Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Woman, NIGGER of the World

TEXAS LEGISLATURE 2021 - Gov. Greg Abbott signs into law SB8, one of the nation’s strictest abortion measures, banning procedure as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, effective as law on September 3rd, 2021.

Wow, gives “Labor Day” new meaning! In October, we will celebrate the 50-anniversay of John Lennon’s “IMAGINE”, and the popularity of that song would soon mastermind another celebration of life of what Lennon had learned us when he was still alive, that “Woman is the Nigger of the World”.

TEXAS LEGISLATURE 2021 SENATE BILL 8, reads as follows: Woman is the slave to the slaves. We make her bear and raise our children. Woman is the nigger of the world, yes she is. When she's young we kill her will to be free. Woman is the nigger of the world.

...and I'm Greg Abbott and I approve this message!

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