Friday, December 3, 2021

Select Committee TIP 12/3/2021


12/3/21, 8:38 AM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: Stugots
Last Name: Scoregge nella mia testa
Phone Number 202-456-1111


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON as “Chairman” along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, LIZ CHENEY, ADAM KINZINGER as “Honorable Members” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol”;

Today’s TIP for success:

On or about December 1st, soon after Chairman Thompson “press released” that Jeffrey Clark faced another scheduled deposition on December 4th, in a “last clear chance” effort before the “Committee” would again involve the DOJ for “Congressional Contempt”, it was then that “We the People Patriots” were informed by this “Committee” about Clark’s new-found friend in pleading the 5th. To find this defense as an alibi, it is but for just another delay tactic and this “Committee” should avoid another fall into the “trap”, like is happening through the involvement with the DOJ in interference with the Steve Bannon affair and if 5th Amendment stall tactics find merit with Clark, it will be used to end and stymie the effects of this “Committee’s” work product. At the same time, Mark Meadows, who we thought was also given that “one last clear chance” to redeem himself in front of your “Committee”, he was plastering the airwaves with the fact that he still enjoys “Executive Privilege”. Maybe just big-talk no action, but don’t fool yourselves as that defense is still “hot” and could be challengeable if this “Committee” reneges on the merits of the “law of the land”. That is what this “TIP” will offer in persuasion, options.

That said, it appears that your “Committee” in its challenges to compel witnesses, it is approaching the crossroads of failure, as there is no “good faith” cooperation. At least that is the way this “Patriotic American” views the “Committee’s” efforts, which finds a whole lot to be desired on the subject of “Transparency”. That lack of cooperation even when subpoenaed and ignorance finding threats of “Contempt”, with respect to the key players so close to Donald John Trump, in how the 45th participated in or promoted or directed this plan of “Attack” of January 6th and instigated this charge in action a “coup” against Democracy. There were no "kid gloves" on that day, it was ruthless. And who cares how he wipes! To advertise that some 250 witnesses have voluntarily come before your “Select Committee” to provide testimony and droves of documents gathered is disingenuous, as they are not “Select” witnesses and what fodder they offer up “voluntarily”, that amount of evidence in insignificance may bog down the end result searching for the root cause of who was behind this “Attack”, as there is but for only a handful of individuals that need to account for their actions and or inactions that concluded with that most dreaded day, when that January 6th “Attack” was televised in horror and what it meant for Democracy’s sake. So why is this “Committee” wasting the U.S. Taxpayers’ resources, both wasted time and wasted $money$ that is collected from the hard-working proletariat class? We do not deserve this kind of song and dance dog and phony show!

And this need not to be the case, as failure is not an option so stop the free-for-all demonstration being proud this overzealous “counting witnesses” that cannot contribute anything constructive towards the “root cause” that set this “Attack” into motion and get to the bottom of things. Take off your kid gloves! An eye-for-an-eye finds justification when "My Country 'Tis of Thee" in Democracy has been attacked. Herein is advise and advice to circumvent the so far missing opportunities by the “Committee” to depose those individuals that surrounded the “Kingpin” Donald John Trump, especially in the days leading up to that January 6th Insurection”R”Us “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol.

To begin with, also in the news surrounding Clark’s 5th Amendment challenges and Meadows continued defiance he enjoys a “privilege” and may continue with the silent treatment, District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson is speaking out loud her thoughts on the responsible party, there is no mistake about it, it was Donald John Trump. She has been involved in punishing those that she considers “pawns that were provoked into action” by Donald Trump, wherein the then sitting president soon to be replaced “stoked and inspired what happened and should be held accountable”. She joins an ever-increasing posse of honorable Federal Judges that are in agreement, that Trump should be held responsible and accountable. Many of those 250 that supposedly have testified before this “Committee”, they are merely in the same category as that “pawn” commented upon by Judge Jackson. As if the “Committee” had anything that establishes a link to Donald Trump, without “transparency” we see the so far efforts as that proverbial “bridge to nowhere”, maybe a sidetrack that what this “Committee” has so far come up with is meaningless. And is not this “Select Committee’s” main focus, to call out the accomplices close to Trump that assisted in this “Treason”? But “We the People” are getting impatient, and I find that patience weaning based on the fact this “Committee” in action or maybe inaction cause for concern its very own trickle-down failure scenario. And what I mean by that "trickle", we are the ones that will continue to suffer if this "Committee" fails.

