Friday, October 29, 2021

Official Government Business

10/29/21, 9:20 AM Tip Line | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol


Chairman Thompson is interested in any information regarding the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. We respect your need to remain confidential and will use your contact information only to follow up with you regarding your submission.

First Name: Stugots

Last Name: Scoregge nella mia testa


Phone Number: (202)-456-1111

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Dear Committee Chair Beenie Thompson and Mr. Adam Schiff-for-brains: Grow some balls, arrest these Trump subpoenaed bastards(under Inherent Contempt, that tool our Congress already has at its disposal and honored by the United States Supreme Court as “fit & justified”), send the Sargent-at-Arms to cuff those that are just playing games with your committee and playing games with my patience. That will get their attention, spending Turkey Day behind bars and breaking bread with Ted Kaczynski, else your committee is merely “breaking wind” any attempt to get to the bottom of the January 6th melodrama! And you are not being transparent to "We the People"! Mark Meadows is not cooperating, STOP lying to US. And this BS to give Trump’s pinion gear minion man Jeffery Clark more time from his October 13th subpoena, fuck his lawyer that abandoned the “stench” let Clark represent himself today as planned, don’t wait until another lame excuse surrenders away more of your committee’s knock-out punch. They are “buying time” on my dime! Look, if I wanted a cover up to the Trump stench, I would just listen to Marjorie Taylor Soylent Greene selling her LUME addiction. There is NO reasonable reason why you balked today with Clark, again and again and again same old broken record. Then again, maybe being Friday before Halloween you wanted to go home early so accepted Clark’s lullaby. STOP caving in, and since your committee was founded to investigate that January 6th attack, everything you have done to date has given Donald Trump more life! Appears your “Committee’s” accomplishments for this week are more of the same the previous weeks, NOTHING - Meadows and Clark, laughing up a storm. Whose side are you on this Patriot asks? I'm a Democrat, but the way your committee is getting nowhere fast, the "False Flag" crap may strangle my expectations as to what "Representation" is all about. If you had taken drastic measures already, instead of this Mr. Nice Guy in a chastity belt approach, then maybe goons of the Fuck'n Moron, like Tucker Carlson, they would have by now retreated to the FOX dungout. And the WSJ is posting the “Trump” lies? Your “Committee’s” so far “Do Nothing” approach, it is instilling "Hope" to the cowards, as you are also cowards in your actions and or inactions it all looks good in a golden tie pressor and if Trump continues to gain ground and is re-elected, you are to blame! And why has not the “Committee” been more adamant on helping Ted Lieu pass H.R. 406? That allows you another tool to $fine$ these “NO SHOW” bastards. Raskin was a signatory of that bill and also on that bill’s predecessor, 1029. Why has he failed to advocate a push to amend the “House Rules” this valuable consideration forward through the “Rules Committee”? What is Nancy Pelosi afraid of? What is the “Committee” afraid of, sorry if I did a Jimmy Two Times on this being “afraid”, but it surely seems a “no confidence” vote the performance of your “Committee” so far. Matter of fact, maybe Raskin should recuse himself away from any further proceedings of your petri-dish committee in experiment, maybe there is a conflict-of-interest as Ted Lieu knows what is needed to calm this “Insurgency”R”Us and like me an advocate of the “Inherent Contempt” at your disposal. Use it, else we loose it. Sad that Raskin did not promote to advance this “Resolution” before the “Committee” was gaveled in by Pelosi, as the $fines$ maybe would have been a deterrent, to confine the Trump minions away from playing hooky with justice. It is like your entire committee is afraid to really prove to Americans that you mean business. This sucks, and everyday you continue to prove that a “Do Nothing Congressional Committee”…hope you get the point have a great weekend I know I won’t as another week has gone by with the only thing accomplished by your “Committee” is a continuation of that same old divide by zero “ERROR”, aka TILT!

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