Sunday, January 30, 2022

Brett Kavanaugh’s “Bombshell”

It has been but a handful of days since the Supreme Court unleashed Brett Kavanaugh’s “bombshell”. If ever there was to be found a more controversial and consequential case before the “High Court”, that has handed down its “opine” and allowed Justice Brett Kavanaugh the gavel of destruction, of course it would be a verdict associated with Donald John Trump. It’s the season of the rich. And in the Frick’n Moron’s favor, just stay tuned as the ugliness in this Kavanaugh destruction will soon come to bear a wet-dream! Why so, well maybe the time had come for paying “Daddy Whore Bucks” back, for the favor that allowed a diaper roaming punk into the…well today but for a Jester’s Court and Antonin is shaking in his ring side grave. But let me get real because it is not a comic book moment for Democracy with respect to the element of jurisprudence this surprise verdict in “Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump v. Bennie Thompson’s January 6th Emotional Distress” - Supreme Court 21A272. As in this destructive terrible two’s habit and pissing on the dead flowers remembering the “writ” of Scalia, I am talking the January 19th “decision” that somehow made its way into the “last word” in remedy the adjudicating process that was on the “fast-track”. Wherein maybe the only decent bench player was that Clarence Thomas in dissent - as Gini whipped argued he would have allowed the “application” to stand, but was totally honest no ring around the collar nor whiplash for us that entry. To regurgitate, that Donald John Trump as a former U.S. President maintained “Executive Privilege” even after vacating the Oval Office, that the 45th could exert “confidentiality” upon his memoirs, even if in that yellow belly sticky note passion could be found in evidence his plan to become a dickless dictator. What’s on your sticky notes? So this case made its way through the legal quagmire, wherein along the long and winding road it was met with that “stare decisis” accountability. And when it finally made its way to the pinnacle of once-upon-a-time a bench of Constitutional law-abiding men and menstrual in black robes - and by then Mr. Trump was shitting “certiorari” fragments and it was beginning to hurt his keister - well just in time in tune for baby Brett to soil his pants. And since no adult was watching, “We the People” ended up with a sink-finger bombshell without “merit”. What is done is done, it paves the way for an Apocalypse Bow revival with Portnoy’s Complaint in alignment with A Clockwork Orange outlook. It is probably the most ruthless decision of record from the “High Court”, that beckons the call that the Court has finally abolished decency in jurisprudence. So, it paves the way down the road most likely the next victim of this Kavanaugh Court for Roe to file for maternal bankruptcy, as I am sure “We the People” will get used to this “stink-finger”, now that it has been unleashed. Funny, if you takes away the “kavan” and bargain then for an “l” as a replacement - this is not a “laugh” like matter! And I was always of the impression that the “High Court” liked to see and hear cases in challenge that held some promise of “binding” along with that thing the legal-sleaze throw around like no tomorrow, that “Precedence Set”, as these strikes you’re almost out takes the mess out of wasting the golf time for the justices. See, on hearing a case, that is by choice by the Boss and not by demand any “certiorari” as a Supreme Court fundamentally has “zero” accountability because there exists “No Real Boss” to perform a yearly work habit appraisal, no evaluation, no work improvement goals required…OK, it is impossible to get terminated! Sidekick: Is not it amazing that the person that single handedly planned and executed a “Domestic Terrorist Attack” was capable of slap-sticking it to Mitch McConnell and getting to nominate 3 of the existing sitting jesters? But this Baby Brett Kavanaugh “Bombshell” decision handed down by the “High Court” in an 8 to 1 verdict, it strikes a blow for jurisprudence, as it is basically a shot across the bow for all the “lower courts” of this land, sea to shining sea. I think what Brett is trying to say in a nutshell with his mouth full of Gerber Graduates is “Mistrial”! And that next time, if a lower court gets involved in a case that deals with the same subject matter, that the “lower courts” can no longer find that a former U.S. President does not enjoy some application of “Executive Privilege” for “confidentiality”, even as a former so what the incumbent Commander said no such “above the law” is deserving. The reason this is a “Big Win” for that matter in this privilege. Trump lost the initial battle with Baby Brett’s “opine”, as the “High Court” would not stay Trump’s request to allow that “privilege” to forbid the release of documents subpoenaed by the “Select Committee” that is investigating the January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack” on the U.S. Capitol. But if that “Committee” finds reason to make a criminal referral, well then Mr. Trump will be back in court and will use the Kavanaugh “dump” to protect his ass, to make damn sure that any and all documents in evidence, any and all witness statements, that which pertains to his intent and participation for that “Insurrectionists” circle jerk, that stuff that could indict him will then be sealed - as a “privilege. The “High Court” is not only allowing the lower courts and appeal courts to find a solution based on the “merits” of any upcoming complaint that deals with this “Presidential Privilege” prerogative, but the bench in unanimity is in demand that approach is the only “legal” way forward. This matter has now entered quagmire haven and Trump will use this to his advantage. He can thus use the “Kavanaugh Bombshell” to throw all the evidence gathered, all the witnesses in statements, anything that could render a guilty verdict gets thrown under the bus - his favorite defense. And wait there is more, so complicated will be this reasoning from the “High Court” when executed, it will be a time bombshell also, as to exercise the “merits” it will take time deciding what gets that “Preferential” treatment. And why so this “Big Win” for Mr. Trump? In the case that was just tried, Baby Brett was pissed that the “lower courts” balked and ruled against Donald Trump’s request for “Executive Privilege Confidentiality”, basically in argument that too big a stick was used. Brett chastised the courts, with this notion called “Dicta”, which means the authority of the lower courts allowed that decision against Trump but for through the use of that “big brother big stick” vision which in essence blind-sided the legal merits of the case - like no one was listening as golf time was already scheduled for the appeals court so brush off a decision based on nothing. And thus comes now the shot across the bow, as it means that the next time, which may be soon like next week wherein Donald J. Trump’s lawyers will take full advantage of this Baby Brett baby formula, well Trump will be allowed some sense of “privilege” still, even today while out of office, as that is what Kavanaugh bargained for. Trump may not have won that “Stay” challenge and his “sticky notes” are being delivered to the “Select Committee” to be used as band-aids to cover Mt. Thompson’s lesions from Emotional Distress, but with this dynamic crack in justice, we all know how Mr. Trump operates. And he will take this “crack” and just like how he magnifies his property in value, the “sky is falling” and he will get to keep all his pornographic stuff hidden away, forever. Which means justice will never prevail in this arena of “Presidential Accountability”, never be heard nor served as “Preferential Executive Privilege” has found an advocate with the entire “High Court”, because this ruling by the “Robert’s Jesters” reeks of one all important element of surprise, that Donald Trump is above the law abiding! And it appears “payback” paved the way for the “Baby Brett” decision, that which allows those that can pay to play, either through power or wealth…I stand corrected, it is not an element of surprise, it’s been going on for ten-thousand years. But I am sure Trump’s legal team is consuming the best champagne money can buy because of this Kavanaugh booster shot, and well-known Donald doesn’t drink but rest assured is now back on the 2024 Presidential campaign trail and “bubbly” as ever as he has nothing to worry about this day forward with that January 6th “Domestic Terrorist Attack”. And has vowed to provide “amnesty” to the rioters if elected for a second term, just like Grant allowed for the “Confederate Soldiers” following the “Civil War” its smoke clearing away the way for freedom for the “Turncoats”. And IMAGINE, that his lawyers are successful in claiming that the “Select Committee” orchestrated an investigation without merit, and will then find that Uncle Sam owes “reasonable attorney fees” that will most likely be super inflated, but by then Trump may have the pardon pen in his hand, again! Wow, great tune on the wave: So bye-bye Miss American pie…

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