Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Friday the 13th COvid Special

Yes, scary, this iPhone the 13th! Appears this technology will soon be weaponized to…let’s not go there yet. OK, maybe it is already a weapon of mass hysteria surprise you’re addicted. “But your honor, I can’t keep my hands off my pad or my eyes on the road”! And I went in interest the significance of the phone’s 13th edition, as I have out of choice not by virtue of any political affiliation strayed away from this foolish technology that “cajoules” us into this unquenchable “must have updates” fantasy. No not a spelling burp, as I meant “joules” from a scientific standpoint. It is a distinguished phenomenon, wherein an electrical field converts its inherent energy into heat and a very common thing that is used daily as part of our daily bread worship. I have a flip-phone that I use very sparingly, as I can find much better things to do with my retirement plan, like drink beer at 4pm. And I always have a 3-day weekend, the phone in “silence”. And the flip is coming back into style, my gain. Now I am not trying to discourage this “must have” technology that allows grandparents to see pictures of the kids from far and away at a moment’s notice “beep beep”, or the fact “Alexia Alerts” can be at a mom’s fingertips in a heartbeat…need a recipe for tonight or just too busy so a take-out is in order, not a problem let your fingers…and all this stuff is cached neatly away in the Terabyte Kingdom of that hand-held machine. By God my gaude for real “cache takes cash” and that invisible glue of Ma Bell’s, wow can’t shed the hand hold on that cell mate. Now overseeing the overshadowing the intelligence of modern day man, this phone thing is not really a “phone” it is a “mean and mighty flip-flop machine” with a platform disguised as a “phone”. Always a hoot when one of the 200-devices we have as a necessity, the specifications call it out by “flops per second” please explain that to the truant officer. But this Bony Moronie iPhony, it is a “thing” with 3-cameras as well as a semi-conductor credit card that can be used by 13-year old kids. The CPU brainiac power is a robot army without arms or legs and it appears the age old saying “2-pounds of shat in a 1-pound bag” you still can’t teach an ol’ yeller new tricks. And this gismo works at a “white lightening” speed that most cannot comprehend and how many zeros in memory? But what’s a “nit” never mind a “bit” don’t confuse the “byte”? So, have at it if you need it, but in my book just another device we don’t need on a 24/7 basis that which helps the techno-canopy consume and control the “green we still see” sea to shining sea and all across the globe nowadays. I mean, even in the Mumbai slums of India you may not have any privacy living in a 20x20 shack with 20 other family members, but you have your very own cell phone - and most likely a “smarty” at that as it is encouraged by the government. What in hell’s evil kitchen am I talking about with this “Oh say can you see green”? Look, sure it looks healthy from the outside when one looks around when not engulfed in the surround around, as when out an about today you are surrounded by everybody else tuned into something. Today, seems everybody is minding thy own business, it’s the cell phone that is fixating that drama. People are glued to the flat-top, no need trying to be nice anymore with a Simple Simon “hi” as it goes unacknowledged most of the time. But it is what we cannot see that may be confusing you. Something us old dudes know is there that should be a “Red Alert” for all of us. No doubt, that this “canopy” of chaos that now surrounds us, herein exists the problem. See, we understand that the power level from these wannabe phone devices, it has not much of an effect on the human body as a whole, due the “body mass index” which remains in the 60% moisture content content range. No, the latter was not a Jimmy Two Times, it relates to a state of mind, just read it slowly it will sink in what I am trying to tell you is slow-down, that e-mail will not disappear and that zoom crowd can wait! Put your damn phone down and give your brain and hand a break to be natural for once! Basically speaking, the oscillating frequency of the canopy’s energy domain to keep us connected in “can you hear me now” fascination even while we get the ZZZs, that which surrounds us and consumes us like a comfort blanket, that energy level cannot boil us to death. Look, when in the midst of this “canopy”, we are no different then a lobster thrown in a pot of boiling water. OK, not that bad off as it is time proven well proven beyond any hesitation since the first “bag phones” started to encroach on society that the energy for Ma Bell’s success has no side effects. Measurable “side effects” that is, as it can be argued with supply & demand there is always a cause & effect relationship. Of course off course it has an effect, by those directed radio waves out and about every which way but loose, but generally speaking not nearly enough energy excitement to get excited over. Our bodies are under constant surveillance, under constant bombardment by the radio waves that swing from cell phone tower to cell phone to tower to…like Tarzan out and about in the jungle “canopy”. The same holds tougher true even today, with more cell phone towers being erected and more cells phones in use then there are humans walking around, so case closed it doesn’t hurt to get constantly bombarded by these miniature subterranean blues burst outs. We humans can take it, maybe by