Wednesday, October 20, 2021

HELP WANTED: Good Lawyers

Too bad “We the People” don’t have some kind of mechanism to “Guaranteed Results or Your Money Back” posture when it comes to undertakings by the U.S. Congress. So, the House of Nancy’s Select Committee regurgitating the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us is in need of Constitutional law scholars…it is to damn late! It’s like going to a circus without a clown. See, “give them an inch they take a yard, give them a yard they take a mile” - Nesta said that. But for Trump’s legal team minions, today it is with a smile “give them a week they take a month, give them a month they take a year” - I said that. See, Steve Bannon is still a free-man because this “Select Committee” is acting like a “Reject Committee” the way it thinks it understands the “law”. Hear about that young woman that was raped on an Amtrak while other passengers did nothing? No different then how this 117th Congress goes about the important things. Out-of-sight out-of-mind appears to be Speakeasy Nancy’s gavel approach. OK, Representative Jamie Raskin(D-MD) should be held in “Contempt of We the People” and I will get to my reasoning behind that concern. Look, I am a Bernie Sanders follower and have not the time of day for this Trump Dysentery Dynasty and his free-loading MAGA maggot following. But when we see irregularities in Congress, we must speak out. This cajoling by the “Select Committee” with the subpoenas, you cannot have your cake and eat it to! When Bannon and Meadows and Scumvino and the Cross-eyed Punjai were NO SHOWS, on October 14th and 15th respectfully, why the Sergeant-at-Arms was not dispatched to make arrests(s) is unclear. Even though the Sergeant’s top aide was being investigated for kid pornography, it is still not a NO SHOW excuse. Yes, the cuffs should have been hounding Bannon. But history will someday report that the NO SHOW was followed in earnest by another NO SHOW, the latter our very own lawmakers. But this notion that Steve Bannon does not have preferential presidential immunity, so is required to “spill the beans” under a subpoena because his Boss Hogg is no longer in the White House, this is a preposterous disposition. Of course Donald John Trump can still hide things, all he has to do is claim “National Security Secrecy” stature through the statutes, that he cannot disclose certain things else it would expose trade secrets essential to our nation’s pornography cache. And if Bannon or Meadows or Scumvino or the Punjai were involved with anything Trump will now claim as “confidential”, they too can claim the same damn privilege. They have to, else it is called “Treason”! So I must warn Americans, Trump is right-on in his assessment of his “Presidential Privilege” to protect America. Look, maybe he does not want the world to know that on a certain date he had explosive diarrhea and shat all over the “Oval Office”, he is protected by HIPPA just like you and I. So Trump will now take his “privilege” challenge through the courts and that buys time as one thing we have come to realize, Trump is an expert at weaponizing the delay tactics inherent with the numerous court motions at his disposal, when engaged in the legal arena Trump’s pastime and to his advantage. And the fact that the “Reject Committee” went down this dead-end street with the subpoenas, don’t hold your breath we will see any worthwhile evictions with this Insurgency”R”Us stuff. Instead I suggest you arm yourself to protect your family against the “MAGA mob mentality” by having a stash of “WASP” spray readily available, at your home and in your car and in that baby carriage - as it does the job of getting rid of pests from 27-feet away and is non-staining. See, when Meadows and Scumvino and Punjai were also NO SHOWS for their scheduled “depositions” under oath, well the “Select Committee” now tells us they have been engaged in talks with these goons? They missed the hearings, they are buying time and by allowing this to occur, it now sets precedence with the “Select Committee”. Basically speaking, that House of Representatives “Select Committee” just dropped a bomb on the power of that subpoena. That what comes around goes around and basically speaking, this “Reject Committee” has forever and ever ruined the wherewithal of a “subpoena”. A subpoena is not a bargaining chip, it is a tool of the law in abiding the merits of jurisprudence. Through their own actions or