Monday, November 22, 2021

Select Committee's Lump of Coal

 11/21/21, 7:28 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: Larry
Last Name: Lousy Hat
Phone Number 202-456-1111


Dear Bennie Thompson as “Chairman” and the coveted members of the “Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol”;

 URGENCY - Happy Holidays

I would hope that during the “Holiday” recess that this “Select Committee”, if it really “pledges an allegiance” and rejoices in that “sworn to oath” responsibility to protect DEMOCRACY to the fullest extent possible as a call to duty, may it find a time out now for a serious take-a-look at Ted Lieu’s H.R. 406. Even though that “resolution” is stalled in “failure mood”, any “House Resolutions” moving forward under pressure may be outside this “Committee’s” purview in responsibilities, such interference in trespass to force feed the passage of this resolution not in delight to the House Speaker or House Leader or House Whip. But no excuse to not try, as no doubt the passage of this “resolution” is well beyond doubt in benefit to your “Committee’s” undertaking. Why this bill remains stalled is not what “We the People” take lightly, it points to a dysfunctional legislative body, especially when such a “resolution” is of utmost legal importance for the “Committee’s” work product. As passage of H.R. 406 would allow the “Committee” to be much more productive. That “resolution” should have found favor in timely passage before this “Committee” began its investigation in earnest, to move forward without it was premature and the way things are turning out so far with what has been produced by your investigation, my assessment is correct so DO NOT try to talk your way out of this dilemma of “subpoena” power impotency. I can only offer my concerns from that of an “outside observer”, as like so with the NO SHOWs ignoring the “subpoenas” your “Committee” has issued, this “Committee’s” practices in response in the same manner as that NO SHOW category, with its so far “Transparency” MIA! I for one am very tired and in turn frustrated to hear again and again that broken-record 15-seconds claim to fame by one of the “Committee’s” members showing up on MSNBC, same old story. And one would think that if this “Committee” were serious in its endeavors, at least a weekly update as a “press release” would be encouraging and indicate this “Committee” is still functioning instead of what appears to be an “asleep-at-the-wheel” of misfortune ere in judgment. That silence may indicate that you have secrets to conceal? Maybe bit off more then…

For sake of clarity, that “resolution” of concern is titled “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution”. And Jamie Raskin placed his signature of approval on that “resolution” way back in May of this year in the beginning of the 1st session with the 117th Congress, as a co-sponsor. So if you are interested in the specifics, give Jamie a jingle it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Matter of fact, Zoe was a signatory to that same “resolution” back in 2020 with the 116th, same title and sponsored by Mr. Lieu under H.R. 1029. That said, this means the second attempt by Mr. Lieu for a Simple Simon “House Rules Change” allowing for legislation that would surely benefit this “Committee”. Think of it this way, had that “resolution” been passed instead of gas passed here comes the blind commissioner, by now your “Committee” would be due $500k for Bannon and Meadows and Clark and the other thugs so far just slugs running off sniffing drain-pipes and reciting the Trump manifesto. OK, further in frustration that means 2-members out of 6 on the Democrat’s side as cosponsors of this legislation, even before this “Committee” came to be in selection. I’ll let you do the math on what percentage that means in “AYE” in favor the passage of that “resolution”. And with the $fines$ that could have been, I’ll do the math it means 1/3rd of the “Committee” members yearly Congressional salary confiscated from the thugs! Please ask Adam Schiff if he is also in favor of such legislation which allows your “Committee” to $fine$ the NO-SHOWS, if NOT then why NOT just asking for a Founding Fathers’ friend?

Now on a more serious note, as it appears those individuals that ignore your “Committee’s” subpoenas will also be free to enjoy the Holidays all the time continuing to break the law of “this land is my land this land is your land”. That “resolution” which should have been passed before your “Committee” committed to investigating that GOP driven Insurgency”R”Us of January 6th, IMAGINE how that tool could be used against those individuals that are ignoring “Congressional Subpoenas”. Sad, that somebody jumped the gun before insisting that this “resolution” get passed post haste before you began that motion to get individuals to answer questions under oath. So far your achievements in this area are a total disaster in failure. Maybe it was Nancy Pelosi that has stonewalled that “resolution” to the stale-mate dungeon of no-return as it would not be the first time, like already eluded upon this “resolution” was introduced by Ted back in 2020 under the 116th Congress. Had it been passed in either Congress like it should have been honored, it would have embraced and encouraged the merits of “Congressional Subpoena” in power and augmented that authority to compel testimony. And to reiterate, PLEASE have your MSNBC members STOP saying that the “Committee” is using every tool available to get to the bottom of that ATTACK on the Capitol, as that is an utter LIE. One final thought, for real Jamie Raskin is also a member of the “House Rules Committee” and that is where Lieu’s H.R. 406 is stalled? Tell Jamie to stick a cattle prod up that “Committee’s”…at least get Raskin to prod Chairman McGovern to get this “resolution” passed!

