Monday, November 29, 2021

LousyLollaPelosi "KY" Jelly

 Follow the $Money$?

How about instead follow the Desolation Road trail! Better instead, how about following the Nancy LousyLollaPelsoi Destructive Diarrhea trail, just follow the from-under stench, don’t need a GPS! Yes, as the Congressional latrine runneth over and the political waste is free-flowing its way to the cesspool of the Proletariats, “some people never worked a day in their life, don't know what work even means, well meet me at the bottom don't lag behind, bring me my boots and shoes” that’s us! As no matter what they tell us in the spirit of dereliction the duty to uphold our Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY, shat still rolls downhill! Look any Simple Simon Say’s “Fork’n Moron” can see that with this LousyLollaPelosi and her Democratic planned “Congressional Select Committee” investigating the January 6th GOP planned Insurgency”R”Us attack on the United States Capitol, it is so far by far well, “the blind commissioner is in a trance”! And with the Adam Schiff-for-brains and company, “so immaculately spiteful, one hand is tied the other in his pants” which means the “Committee” went off sniffing drain-pipes and reciting the pigsty-Latin alphabet. OK, let me Simple Simon renew the vows of the Constitution. And just yesterday, Adam decided to rename that waste of time as the “Cheerful Readiness Committee”? See, “Committee” member in “alacrity” Jamie Raskin was a co-sponsor of a House Resolution that would allow “Congress” to slap a sizeable $100000 fine on any citizen that refuses a “Congressional Subpoena”. Which means by now, with all the “subpoenaed “No-Shows”, about 100% of this “Committees” $monetary$ waste to date would have been supplemented not by the U.S. Taxpayers but from $fines$, from way back in September when LousyLolla went lighting farts for fun. OK, a brain fart with this “Select” membership in secrecy the “Jelly of the Month Club”. And NOT once did Raskin’s signature of approval find this co-sponsoring with Ted Lieu’s H.Res.406, but Raskin was on board in 2020 when that same title under 1029 was introduced, before the 116th and then the 117th Congress respectively. And so was Zoe Lofgren part of the “Jelly of the Month Club”, signing on to the Lieu bill, under H.Res.1029. But for some reason this “critical resolution” that would have provided temporary relief to the “Congressional Subpoena” power today constipated by a Peyronie’s hardship - it seems to have disappeared to the LousyLollaPelosi’s dungeon of doom. And low and behold, sure enough it is being held up in the “House Ruins Committee”, and low and behold Jamie Raskin is also part of that “Jelly of the Month Club” in membership. No wonder nothing gets done, as members of Congress are getting bed sores, just too many sitting “Committees” taste testing these “KY” jelly samples. So this is how DEMOCRACY gets the royal shat treatment “shaft”, when things that would be useful right now are sidetracked to the gutter, so it can end up in that cesspool. Like I said, Simple Simon stuff, that is being held-up for a reason I guess I would say there is “Treason” on both sides of the isle. See, if we have not the wherewithal to condemn Donald Trump and his dedication at planning that Insurgency”R”Us, then maybe Adam Schiff was right, if the Congress has not the power to indict this “Murder Most Foul”, then may as well just go home - and of course continue to collect a lucrative salary with benefits. They always leave that part of the equation untouched with these threats to play hooky. Now if you really want the stench, just ask LousyLollaPelsoi as to why she has not issued an “Arrest Warrant” for Bannon, for Meadows, for Clark and all the rest of the “Turdcoats” that have laughed out loud at these “Congressional Subpoenas” bearing the official signature of Beenie Thompson - he’s a “black guy” and do you really believe those White House Supremes in Supremacy care about a subpoena from one of thum - “N” word omitted. 

Look, there is a “Test Case” that finds very little difference from what is confronting the “Select Committee” today, through individuals ignoring an official “subpoena”. Wherein due such irrational defiance by the ignorant the “Congress” issued an “Arrest Warrant”. Yes a bonafide “House ARREST Warrant” was issued upon a subpoenaed “No-Show" and the Sergeant-at-Arms arrested the bastard. So of course when behind bars the criminal asked for leniency under “habeas corpus” and was set free by the court. But not too fast, as that release was immediately appealed to the “High Court”! And guess what, the U.S. Supreme Court was in agreement. It found that the U.S. Congress acting on its own accord, through either the House or Senate acting alone to investigate matters of Congressional concern, each held the exclusive power to issue a subpoena and if it went ignored then rightfully so issue an “Arrest Warrant” - the rest is history. It means NO DOJ interference required!

In McGrain v. Daugherty the finding in opine, Associate Justice Willis Van Devanter(Republican) wrote: “We conclude that the investigation was ordered for a legitimate object; that the witness wrongfully refused to appear and testify before the committee and was lawfully attached; that the Senate is entitled to have him give testimony pertinent to the inquiry, either at its bar or before the committee; and that the district court erred in discharging him from custody under the attachment”

So the ignorant bastard was arrested again and made to answer the investigator's questions in satisfaction of the Congressional Committee before being set free. And let us not forget, the Supreme Court does not review federal appeals court judgements that apply precedence set case law to rulings, not without a whole lot of remorse. So most likely if the Congress exercised its power to compel a witness under a subpoena and it went ignored, the Sergeant-at-Arms could be called upon to “Arrest”, aka “attachment” and the individual could be held behind bars until such time cooperation found the criminal providing testimony under oath. And of course any person under “Arrest” could try to exercise one’s inherent rights under “habeas corpus”, but the jury is already out with a verdict on what that means, sorry lock’m up! It's a done deal, it worked before, it will work again as the Supreme Court said so! The High Court is the guiding light in this matter and the "light" is shining bright "sea to shining sea" in jurisprudence.

So why is not Nancy LousyLollaPelosi acting in good faith, to follow the leaders that have already paved the way in the category of “Arrests” with precedence-set the Supreme Court has your back on this one? So again I ask why LousyLolla refuses to use this advantage to arrest Bannon and Meadows and Clark, because she is part of that Insurgency”R”Us…what else could it be? I would wager that she does not want the evidence to see daylight, as it may introduce some very embarrassing things like - like maybe she was made aware of this “Attack” in advance and did nothing because it was a new year and a new month and a “Special Delivery” from the “Jelly of the Month Club” found more interest.

And with this sugar high, well people were killed on that January 6th, and if LousyLolla was aware of it beforehand to any degree, well for doing nothing she is an “accomplice” to a crime - get it? So the delay tactic is working, not only for the Trump Team but maybe so for the other side of the isle and the way the court’s take the last train to Clarksville through time delays being abused by this Insurgency”R”Us Investigation, well do you really think the next-in-line 118th Congress will find any interest in keeping this “Select Committee”…hey Adam what “Jelly” did you get?

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