inactions, our very own Democratic Congress is allowing for “lawlessness” to become a “norm” sea to shining sea. Look, Bannon can now claim that there was preferential treatment for the others, and no court in the land will argue against that - even if the laws condemn not showing up for a deposition under a valid subpoena, wherein the 5th can be exercised. The law is confusing in this “opine”, so just another excuse for Bannon to use when push comes to shove. But the sad fact of the matter and why I believe that Jamie Raskin should be held in contempt in the “Kangaroo Court of Opinion”, well he never should have voted “Ale” on holding Steve Bannon in “contempt”. He should have maintained the decency to “recuse” himself. Why so this interest in “Contempt”, well Raskin was a signatory on a House Resolution(actually twice of record, once before the 116th[H.R.#1029] and now tried again before the 117th Congress[H.R.#406]), that which is still before the “House Rules Committee” that which should have been fully vetted before this “Contempt” distraction headed for the “barn”. This “Resolution” would have strengthened the “Congressional Inherent Contempt(CongInherCont)” wherein all this un-necessary eavesdropping by Merrick Garland’s DOJ out-of-bounds in consideration a jurisdictional concern. The “CongInherCont” is all inclusive already the “law of this land”, it needs no outside interference to uphold the law. Matter of fact, the “House or “Senate” can act on its own accord to use this allowance, to ARREST! Raskin should have forced passage of the standing and stagnated resolution issue first, get that instrument passed, because in not doing so it acted like a sucker punch. By the “Select Committee” using another time consuming and U.S. Taxpayers $funny money$ option, it casts doubt on the “Resolution”. Raskin knew that, else Lawrence Tribe failed in teaching law, and Jamie should have resigned away from that Ted Lieu resolution, before entertaining moving forward to find Bannon in “Contempt”. See, Congress already yields a Big ‘Un gavel when it comes to taking action upon those disregarding a Congressional subpoena. At its disposal already, the “Inherent Contempt” allows for Nany Pelosi to instruct the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest anybody that ignores a subpoena, like a NO SHOW. Now many may think the cuffs too awkward for Congress - look Kevin McCarthy would never hesitate to hand-cuff Barack Obama if the opportunity - it could happen if the House is taken over by the louses. But had Nancy instructed the Select Committee to play hardball instead of chicken little consistent with the fact that some honorable representatives had a bill to strengthen Nancy’s police force, that “resolution” should have been front and center of attention, to force it through and then Congress would have held the same damn power as the DOJ when it comes to “Contempt”. And it does not allow the criminals to buy more time, like is now the case with the DOJ getting involved. Look, Garland is a disgruntled lawyer that will never sit on the Supreme Court, so he will throttle his Attorney General power to circumvent - a one man ARMY will self-destruct. We had a solution to Steve Bannon already, we blew it - they blew it what are they afraid of? And there is nothing wrong with this approach, to use the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest those that defy a Congressional subpoena, as anybody in cuffs has by virtue of the U.S. Constitution an “inherent” individual protection clause, it is called due process in “Habeas Corpus”. Which means anybody under arrest and incarcerated is allowed for a “speedy trial” before a judge, no jury, and if the judge finds that a person willfully with intent was a NO SHOW for a subpoena, that which the Congress can administer, case closed enjoy your time behind bars. OK, this would have set an example to anybody facing a Congressional subpoena now and forever hold your peace. Sad, that we have at our disposal tools provided by the Founding Fathers, yet some are trying to destroy our heritage. And by having resolutions lost in limbo because Nancy Pelosi has not taken ownership of her mess, this every which way but loose imposes a chaos and I have the gut wrenching feeling our representation is not serious about this Insurgency”R”Us faction or else does not give a rat’s ass - said again buy some WASP spray, it’s the end of the season so discounts galore.


