Monday, November 15, 2021

Rubber Soul “Stamp”

Nowhere Man ring a bell with respect to a “Rubber Soul”? Well when Donald John Trump was acting as the Commander-in-Thief and had called into action his “Militia” in an unwelcome wreck-it-Ralph special, it meant unleashing havoc on the U.S. Capitol. Mind you, at the same time he was handing out those preferential “Pardon Me I Broke Wind” releases like there was no tomorrow. Yes, “Get Out of Jail Free” tokens of appreciation, just stand by your dick hand man! Matter of fact, so many requests from the “I Really Don’t Care DO U” White House, that the “Acting Pardon Attorney” could not keep up with the delusionary deluge that was diluting forever what a “Presidential Pardon” was all about in merit. And so swamped setting the swamp free, instead of a Real McCoy “John Hancock” to make official the “Presidential Pardon Me”, it came to be a rubber stamp affair without the flair of an ink pen. Instead of an actual signature that would authenticate any and all pardons as “Official”, a rubber stamp would suffice the madness. And instead like never witnessed before, many of the pardon documents - that which bears the official seal of the Department-of-Judgement - well we find where there shall be a signature, an italic like stamp from a computer robot, like is witnessed below:


Now, it appears anybody can now make up a “fake” pardon, as do you really think Donald remembers what he was doing during his final addition fatal attraction murder most foul, besides tearing apart Jackie Kennedy’s “Rose Garden”, his priorities were in sealing the fate of DEMOCRACY! That includes “fake” pardons!

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