Saturday, January 15, 2022

Januweary 6th - THEY KNEW!


1/15/22, 12:19 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol 


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: Snoop
Last Name: John B
Phone Number 202-456-1111


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON, “Chairman” of the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol;

In all due respect as a TIP, I would endorse the inclusion consistent with any factual report that is issued by this “Select Committee” its final product with respect to the “investigation”, it should start off with the all-important correspondence you published on October 20th, 2016.

Back then as “ranking member” of the House Committee on Homeland Security, to which you would become the “Chairman” on January 3rd of 2019 thus allowing yourself 2-years hindsight this January 6th event that did indeed unfold and hold democracy in a Lucifer stronghold, that publication on October 20th in 2016 said it all. Addressed to then Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh. C. Johnson, and I am sure due the importance of the “House Committee” upon this “subject matter” of National security that your concern was timely broadcast throughout the “Halls of Congress” to then House “Majority” leader/whip Kevin McCarthy/Steve Scalise and also to the “Minority” leader/whip Nancy Pelosi/Steny Hoyer respectfully, your correspondence shows a definite interest in a deteriorating situation back then - of how Donald John Trump was behaving and his calling upon the “Militia” movement to mobilize to seize the moment the possibility of a “rigged” election. It was the seed of violence sowed for deliverance. And back then, with Donald John Trump provoking this madness we do not learn from our mistakes, it is exactly what went on, a few years after-the-fact as the trigger had been in cock-mode in preparedness. Thus your assessment was accurate enough to the point you strongly “urged the Homeland Security Secretary to redouble” the “Department’s” efforts in preparedness to engage to quash any fallout presenting itself as a call for violence, as it was the “Department’s” responsibility in “preventing violence as there is no place for interference with the electoral process”, your very own words of wisdom and you insisted that Trump’s “rhetoric” held the “ability to empower and embolden individuals to commit acts of terror“.

In that correspondence to Mr. Johnson, you made it clear and convincing that “Homeland Security” could not let down its guard and the necessity to continue to monitor, continue a vigilance working with other Federal and State law enforcement agencies consistent with the gravity of the situation those provoking times and as you also eluded upon to your same concern in importance to protect Democracy, “and after the election”. 

Your October 20th-2016 correspondence is a roadmap of what we would have expected to happen if unprepared, most likely the reason you invoked that interest to the Homeland Security “boss”. Too bad no-one took your advice or advise with any seriousness, as with such pre-emptive knowledge, it appears the January 6th “Attack” could have been avoided or at least better preparedness par for the course we were not prepared, and look where we are today in laughter by other honorable nations. Laurence Tribe just quoted: “Sedition is Treason’s Twin” and I will trump that quote with my very own as a tag along to the Harvard law professor’s quote of the day: “…and Sedation is Treason’s Win”!

So please consider this request, as your October 20th correspondence provides for a beginning statement with a punch and shines the light in focus on when and wherein it all began and what can happen, what did happen, because someone miscued after Trump’s 2016 shot across the bow! What I am getting at, the United States Congress was well aware of Trump’s intentions, your correspondence proves it. And in this “Select Committee’s” final report, “We the People” should be made aware of what members of Congress, both sides, let us down and it also appears that the Congress that was present on that dreaded day of January 6th, 2021, well praised the day in “volenti non fit injuria”!

So, in ending I ask. Your “Committee” is tasked with coming up with recommendations to better serve the needs of members of Congress when engaged in activities at the U.S. Capitol should this kind of “Attack” ever again be a possibility, to protect the members. You tried that, your correspondence to the “boss” of Homeland Security proves my point, and then when you were once again at the helm of the “House Committee” and in a position to do something 2-years prior to that “Attack” with the same warning signals being re-broadcast in Donald John Trump’s “rhetoric” concerning a “rigged” election, well what happened? That trigger was pulled! Why was nothing shored up on your watch and with Nancy Pelosi in the powerful position as the “Speaker”, why was her gavel power so silent upon your concerns, she should have spoken up. I would like to see Nancy Pelosi before the “Select Committee”, to see what she would say now about your October 20th correspondence, see what kind of excuses paves the way for legitimacy, as there is a whole lot of blame to go around. You understood this would happen, you penned a correspondence that spoke all about it, well maybe with the membership too busy with other things like “gotcha twitter time”, well maybe critical correspondences that give out a warning may be directed to the “Trash” and on automatic “Empty”. So in your report, please be honest with the Americans, that you and others were well aware of what Donald John Trump was capable of, but you let down your guard and so far he is getting away with “murder most foul”.

Sail On, Snoop John B


1/15/22, 12:19 PM Tip Line - Thank You | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol  


Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting the Select Committee and sharing information regarding the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol. The Select Committee has received your submission and is prepared to follow up on the information you provided as appropriate.

Sincerely, Bennie G. Thompson Chairman

NOTE: Review Bennie Thompson's "They Knew" October 20th 2016 letter to Homeland Security here:

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