybe we have placed all our ducks in the same row but at the same time all our eggs in the wrong basket, to rely on this “Committee” for “closure”, as maybe what we are seeing so far is all that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has allowed. If this “Committee” has its hands cuffed with respect to “Inherent Contempt”, we should be informed! If Pelosi is against the “Committee” utilizing this “tool”, we should be told so and then we can begin to bother the House Speaker to get real! To hear the “Committee Chair” say all tools are on the table, that is a disingenuous lie, as had this “Committee” engaged in exercising that “Inherent Contempt”, your story would be a whole lot more thought provoking what side you are on! And has this “Committee” put forward any effort to get Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” passed? That “Resolution” is right there for the making. That would be sad if this “Committee” has not stood up to push that legislation through, as several “Committee” members cosponsored that resolution - Raskin was onboard twice, that which would take the guess work out of whether or not this “Committee” can subpoena another member of Congress! So there appears to be evidence that an external bother is bothering the merits and just how far this “Committee” can take its investigation. Said again, without much to do about nothing in the category of “Transparency”, this is what it looks like! But to appease that this “Committee” is moving in the right direction, we now hear that the “Select Committee” will hold “public testimony”, winter through spring through summer? Why the “theatrics”, as this appears to be nothing short an un-necessary ritual in self-inflicted “Inherent Contempt” onto itself, to stall things some more for those that felt the pain and suffering on that day, to protect you! Please look in the mirror again! To waste time, to use the stage of the news’ media in a circus like entertainment show and tell, so you can brag on what you have accomplished, it is as un-American as that “Attack”. Please do not waste any more time in a stage game. It appears there is enough evidence already to justify a subpoena served upon Donald John Trump and if he refuses, then you have no other option then to “arrest” and then we will have an understanding that this “Committee” means business - as so far it appears to be a Do Nothing Select Committee of the Do Nothing 117th U.S. Congress - under majority of a Democrat leadership and…gag me with your silver spoon you still can’t get it right. STOP pacifying your “merits” as worthwhile! So it appears this “Committee’s” attempt to say it is moving forward is questionable, when all the time maybe the truth-of-the-matter finds Nancy Pelosi keeping the reigns on seeking “justice” because she is more interested in that “IMAGE”. The “bother” I eluded to early on, OK call it interference but something is getting in the way of a faithful investigation, maybe “faceless” is a better call-out! At the same time, afraid to do what our Founding Fathers would have already done, instead of that sad state-of-affairs with this notion that a “public ritual” will prove anything constructive it does not with respect to “justice served”, it’s merely a spectacle for maybe getting us prepared for a failed investigation that finds a “Report” well deserving to be repurposed as “emergency use” TP. And the fact that this “Committee” is playing preferential treatment to “Turncoat” members of Congress for testimony, it verifies my greatest concern, that Pelosi IMAGE justification more important then getting to the bottom and naming those members in Congress that were part of the planning of this “coup” - that “bother” in itself is far worse an invasion upon Democracy then what a bunch of misfit lunatics thought they could accomplish by wildly yielding flag poles around. The ball is in your court, but it appears that Bob Dylan was right, that “the sergeant-at-arms was blackmailed into leaving his post”. So comes this TIP, “We the People” do not want the “theatrics”, we just want a “Report” and there is more then enough testimony to justify that to be accomplished “now” as we don’t want a storybook. We don’t want a spectacle, don’t need a “look at me” show & tell as we already had enough with 2-failed “Impeachments” that came to be “Nothing”. One would think that Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff and Zoe Lofgren would be worried about a 3rd-strike in the “Nothing” category and would want to use everything available to seek justice, it appears to be not the case, which reinforces my contention that this “Committee” is being guided by the Pelosi’s IMAGE in importance only, which means “Ducit Amor Patriae” is “missing-in-action”. If the mission was not to find Donald John Trump guilty of this insurrection, which he was “don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows”, then do your job. Subpoena Donald John Trump today. If he is a defiant no show “Attach” his freedom to Cell Block #9. Let him try to get a release through a “writ”, but in precedence set attempts by others that were “incarcerated” by Congress for the same reasons, such failed before and the Supreme Court is on this “Committee’s” side already what power and authority the Congress yields when someone ignores a “Congressional Subpoena”. Else this “Committee” is afraid of Donald Trump, and Nancy Pelosi has placed IMAGE before COUNTRY and that means DEMOCRACY is 6-feet under and being covered up by the stenched earth that once covered Robert E. Lee’s time capsule. Happy New Year, for some! PS, please look at those Capitol Police Officers you pass today with respect, look then directly in those steadfast eyes of determination, give them the message that this “Committee” is just not wasting Democracy’s limited time - put the stage show theatrics on hold - just deliver a guilty verdict by issuing without further delay a “Subpoena” upon Donald John Trump! And because we get no updates directly from this “Committee”, well a 3rd party is broadcasting that this “Committee” has already spent close to half-a-million bucks, and I am sure that does not include the “members” Congressional salary earmarked as undivided time “involvement”, well it looks like the outside interference attorneys are making a “killing” and no wonder this “Committee” will stretch it out to the end, as it has become “strictly business Fredo”. So to spell out my TIP: 1) forget about the “public hearing” theatrics; 2) If you cannot give the American People daily or at least week-at-end updates wherein we do not have to rely on 3rd party speculation, a gag order is in order; 3) With 1) & 2) above accomplished to bring in the New Year, STOP everything else and focus this “Committee’s” energy of enforcement to get H.RES. 406 passed, as without it you are merely speculating that the DOJ will satisfy this “Committee’s” every need with respect to criminal charges going anywhere; 4) Subpoena Donald John Trump ASAP; 5) Have ready an “Arrest Warrant” for Donald John Trump  - aka “Attachment” - signed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with instructions to the Sergeant-at-Arms if Trump ignores that “subpoena”. As nothing else matters. Follow this “road to success” and all the rest that matters will fall into place, as when Donald John Trump is behind bars, he will be telling US who else was involved, and that would deserve a “public hearing”. Else, STOP wasting the time on the Taxpayers’ dime. Please DO NOT enjoy the New Year’s celebration at the expense of DEMOCRACY on the cross with a Colorado type wildfire smoldering underneath and ready to erupt what “Tranquility” we have left!

