Wednesday, October 6, 2021

GOP Insurgency"R"Us Update 10/6

GOP Insurgency”R”Us update for Wednesday October 6th, 2021.

According to a broken spoke for the GOP Insurgency”R”Us - aka Confederates - that faction does not want to go forward while reverting back to the days before Donald John Trump - aka Funk’n Moron. When Barack Obama, a black man was the Commander-in-Chief and that is what Nikki Nikita Haley is getting at. As Black Leaders Matter NOT to this faction. In the days before the Moron Economy, “We the People Patriots” stood on solid ground, with due respect our DEMOCRACY. But then all hell broke loose, I mean explosive diarrhea broke down the “Union’s” protective levee and that is what Nikki Nikita Haley wants even today, DIARRHEA runneth over our Founding Fathers’ DEMOCRACY, as the Insurgency”R”Us consider coprophilia a pastime sport along with their narcissist “I Don’t Care Do U” gameplan supplemented by  necrophilia and beastiality.


Impotent email to Insurgency”R”Us leader Jim “Soiled Jockstrap Rat” Jordan:

Dear Jim “Soiled Jockstrap” Jordan; For over a week now the House committee investigating the January 6th GOP Insurgency”R”Us, that committee has been unable to locate Dan Scumvino in efforts to serve up a criminal element subpoena. As part of your American “duty to country” as a member of that House of ill-repuke, would you please check under the pile of soiled jock-straps in your D.C. office, as that may be a good hiding place for the Scumvino. I mean no one would ever even think of looking there, especially when the jock-strap pile also contains guys in soiled panties gatherings. It worked for you on that day in January in hiding from the Insurgency”R”Us maddening crowd, so maybe somebody in your office tipped that aid of the Fuck’n Moron off, as a good place to hold out. Question, do you prefer the strap or panties for femdom protection? Asking for a friend named Donald.


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