Thursday, January 27, 2022

Amnesty Insurrectionalist

 Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK” on the United States Capitol;

So, how many 5th Amendment pleas to date before this “Coward Committee”? Are you getting tired yet of hearing “On advice of Trump’s counsel I…” Yes “Coward”, as this “committee” refuses to protect Democracy, but for a single reason, it is afraid and acting cowardly. Realize it is this “committee” that is single hauntingly making a subpoena a thing of the past. Allowing the taking of that “out” and caving in with no backup plan, well it appears you are providing the Insurrectionists a Ulysses S. Grant amnesty bargain and “man will be allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside". Instead of wasting time on the taxpayers’ dime with free Madcow air-time or promoting a book or promoting a documentary, do your damn job and that begins with getting Ted Lieu’s House Resolution 406 salvaged from the Pelosi House Rules “cesspool” and passed pronto, as IMAGINE what that resolution would have provided this “Coward Committee” by now, genuine subpoena power in efforts to suppress that 5th Amendment craze. Why are you so afraid, so cowardly to strive to get legislation passed through the “House Rules” that would benefit your “mission” in trying to save “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” its DEMOCRACY? For real, the Sad Sack fact of the matter that “resolution” remains stuck, not once but twice in the political quagmire swamp, when this “committee” struggles with the power of a subpoena made moot, wait there’s more the House is controlled by the Democrats. I cannot believe that this “committee” even means well - you are loosing the battle because history reminds us what cowardly promotes. So have it your way. Schiff-for-brains already has two impeachments under his belt that were meaningless, and now he is involved in proving that a Congressional subpoena is entering the same “nothing” zone under his watch, same with Raskin and Zoe, the list goes on. So I know you all know better, so what is getting in the way of Ted’s law? Is it Pelosi afraid that laws with guts would gut her IMAGE? I guess a hairdo, wherein a bad hair day is unacceptable, is more important then is protecting the Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY. It is amnesty for Trump’s very own cowards!

Herman Munster, Sergeant-at-Arms for the Lousy Hat Solidarity Party

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