Despicable Nancy - No Knockers Congress

The 117th U.S. Congress Update: October 19, 2021 and that equates to 155 + 477 degree days in dereliction. It means the House “minority” can just sit back and collect a $174000 wage as the “majority” self-destructs. Matter of fact, no need for the “minority” to even make a show at the office as the truant officer is under a child pornography gag order…look nobody is watching and just use the Doctor’s excuse, that the January 6th Insurgency”R”Us scares you, so just stay home. Matter of fact, look for more jumping ship to the other-side, as “Uncle Sam Needs You” no work and full pay time to play, WTF? It means that a “Do Nothing Congress” is getting even better at doing nothing, even for its own kind! See, on May 17th of this year in the roll-call of Mr. Lieu with Mr. Welch with Mr. Rush with Ms. Jackson Lee with Ms. Jayapal with Mr. Carson with Mr. Swalwell with Mr. Connolly with Ms. Schakowsky with Mr. Quigley with Mr. Neguse with Ms. Dean with Mr. Cicilline with Mrs. Demings and Mr. Raskin, as members in good standing the 117th Congress, they filed an intent to show that the “House of Nancy” means business. Wherein these sponsors of a House Resolution 406 titled “Congressional Inherent Contempt Resolution” wanted to change the “House Rules” through a “simple majority of the majority”, to allow the inherent power of Congress to grow some balls. Instead of a “floor vote”, Speaker Nancy instructed the measure to go to the “House Rules Committee”, wherein one would think it would allow for a quick resolution, no floor time no nothing just change the rulebook - case closed Congress then had the balls to do something. It was a “resolution” that would have allowed the “House” acting on its own accord to hold citizens in “Contempt of Congress” for defying a subpoena. That “Resolution”…IMAGINE had Nancy taken it seriously and made sure that by now the “House Rules Keeper” had made damn sure that Steve Bannon could not then get away with…it’s a crying out loud shame. For 155-days gone bye-bye by now, NO ACTION NANCY is proving to US that she is forgetful, or else Bannon has the goods on her. OK, nayswayers, there exists a whole lot of “Resolutions” it takes time. Matter of fact, Ted Lieu floated this same bill then recognized as H.R. 1029 under the same damn title back in 2019 under the 116th U.S. Congress in its 2nd season, with Mr. Neguse with Mr. Raskin with Ms. Dean with Mr. Cicilline with Mrs. Demings with Mr. Swalwell with Mr. McNerney with Ms. Wild with Mr. Connolly and Mr. Cohen. That was 477 days gone away by now. See, since Nancy did not take it seriously this “Contempt of Congress”, that resolution never made it anywhere except to the “trash bin” and it appears the current status is the same, DOA. Why? There is no fathomable reasoning why this resolution is stalled again. So it is a shame, that Nancy Pelosi, with not one big gun but two big ‘un gavels…they don’t give a rat’s ass what we think!

And this BS to hold a late Tuesday vote to hold Bannon in “Contempt”, well good luck as Bannon has it all figured out no judge in this land is going to hold him accountable for being a NO SHOW for that Select Committee subpoena, as he is just protecting the Constitutionality of a President. According to Bannon's lawyer Robert Costello, Bannon would not cooperate with the committee until an agreement was reached between the committee and Donald Trump in regard to his privilege claims.

"Until such time as you reach an agreement with President Trump or receive a court ruling as to the extent, scope and applications of the executive privilege, in order to preserve the claim of executive and other privileges, Mr. Bannon will not be producing documents or testifying," and there is no judge in “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” there is no jury in “This land is my land this land is your land” that would not side with Bannon.

So Nancy is blowing the opportunity to show the American people what Congress is all about.


Preet “The Pretender” Bharara

Preet “The Pretender” Singh Bharara, please do not take wooden-nickel shots at Joe Biden, not on my watch. Your verbal excrement about “I am betting”, you are no different then the Bob Woodwards and the Robert Costas that flirt with fraud just to be heard to make a buck, “speculating” without a single iota of evidence in truth and it offers up but for a single thing, it erodes away at the foundation of the Founding Fathers’ Democracy. What Joe Biden said about the DOJ holding those that defy a Congressional subpoena in “Contempt”, it is because he believes in it so do I. It was not an off the cuff remark without a thought provoking challenge. I am a proud American, born here and unlike you have a deeper appreciation for “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”. Just because you studied law, well I worked my entire career in the trenches - buddy can you spare a dime mean anything to you? The only mistake I see in your comments about Joe the fact you are a loser and no longer have a stage to entertain folks. Do me a favor, get carried away carry yourself back to Firozpur!

What Joe said(the exchange with CNN):

Asked by CNN's Kaitlan Collins what his message is to those who refuse subpoenas from the panel, Biden said, "I hope that the committee goes after them and holds them accountable." Pressed on whether he thinks those people should be prosecuted by the department(DOJ), the President said, "I do, yes."

What freaky Preet the pretender said in response:

"I am betting [Biden] regrets it," replied Bharara, when asked by CNN's Jake Tapper if it was a mistake for Biden to say that. "...It was an unfortunate error...I think it was a mistake, but I don't think we should get carried away with it because I think he regrets saying what he said."

And in ending, a song for the occasion that seems to fit Preet, Nancy and Jamie Raskin:

Oh yes, I'm the great pretender (Woo-woo)
Pretending I'm doing well (Woo-woo)
My need is such I pretend too much
I'm lonely but no one can tell

Oh yes, I'm the great pretender (woo-woo)
Adrift in a world of my own (woo-woo)
I play the game but to my real shame
You've left me to dream all alone

Too real is this feeling of make-believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Oh yes, I'm the great pretender (Woo-woo) 

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