Monday, November 1, 2021

Official G-Men Business - More

11/1/21, 12:48 PM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

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STEP UP or STEP OUT. The Select Committee should heed the warning and take the advice(TIP) of Representative Rueben Gallego(D-Az), that Merrick Garland is “failing” by sticking to “norms” by his so far NO SHOW on anything constructive with the January 6th invasion on the Capitol. But the Select Committee is allowing this to happen, this nonchalant attitude by the DOJ is dooming any chance “We the People” may see justice served before it is too damn late. Look where Donald Trump is today. Gaining in the polls, attending World Series games and setting the stage for another victory, because your “Committee” is demonstrating incompetency and by taking the DOJ dead-end street of desire…there is no time get it! And NO excuse how your committee is behaving in a ridiculous “Circus is in town” jokerman like attitude! And the way the District Courts have been called into action by Trump, for real is this “ordinary v extraordinary” legal crap what you are trying to defend with? Maybe you need to fire Mr. Speculation and hire some legal advice that knows what needs to be done, better then what you are now getting. The scorecard is blank for your committee. It is like you used that DOJ avenue for convenience, as a means to “punt” away this “mission” that is supposed to get to the bottom of who was behind this attack. So far your committee gets a “No Passing” grade. Nancy Pelosi should, and still has the time with her Majority gavel, had the courage to arrest Steve Bannon by sending the Sergeant-at-Arms with cuffs in a get tough promotion, as is allowed through “Inherent Contempt” charges. Why are you afraid to use a tool already at your disposal and approved by the Supreme Court? Of course it is allowed, that is what “habeas corpses” is all about! Arrest Bannon, then he can argue his rights. Arrest Jeffrey Clark, same thing with his right to be heard. While you are doing that, arrest the rest of the Trump’s pigsty and show US you are deserving convening this investigation, else “We the People” are getting screwed over some more. Bottomline you are showing the Americans that care that you don’t care and are cowards unto yourselves. Pinch yourself, Trump is wining, you are losing and we have only so much time to get it right. Forget about the DOJ. Forget about the courts, get tough or else I extend to your committee what Representative Gallego is preaching as the shoe fits, if you can’t stand the heat get out of Hell’s kitchen. To Beenie Thompson, Zoe Lofgren, Elaine Luria, Adam Schiff, Pete Aguilar, Stephanie Murphy and Jamie Raskin…STEP UP or STEP OUT!

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