Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Miracle on Christmas

Wow, so the 117th U.S. Senate delivers US an early Christmas gift. See, the GOP side of the isle finally delivers, as the minority has repurposed the “Hippocratic Oath”. Amazing, in coincidence the same day that Joe Biden as the 46th President visited tornado-torn Kentucky, with “Daddy War Bucks” to help clean up the disastrous mess. Even though just a week ago, before that 128-mile long twister descended down and across the State of Kentucky and wiping ass, Senator Rand Paul was against any and all Biden approved appropriations to help America out when punch-push comes to punch-shove such “Global Warming” atrocities. Yes, the GOP believes in Global Armageddon, but only in the year 2525. So that long unavoidable “Hippocratic Oath” that is extended to those that practice medicine and voodoo, it has been ratified by the 117th and renamed the “Dr. Rand Paul Hippohypocrisy Oath”… and her kidneys are beating?

But on this twister named “Melania”. I was on the weather service network, to see if I was in harm’s way that Gran Torino tornado…but before I could get the “run” warning, I had to watch an info-commercial break on how to take a stool sample? WTF, are her kidney’s still beating? OK, all’s clear on the horizon so I heeded the Sam Adam’s warning and headed to the market, low on suds is a disaster in the making! Amazing that 14-isles of food stuff is contemplated by 4-isles dedicated to “Living Well”, the reason for the stool sample made easy. IMAGINE, examining skat for a living, yup looks like smells like feels like “crap”. But I don’t waste any time at these “Feel Well” isles designed in style “bait & hook” must have a “Mother’s Little Helper”, as my medicine is down yonder where Sam Adams makes a living. “Spill on Isle 15”, yup another SOB dead in front of the stool sample repository, last wishes?

Are her kidney’s still beating? Rachel ruined my marriage - it’s a guy thing!

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