Friday, November 5, 2021

Yes, $FINE$ the Trump Bastards!

 117th House of Congress, Resolution 406(Sponsored by Ted Lieu, 15 cosponsors);

(j)(1) Upon House passage of the resolution of contempt the contemnor shall be assessed by the body an initial penalty of not more than $25,000 and total penalties of not more than $100,000. The amount of the ultimate penalty depends on timeliness of the contemnor’s compliance in providing information withheld. The initial penalty of not more than $25,000 may be increased by the committee chair by increments of not more than $25,000 after a one-time waiting period of 10 calendar days from the initial penalty until the $100,000 maximum is reached. The 10-day period shall only be observed after the first penalty. Upon expiration of the 10-day waiting period, if the chair deems the measure of compliance by the contemnor is insufficient to satisfy the legislative needs of the committee, the chair may, over a period of not more than fifteen days, at his or her discretion, increase the penalty by increments of not more than $25,000 until the maximum is reached. Upon expiration of the 10-day waiting period, the General Counsel is authorized to recover any accrued penalties, but only if the contemnor has failed to comply with the subpoena before the end of such 10-day period. Nothing in this clause shall be interpreted to limit the ability of the House to impose additional legislative punishments on the contemnor for noncompliance.

“(2) “No appropriated funds, funds provided from any accounts in the Treasury, funds derived from collection of fees, or other Government funds shall be used to pay a monetary penalty imposed by the House under this clause.

“(3) “No person, group, entity, organization, or corporation may make payments to, reimburse or offer remuneration of any kind to compensate a contemnor for, or assist a contemnor in paying, any portion of a monetary penalty imposed by the House. Nor shall any person, group, entity, organization, or corporation be permitted to pay any monetary penalties directly on behalf of a contemnor. The House may regard such actions to compensate, reimburse or provide remunerations or payments to a contemnor as an obstruction of its investigative and information gathering prerogatives and responsibilities and a contempt of the House.

Wow, way to go Patriot Representative Ted Lieu and the 15-cosponsors of this bill. With this kind of “resolution” strategy in hand, it will make damn sure that individuals-of-interest subpoenaed by the U.S. Congress CAN NOT WILL NOT give a rat’s ass “I don’t care Do U” middle-finger and disregard any such “Inherent Contempt” for being a NO-SHOW, like with Steve Bannon and the rest of the thugs-in-tights.

The sad fact of this matter and according to reliable sources, this “House Resolution” is still in a “holding” pattern. Even though it was introduced by Ted in May of this year and immediately sent to the “House Rules Committee” for a simple vote of recognition due its significance following the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us attack at the Capitol, it seems to be DOA! That committee is “chaired” by Jim McGovern - a democrat - and that critical resolution to $fine$ the bastards to bankruptcy is being held up by the Majority Whip, some asshole named Stinky Hoyer. Which means it is being held up by the Big Knockers - Many Nanny Pelosi. The reason, I guess on the Mobius Strip it is “Treason”, just another Trump tactic with a "demoncratic" facelift.

What it really means, had this “resolution” been made onto the “Law of this Land”, by now Steve Bannon would be broke and begging to be heard, and all the rest of the “Turncoats” that are getting away with “Murder Most Foul” the same, begging on their hands and knees to spill the beans on Trump - now wouldn’t that be a talent showing! As then "all the kink's men and all the kink's whores couldn't put Trump's MAGA dildo backdoor into action again."

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