Sidebar: The importance of STOPPING what this “Committee” is doing and devote energy towards pushing the passage of Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution”, the importance can no longer be overlooked, it can no longer be ignored. Basically, this “Committee” should stage a “strike” until House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gets that Ted Lieu H.RES 406 pushed through the “Rules Committee”, that would take about 4-hours and could be signed-sealed and delivered as the “Law of this Land” by this time next week. Case in Point the importance of this resolution and this “Committee’s” mission. Adam Schiff is of record during the 1st Impeachment of Donald John Trump in favor of legislation that would extend the “Inherent Contempt” power of the U.S. Congress, which is basically the guts of this Representative Ted Lieu’s “Resolution”. In case you missed that interview with Schiff, here it is as it is very important, especially Schiff’s acknowledgment that Pelosi would be in charge of exercising the “Inherent Contempt” option she has at her disposal;


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Friday[May 2019] that Congress is considering reviving its inherent contempt power to levy hefty fines on Trump administration officials and others who refuse to comply with congressional subpoenas.

“One thing we are considering … is whether we need to revive Congress’s inherent contempt power, such that we would have our own adjudication of the Congress and we would levy fines on those who are not cooperating until they produce what they are compelled to produce,” Schiff said at an event hosted by Axios. Schiff said he was not interested in using the inherent contempt power to jail individuals who evade congressional subpoenas, but suggested fines — up to $25,000 per day — would be a “practical” way to compel them to comply with the myriad investigations underway by the Democratic-led House. “I think it’s much more practical to consider levying individual fines on the person, not the office, until they comply,” Schiff said. “You could fine someone $25,000 a day until they comply and that would probably get their attention.”

The inherent contempt power is rarely used. Under it, an individual can be detained at the Capitol or face fines for failing to comply with congressional oversight investigations. 

Schiff said it would ultimately be up to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) whether to use the inherent contempt power. He said it would represent a “big step” but may be necessary if the Trump administration continues to stonewall Democrats' investigations.

“We are looking through the history and studying the law to make sure we’re on solid ground. That’s a big step but, look, if we’re going to consider other big steps like impeachment, we have to consider steps like inherent contempt that will allow us to get the information we need,” Schiff said.

“If there is going to be this across the board stonewalling, we are going to have to consider extraordinary remedies,” he said.


So, it appears that this “Committee” is well versed in the existing “Inherent Contempt” laws but afraid to use that “Congressional Power”, so what it is indeed a “Big Step”. And finding Pelosi’s House in failure-mode to pass the enhancements found in the Ted Lieu “Resolution”, silly now sad! And there can be but for a single reason for this dereliction to the conviction, it is called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, placing IMAGE first and NOT allowing this “Committee” to do its job when what is at stake is “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in DEMOCRACY - if that be NOT the case prove me wrong! Two questions this “Committee” should come honest with to “We the People” without haste, why is this “Committee” afraid to use the “Inherent Contempt” power given to Congress and how come Ted Lieu’s “Resolution” is stuck in limbo, in a “House Rules Committee” chaired by a Pelosi Democrat? It gives this “majority” thing a black-eye! What it means, that Nancy Pelosi is far worse then that “Insurrection” because through her willingness to “bother” what could have been already accomplished by a “Committee” pursuing that January 6th “Attack”, she is perpetrating further success with what the “Turncoats” already got away with. That said, this “Select Committee” should disband, as to not have the guts to call out House Speaker Pelosi, why she is against “Inherent Contempt” the power she has at her fingertips and against enhancements to allow enforcement of penalties under the same virtues found in “Contempt Charges”, this is TRULY UN-AMERICAN!

No Exercise of “Confidentiality” is requested with this “TIP” Respectfully Submitted by the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” under the Freedom of Obligation and under the guidance of Marshall v. Gordon and not intended to “prevent or obstruct the discharge of this Committee’s legislative duty.” In no way shape or form should this “Correspondence of Concern” impede the House’s ability to legislate, it is just entered as a “TIP”.

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