First and foremost, there is no 5th Amendment Right in these circumstances, not if the “Select Committee” embraces the merits of McGrain v. Daugherty. In that monumental decision blessed by the U.S. Supreme Court back in 1927, we learn that “habeas corpus” was also suspended, can still be suspended, when a “Committee” deems it necessary to punish through “attachment” individuals that ignore a valid subpoena served upon them by the Congress. As you are well aware, Congress cannot and will not enter into any scenario wherein it would play out a prosecutor’s role. But therein one must define “prosecution” as Congress does enjoy some semblance of that right to mandate “prosecutorial punishment”, not procure through other venues, but mandate through its own accord without outside law enforcement interference. The sole reason why in McGrain the “High Court” ruled in favor of over-turning a lower court’s verdict that tried to release citizen Daugherty from “House Arrest” on the merits of “habeas corpus”, originally under detention for failing to honor a valid “Congressional Subpoena”. Mally Daugherty, the brother of the U.S. Attorney General, was “attached” when served an “Arrest Warrant” served by the Senate through the Sergeant-at-Arms. For failing to honor a valid “Congressional Subpoena”! In finding that a “writ of habeas corpus” does not cut it in this situation, basically do the crime enjoy the time behind bars. Said again, this kind of “attachment” is not in prosecution per say, as once an individual cooperates with the Congress and is in agreement with the requests of the “subpoena”, the “attachment” is lifted. So Congress maintains the authority of “Attachment” without any threats from a "writ of habeas corpus" being granted that would deny that “custody”, as any attempt any court motion for freedom would fail on the merits of McGrain.  Since there is NO mood for a prosecutorial verdict any investigation, as that would have to be formulated in a different venue other then Congress, the “habeas corpus” right instilled through any illegal detainment and any 5th Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination, both find a moot point - when “Congress” finds “Contempt” upon any individual that ignores a “Congressional Subpoena” and  is therefore at liberty to practice and deliver its own punishment upon those that defy - namely “incarceration” through the Sergeant-at-Arms. This is based on the argument that in McGrain, the “High Court” insisted upon the fact that “attachment” is a necessity, and those under “House Arrest” remain incarcerated at the discretion of the Sergeant-at-Arms custody until such time they cooperate and provide the Congress with satisfactory testimony, which means there is also No “Executive Privilege”. Like with the 5th or the latter in privilege, an individual can try to exercise such rights, but the “High Court” has no interest to circumvent precedence-set when it comes to the inherent power of a “Congressional Subpoena”. To rely on any such self-incrimination motion or privilege in challenge to the lower courts, it would merely allow the incarceration to stand and testimony to a “Committee’s” questions answered in earnest or else continued incarceration would still forfeit away any freedom. Speak up or forever hold your peace you won’t be home for Christmas is what it all means. Ignoring a "Congressional Subpoena" finds a self-inflicted indictment, no outside help required. And even though the 5th Amendment nor was “Executive Privilege” redeemed or bargained for in the McGrain case, one could argue that had it been that the Supreme Court would have ruled favorably for the Congress, as it did so with the issue of “habeas corpus”. Said again, an individual’s “Attachment” by the Sergeant-at-Arms due ignorance of a “Congressional Subpoena”, there is no need for the 5th, no need for allowing any “Executive Privilege” as any individual in “custody” can remedy that “behind bars” status by telling the truth in answer any questions deemed necessary by Congress in its course to investigate matters of national concern. To restrict such “attachment” activity by Congress, it would allow a dereliction of duty the conviction of Congress to protect the United States citizens. “Attachment” may be a drastic undertaking, but it is but for out of necessity. There are no cases wherein it has been abused.

Secondly, the fact that this “Committee” balked in its duty to faithfully uphold the Constitution, by ignoring the merits found in McGrain and engaging the DOJ for “Contempt”, it placed the DOJ in a precarious situation. It was a violation in the principles of comity, as urgency in this matter finds no reason to involve any outside influence that will delay seeking justice in this matter. Attorney General Merrick Garland should have remanded Steve Bannon’s “contempt case” back to your “Committee”, based on the fact the Congress through this “Select Committee” did not exhaust “all” of its inherent remedies, at issue individuals ignoring a valid “Congressional Subpoena” faithfully served. And that will most likely succeed as a credible defense, if any motion or brief is filed with the DOJ that “Congress” had other options at its disposal but chose not to engage in such, what could have demonstrated a more timely and stricter punishment with better results in testimony forthcoming. The timeliness issue that allows “attachment” when following McGrain, said again which was blessed in its merits by the 68th Supreme Court, this is all based on the merits of McGrain. As that precedence-set finds a scenario almost identical to what the “Committee” is up against today, with individuals that find it necessary to use every available stall technique in refusal to testify. The merits of McGrain take into consideration the use of the court’s inherent delays, that which could “defeat the purpose” of Congress when investigating matters of national importance and that is exactly what this “Committee” must face in facts, until such time it takes a different approach, which McGrain allows. Why this “Committee” refuses to follow the guidance of precedence set, due the urgency of this matter, it appears to be just a waste of time and numbskull foolishness.

