Monday, December 13, 2021

Destroyers of DEMOCRACY

 Destroyers of DEMOCRACY

For the sake of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”, I ask, what good is a “Congressional Report” that details the “how” and “why” of the January 6th Insurgency”R”us, when the perpetrators that planned that assault continue to be “free”? We understand the “when” and “where”, because the Trump Treason Militia that heeded the warning in calling to assemble to cause harm on that day, they are all fending for their very own freedoms, and where is their Commander-in-Chief? I think it is called desertion. I think that crime is still on the “book” as punishable by a “present arms” death squad! So I ask again, what good is a “Congressional Report”? Remember, there exists 2-all important “Reports” in the Government Archives already, called Impeachment #1 and Impeachment #2, that was just a waste of time and not to mention a waste of the U.S. Taxpayers resources, because a “report” finds no punishment for the crime. And by the time the 117th Congress’ “Select Committee” investigating the January 6th “Attack” on the U.S. Capitol completes its “public hearings”, after all the time-outs from the “Courts” interfering to get a say in a matter like a canker sore bothers to stay, it means close to 2-years before we get an understanding the mainstay “Turncoats” that incited “Treason” upon “Democracy”. OK, remember “The Revolution will be televised”. January 6th, the day they assembled to disassemble Democracy, but failed! And for real, I “don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows”, blow the man down! And we already have in a nutshell what that next “report” will summon our interests upon, courtesy of Representative Gerry Connolly, that there was a “psychopath” in the White House on January 6th! Yet, there will be nothing that proves its worth to punish Donald John Trump. Why not? Because with a divided Congress, “We the People” no longer maintain the mainstay sail that keeps this Nation on course when it appears off course. Accountability is merely like a traffic light, a suggestion for some. See, take chances no cops around. But today, the fuzz buzz is right there taking names and numbers, but no one in power or wealth gives a rat’s ass. And of course the Founding Fathers did not ratify that U.S. Constitution without knowledge in understanding that a “psychopath” could one day cause a tyrannic revolt against “Democracy”, yet the 117th Congress has blinders on, with respect to how it is supposed to react to this Donald John Trump “coup coup c-goob”. He was the “boss hog”, he is the only responsible individual that should face the friction-factor of “Treason”. But more than likely, “We the People” will not see any semblance of punishment, except for the peons that flocked to the Capitol to hear the “tyrannic laser” of a psychopath on the warpath, then climaxed in a premature ejaculation riot. And let me make it a Simple Simon reckoning, that with a Congress that is in half-baked mood, with the GOP a lost cause and not contributing anything worthwhile, matter in fact aiding and abetting the enemy they are, well the actual “Destroyers of Democracy” finds it authentic voice with the Democrats. I would like to call myself a democrat, but how in hell can that be patriotic? When all the time the 117th Congress under the guidance of Nanny Nancy LousyLollaPelosi had all the power, all the ammunition all of the everything but missing still is a Patriotic conviction, no guts to hold Donald Trump accountable - except in a “report card”. And the experts are already saying, it will mean nothing to the DOJ just water-under-the-bridge to nowhere. Yes, tools as weapons mind you that could nip this “Treason” in the butt, tools that could quash this continued GOP interference, well it appears that LousyLollaPelsoi has decided to “choose your weapons” but to keep such tools , like the merits of McGrain v. Daugherty under lock and key - yes maybe a chastity-belt type hoarding. I am talking the Supreme Court backed case that allows for Trump and his cohorts to be “attached” - aka “ARRESTED” - if they refuse to answer for their actions. Yes, here we go again another Adam Schiff report card, many pages “Intentionally Left Blank” best used as TP before the expiration date. So it is LousyLollaPelosi that is the individual that is today aiding and abetting that enemy still on the loose, that was adamant at destroying the Founding Fathers “Dream” in DEMOCRACY. All the opportunities, some since that “Attack”, well the carnage continues as does the frontal lobotomy assault. The PYCHOPATH is winning and what do I have to say about that? Dear Pelosi, “shampoo my crotch”, Thank You Melvin!

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