Thursday, December 30, 2021

Nancy Pelosi's Sober Navigator

 12/30/21, 4:02 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up  with you regarding your submission.

First Name: S. Pam
Last Name: McGee
Phone Number 202-456-1111


Dear BENNIE G. THOMPSON “Chairman” and LIZ CHENEY “Vice Chair”, along with, ZOE LOFGREN, ELAINE LURIA, ADAM SCHIFF, PETE AGUILAR, STEPHANIE MURPHY, JAMIE RASKIN, ADAM KINZINGER as “Rank & File Members” on the “Select Committee Investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the United States Capitol”;

THANK YOU, *THANK YOU* THANK YOU *THANK YOU*, as “We the People Proletariats” could not ask for a better Merry Christmas present from the “Select Committee”!!!

Yes, the “Committee’s” full court press for the passage of Ted Lieu’s House Resolution 406, it is a gift that will keep on giving! Be it a delayed X-mas gift, what matters a few days after, as the sacrifice the members of this “Committee” endured in “Ducit Amor Patriae” when you decided to stay put in the House Chambers while all your comrades enjoyed time away from the “Tunnel” for the holidays, this dedication by the “Committee” is what “Patriotism” is all about - all in efforts this sacrifice to get Representative Ted Lieu’s House Resolution 406 signed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

I am lost for words, as THANK YOU does not seem enough to meet the bar your dedication to get this critical legislation passed, that “resolution” which had been stuck in the “House Rules” since way back in June, as there were more important things on the House Speakers “bucket list” like the “Menstrual Equity in the Peace Corp Act”. And I am sure that the Founding Fathers’ would show the same elation and gratitude your dedication, your sacrifice, tidings of comfort and joy to see this “resolution” finally a reality. ‘Tis the season to be jolly my Country ‘Tis of Thee!

So I am glad this “Committee” was savvy enough to convince the House Speaker and Rules Chairman McGovern the priority of Ted’s bill, that the “coup” was more important then the “period” - gotcha Adam! And Thank God that Jamie was a member of the “Rules”, to help streamline this bill through passage as a much-needed necessity because of the way “individuals” were defying this “Committee” in seeking testimony, just so this “Committee” could give “We the People” such a gift. THANK YOU some more! OK, with the “period” just trying to be funny as I am so excited with the passage of Ted’s bill I can’t control my feelings, as that same “Resolution” under H.Res.1069 missed out passage with the 116th Congress, when Zoe and Jamie were cosponsors in realization the importance of that bill for future work.

With the passage of Ted’s “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution”, it will bring in the New Year with a powerful twist to support the efforts of this “Committee’s” investigation. So I guess besides a must have Christmas present for this nation, it comes as a New Year’s celebration - time for some Red, White & Blue fireworks!

And Bennie what a character, just joking when he said he sent Kevin McCarthy a “friendly fire invite”, as with the passage of Ted’s long overdue triumph in victory for DEMOCRACY, well Kevin knows that “resolution” can be used to compel his testimony. And how did you get Adam Schiff to change his mind on this “Resolution”? So THANK YOU Jamie and Zoe, for being original supporters of that “must have” legislation and now that it has been passed, I am lost for words. As I had been very sad the past few days, when I heard some of the Capitol police officers relaying the fact that nothing has been done to their satisfaction in grief to hold responsible those individuals that planned the “coup” and with that many of the officers that fended for your safety on that dreaded day still cannot find “closure”. So things will be different, now that this “Committee” can use the power inherent in that “resolution” to its advantage. So not to fret, as this “resolution” should open up a new and expanded “battle ground” wherein the “Turncoats” will get what is coming to them, a “subpoena” they cannot ignore!

So THANK YOU, for sacrificing your Christmas vacation to get this House Resolution pushed through the “Rules Committee”, and when you return next week to continue on with your investigation, well this “resolution” should scare the “Dickens” out of those that ignore the “Committee’s” request for testimony, which will make your job so much easier to compel those involved in that January 6th “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol. What a Christmas present and Happy New Year, as this gives “We the People” a new outlook on what is at stake for this “Select Committee”, as it now has the “tools” to fully do its job in seeking justice, thanks to this “Committee” in helping to get Ted Lieu’s resolution in effect, now a “Law of the Land”.

So who will be the 1st individual fined under “Inherent Contempt”? Can you go all the way back to when Steve Bannon was served? I mean with the $fines$ to date that could be issued under Ted’s resolution, that $400k in estimate what this “Committee” has spent to date, it would be awash and you would have a mighty “surplus” for future work which would make us Taxpayers very happy - that someone else was footing the bill for the shenanigans to deny a valid “Congressional Subpoena”. So way to go “SELECT COMMITTEE”, said again THANK YOU for this delayed Christmas present and it will be a HAPPY NEW YEAR in realization that the “stonewalling” by those “individuals” under investigation by the “Committee” will be arrested by the performance of this “Resolution” now in effect.


12/30/21, 4:03 PM Tip Line - Thank You | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting the Select Committee and sharing information regarding the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol.

Sincerely, Bennie G. Thompson, Chairman

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