virtue of nature’s design the fact besides dust to dust we are like a fruit or vegetable in water content saturation, so be it. It is the water molecules that provide for a safety net, wherein we can absorb Ma Bell’s abuse. Yes, today we live in an invisible “canopy” from our desire to “stay connected” wherein that addiction does not even allow for a time of deflation relaxation, so good thing it is a weakling force. But NOT so fast, as even though we have beat to death to test for the side effects these communication gizmos could or would have on our homo-sapien species in health, well what about other living things? Take a COvid specimen as our interactive example, alive and still well and living like a blood sucking leech in the sneeze of a human in exchange with another human, an existence that is about 5-quadrillion times smaller in comparison the overall mass of a human, in the same damn “canopy”. So now we have an entire different scenario with this “mass”, yes a mess! In that “gesundheit”, there exists living things that thrive and thus survive the nose blow, and if the Ma Bell “energy canopy chaos” is such that it offers an alignment, what is called a natural resonance frequency window, well guess what Mr. COvid gets a “booster shot” by taking advantage of this advantage made allowable by nature and thus jumps ship to the next customer. OK, it gets booted and can survive, not on its own accord but enough “umph” until it finds another victim, that which either accepts the invasion or expels it, and if conditions are right with the “canopy”, here we go round the pandemic bush! Under normal conditions, a COvid let loose by a sneeze, it would die in about…to small an interval to measure. But if the energy of the canopy is in alignment, from what is occurring with the masses connected all the time, it can give the COvid creature a “boost” and here we are today, rampant COvid. So this COvid creature may have been with us for a long, long time and never amounted to anything worthwhile but cast away as “spit” and DOA even before it hit bottom. But has the “canopy” gotten to a critical point of excitement, and causing this pandemic? Mr. COvid did not all of a sudden make a show, and become a show-stopper, nature does not work that way else we would have been 6-feet under a long, long time ago. So it was here, but not a bother because it held no chance of surviving the norms of everyday life in the fast lane, it was never a flight risk. But when one considers the size of the COvid, and when one considers that size can be influenced by its surroundings, even under random excitation, there is the possibility of synchronization with elements provided by the “canopy” made possible by the ever-increasing desire for cell phones and maybe, just maybe the COvid is inclined to follow the path of least resistance, using the canopy’s energy domain to escape death. It acts just like a jockey in pursuit of a position of strength, a skip hop and a jump until it finds a safe haven, another human wherein it can inflict pain & suffering per its design upon the immune system, thus successful in harm and or thrive for another day, and the cycle starts all over again. This is the reason “outbreaks” still cannot be determined by social gathering models, to the point it makes scientific sense. We have great scientific knowledge, yet we are way behind any understanding how this nemesis has gotten to the point of taking a hold of society. Because it came about so sudden and by process of elimination, what was occurring around that time that our “tranquility” was disrupted by this funny looking creature? Need I say more. But instead of getting to the root of the problem, as we would never obey any “cell phone use restrictions” or even think about curtailing the use of that addiction, we will instead find a solution wherein we can live in harmony with Ma Bell! OK, you may not see that canopy, but just ask an electrical engineer to show you what it looks like under a spectrum analysis, a test instrument that has been around for a 100-years. And because of the cell-phone use today, there exists many elements that make up the “canopy” in “flux” and there exists the possibility that under the right conditions at the right time, it may provide a “boost” for a COvid creature in the right place. So it seems to be this “canopy” that is contributing to the COvid in a “live free or die” consideration. And in the meantime, as the “canopy” enjoys this COvid because cell phone use and WiFi use have escalated with the pandemic, enjoy your iPhone 13th during this Halloween, when Friday the 13th means something of significance as this COvid monster is just that, a monster on the loose. Now one last thing before signing off. Why in hell does a 13-year old need a cell phone that acts as a credit card? Isn’t there laws against child abuse? Of course not, if there were maybe we could get this COvid under control without all this fuss over vaccines and booster after booster for how many years to come? OK, the saving grace hopefully, as the “canopy” grows and the energy domain finds redistricting through such change, there may come a critical juncture wherein the COvid finds no help and is once again sent to the grave. If the “natural frequency” and “energy envelope” grows beyond what the COvid can use as a “boost”, we are then free and clear to enjoy society as we once did. The only problem, is there another “Monster” waiting in the wings for the “canopy” in change to act as an accomplice?

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