Friday, October 22, 2021

House Arrest Release

House Arrest Release, 10/22/2021: As evidence is arrested by the House of Nancy’s Select Committee investigating the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us down-under fromunder scum bags associated with the Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy GOP, due “government transparency” that evidence must be released to the public - under the catch & release program. Below find a link to a recorded phone conversation during the January 6th “coup d’état at our Capitol, between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene(RE*-GA) and Rep. Lauren Boebert(RE*-CO) - it is in the redacted form to protect privacy so what remains remains to be seen if beneficial for public review. WARNING: If you become nauseated listening to this conversation supporting that Insurgency”R”Us, it is recommended that you douche yourself with LUME.

RE* Republican Eunuch Party 

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