And did you hear how angry Claire McCaskill is at the slow walking Merrick Garland? It is NOT the DOJ’s problem, it is your “Committee’s” problem as this investigation is not using all the tools available, to get action upon these matters settled or adjudicated in a timely and professional manner. The one-and-only approach is escaping this “Committee’s” grip, as by now you have invited in outside “interference”, when all the time none was needed for this “Committee” to perform its due diligence in "Duty to Country". It appears you are merely passing the buck by exchanging concerns with other entities, sad when we are talking the possibility that Donald Trump committed “Treason”. I am in agreement with many, the so far dissatisfaction with this “Committee”, it is time to cut to the chase as it is not too late for action. Said again, time to take off the "kid gloves"!

When Mr. Clark shows up on Saturday, before deliberations begin to find aberrations, insist upon him that the 5th Amendment finds no safe haven, that “Executive Privilege” finds no safe haven, as it is not a prosecutorial setting and if the 5th is exercised by Mr. Clark, get the point across that it could mean dire consequences. If in answering the “Committee’s” questions Mr. Clark is defiant and tries to exercise any option other then to fulfil the obligation of a “subpoena”, in good faith in honesty in answering said “Committee” questions, any difficulty that furthers this “contempt”, then be prepared to have the Sergeant-at-Arms place Mr. Clark under “House Arrest”. So have that “Arrest Warrant” ready and willing with Nancy Pelosi’s signature of approval. Since time is of the essence, there is no other option that will provide this “Committee” with the necessary evidence to then without any further delays, sooner then later subpoena Donald John Trump wherein he will be forced to plead under the same restrictions as allowed under McGrain. The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled in your favor this approach, and to not abide by that precedence set “rule of the land”, you are wasting everybody’s time with many Americans in doubt that you are doing everything possible using every available tool when that is a false claim, one that many “Committee” members continue to chant in success for what I ask today, why is “McGrain” rusting away in that toolbox of opportunity?

And in ending, why is Jamie Raskin practicing “Double Jeopardy”? Just yesterday, he was sitting as a member of the “House Rules Committee” questioning your “House Select Committee”, when he is a member of that very same “Select Committee”. Theatrics? This is a waste of time, and if Mr. Raskin wanted to show some seriousness upon this January 6th matter that is no doubt a matter in “Treason”, instead of wasting time, he could be using that time as a member of the “House Rules” to force Ted Lieu’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt” resolution through that “Committee”. As that would surely be a “tool” that would have by now benefitted this “Select Committee”, and not to forget Raskin was a cosponsor of that “resolution” H.Res. 406 that has been stalled in the “Rules Committee” since May of this year. Not to mention that this is Lieu’s second attempt to pass a “must have” resolution that would have allowed the “Select Committee” to fine Bannon and fine Meadows and fine Clark upwards $100000-dollars for defying a “Congressional Subpoena”. $Money$ does talk!

So the “Select Committee” should be today inclined at taking a different approach, one that has the blessing of the United States Supreme Court, instead of sabotaging the “law of the land”. So get that “Arrest Warrant” signed today by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and when Jeffrey Clark plays the same old Bannon and Donald Trump game of “mischief”, have the Sergeant-at-Arms slap on the cuffs and then “We the People” will see an entirely different attitude with those individuals that thought committing “Treason” had no ramifications. And stop celebrating the fact that 250 witnesses have come forward and that for real, “several weeks of public hearings” in 2022? Get serious as the “theatrics” of watching 250 witnesses tell us how Trump wipes or many others hawking a book, what is the “worth”, what do we gain? And is this going to turn out just like the 1st and 2nd “Impeachment”, in end a report with no guts? What are Raskin and Schiff bargaining for, three-strikes they’re out?

 Without delay, subpoena Donald John Trump, as he was the “Kingpin” behind that January 6th “Attack” on the Capitol. Why is it this “Select Committee” instead finds it necessary at harassing other individuals, wasting the U.S. Taxpayers time with way too many subpoenas issued, when all that is needed is for Bennie Thompson to call upon Mr. Trump? Yes, it is time to put Donald John Trump on the witness stand. Then we can either call it quits or if he refuses to obey and dishonors that “Subpoena”, by this time maybe you will have found trust in what the Sergeant-at-Arms is capable of doing for Democracy.

By the way, how much is this junket so far in costs to the U.S. Taxpayers, and how much do you plan on spending? Just asking for a friend. In ending, the “Lousy Hat Solidarity Party” will be entering an “amicus brief” with the Department of Justice, as a non-party with respect to the Steve Bannon case and or any other future “Contempt” citation referrals by this “Select Committee”, asking for a dismissal based on the fact that the “Select Committee” did not exhaust all remedies at its disposal to confront individuals ignoring a valid “Congressional Subpoena”, and that it was premature to engage the DOJ, when all the time it was not necessary. I guess if this “Select Committee” is in good standing with Merrick Garland, maybe he will forward over a copy of that motion upon receipt.

Thank You for Your Time, Happy Holidays but not so for those individuals “attached” due ignorance to a Congressional Subpoena, the way it should be!

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