And to reinforce my stand this “using all available tools” is nonsense don’t try and pull that wool, to date your “Committee” has refused to embrace as an advantage one of this nation’s most conservative Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court. I am talking Van Devanter, in an opinion delivered with respect to McGrain v. Daugherty. For some reason I am suspect in that respect, as to why you are talking up a good Samaritan “charge” but when we see that there are other things already available that are also being poo-pooed, offers from the High Court setting precedence in efforts to make sure this “Committee” will not get stonewalled…it already happened because maybe Pelosi is afraid to confront the “Reality” that an ex-United States President committed “Treason”. If this were 1927 or any time before that or maybe if the 117th had the guts for glory, any sitting Commander-in-Chief that resorted to planning and executing an attack on the Congress, well the Donald John Trumps would be seen as that individual in the “False Prophets” silhouette of the shadow gallows as is found in Bob Dylan’s “Murder Most Foul” and “We the People Patriots” would be in celebration that DEMOCRACY lives on. The sad thing, it is the U.S. Taxpayers that are paying for your “Committee” to perform its duty, when it appears to this “New England Patriot” that someone on our side is a “Traitor” and supposedly throwing in some pattern of interference, it is not interference from Trump’s minions that are laughing about that NO SHOW subpoena that showed up in the mail. PLESAE get serious about this business your “Committee” has been “selected” to seek justice upon for the sake of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” in liberty of DEMOCRACY. And until such time your “Committee” and its members surrender its so far refusal to accept the jurisprudence of Van Devanter, you are not taking that January Insurgency”R”Us seriously, else the fact you are afraid to confront the true facts of the matter with tools that would provoke that “being afraid” even more afraid.

So before going home for turkey and stuffing, it is your duty to get H.R. 406 on the docket today, in an “Emergency Order Special Request” to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Leader Clyburn and House Whip Hoyer so it can be on the House floor upon your return to the Capitol for a quick passage. Matter of fact, postpone any and all scheduled “subpoena” hearings until such time that “resolution” is a “tool” at this “Committee’s” disposal, as then you will have something to brag about on MSNBC - when fines are assessed against those that ignore that motion to compel. It may not be the testimony your “Committee” seeks, hey the $money$ talks some semblance of success so not a lost cause. If the House leadership refuses to take it up, then we know the cowards amongst us and this will be the precipice for a failed investigation. I will take your refusal to try and move this H.R. 406 legislation forward on a “fast-track” also as cowardly.

And during this vacation, PLEASE take the time to explain to this “Patriot” why this “Committee” cannot accept the precedence set by this nation’s Supreme Court, with respect to “HOUSE ARREST” power targeting those that ignore a “Congressional Subpoena”, as is found in McGrain v. Daugherty. If it was good enough back some 90-years gone bye-bye by now, yes good enough for a Congress that found the House and Senate under Republican “Majority Rule” allowing the Sergeant-at-Arms to ARREST those that ignore a “Congressional Subpoena”. And to emphasize, the U.S. Supreme Court “concurred” upon such “ARREST POWER”, so why in hell are you wasting “We the People’s” time with this delay maneuver by taking your gripes to the DOJ?

So in ending, this “Committee” has two all important “tools” that should be can be at the “Committee’s” disposal, what is the problem?

Happy Holidays? Not when DEMOCRACY is still under ATTACK as the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us ATTACKERS-in-planning are free to harass your “Committee”, as the ignorance of those already “subpoenaed” is purely that “harassment” in practice and you are letting them get away with it.

STEP UP or STEP OUT? Your “Committee” already found that “STEP OUT” option with H.R. 406 and with McGrain v. Daugherty, but forgot to tell US!


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11/21/21, 7:29 PM Tip Line - Thank You | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Dear Constituent,

Thank you for contacting the Select Committee and sharing information regarding the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol. The Select Committee has received your submission and is prepared to follow up on the information you provided as appropriate. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission, unless we determine disclosure is required.

Sincerely, Bennie G. Thompson Chairman

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