Saturday, October 9, 2021

Soylent Pink CUNTS & Wasps

Dear Responsible Moms;

Don’t let those trespassing “School Zone” street walking Soylent Pink “CUNTS” get you down, by yelling at you when just trying to perform as a “caring” parent. This “trespass” is a violation upon one’s Constitutional “Right” to be left alone in that pursuit to “life, liberty and happiness”. This bothering by the Soylent Pink CUNT MAGA bitches in bimbo brigade, no doubt promulgated by dead-end street MAGA Moron politics formulated by an unpatriotic “I Really Don’t Care DO U” inherent “harassment” and of course “spousal abuse”. It is like “Go call them school moms with masks rapist then get back home and cook me some grits and then fromunder shampoo my crotch”! Yes, through verbal diarrhea of the mouth such abuse, at our schools’ playgrounds mind you, that the N95K(kid size) you provide to your children as a preventative measure against the COvid, calling you out as a “RAPIST” for caring! Yes, street walking whoes of Tucker “The Fucker” Carlson, the FOX “Sucker Punch” pimp - it’s all about the $money$. So, be prepared, and take appropriate action even before idiots of the Fork’n Moron can get out the “R” word, take defensive action - carry a can of “Wasp Spray”! Yes, “Cheap Thrills” and effective, less expensive then “Bear Spray” providing “quick draw McGraw” protective action in a can. And wait there’s more, only $2.98 - less than a latte! With ease of application, a can of this stuff will protect you and your family and provide up to a 27-foot spray zone barrier, so you will not get intimidated so early in the morning as your kids go off to school to learn the ABC book of knowledge. You can rest assured a dousing release over the heads of would be “anti-vax’m anti-mask’m” assailants trying to harass your “peace & quiet”, these street walkers will be met with a rude awakening and thus a swift retreat. EPA approved, so no worries discharging this stuff. This is not premeditated, no intent, just protection against a faction of society missing the “civilized” ingredient, as like the Grinch stole Christmas Donald John Trump has stolen away the will of the “free people” and is provoking this harassment. Did you ever see such an “angrier” face? OK, maybe he gets no sex from the “I Really Don’t Care Do U” bitch in tennis elbow training. But this leftover faction of the Rex Tillerson Moron, in reality no different then wasted cum now a stain, it acts out its fantasy like a “Wasp” and instead of minding one’s own business, well you get the point the sting is…the buzz by is unsolicited. And realize this “early morning harassment” taking place at some schools sea to shining sea, it continues on as it is all part of the Moron’s Insurgency”R”Us bowel movement, designed to intimidate, designed to berate and designed to eliminate our Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY. Good luck, I fear not and welcome the challenge! “Don’t Tread On Me” is not some Moron spectacle!  So take the advice to protect yourself, your family and Fido. And if ever in trouble because you sprayed one of the Soylent Pink whores with the “Wasp” stuff, just say there was a bug in your midst and trying to sting your loved ones - it is called legitimate with leniency as the assailant foams at the mouth, because they refuse to wear a mask! And the school bell is ringing, so no time to be Mrs. Good Samaritan and lend medical assistance - YOUR KIDS COME FIRST! And this stuff is readily available at Home Depot and at end-of-season discounts! So instead of stopping for that coffee jolt after fending off these Fork’n Moron whores, do yourself and family a favor, get protection. It is z 1st Amendment “Right” and better then what zz 2nd can justify. Below is the kind of harassment I am talking about:

And in "Screaming Streaming" mood:

And for the guys that may be called away from the construction site to fend off the “whores” attacking your wife and kids, may I suggest the Stanley FatMAX Fubar 18” wrecking bar as side-arm protection when called to “duty”! Also available at Home Depot and remember moms, a great “stocking stuffer” for dad! We won’t let the Grinch steal Christmas ever again!

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